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Chronic FatigueFatigue



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic fatigue Page 2 of 2

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So after a month i got to realise that i had overdosed lycopodium so i need to stop it. But i think it was too late. Bcoz my anxiety issue never got fully solved after that. I tried many antidotes like pulsatilla, nux vomica etc etc to reduce its effect but anxiety did not completely vanish away because now my brain new how to get anxiety in order to avoid fear. After that in one year i took various homo medicines such as argentum nit to reduce fear, various nutrition medicines to gain back my health such as various metals, minerals etc etc. Though these medicines helped me gain my health back and my original state of mind back but they have failed to get my original body back. After these many years i have become intolerant to high nutritional value foods and alcohal. Also my body has become to slow to heal any wound.

Recently i visited some commercial homeopath in different city that is very famous for his experience. I just told him whenever i exercise my body heats up very high and takes long time to cool down and my hunger is gone whenever i excercise aggresively. So he gave me some medicine LB 30. He writes the name of medicine on paper and gives that paper to his nurse to provide medicine from his medicine department.
After coming home i took that medicine in the night. Next morning i woke up as original man i used to be 3-4 years back. My whole fatigue due to little exertion was gone. Before that when i climbed stairs in my house my heartbeat would raise and i had to breath heavily. On that morning i had completely no problem in climbing as many stairs as i would want. Also wound healing was so fast like my body was waiting for that medicine. Also anxiety was gone and fear returned back little bit, but i was happy with that.
But when i repeated the dose of medicine it stopped working gradually and everything returned.
After searching the name of medicine on internet i thing it might be some lithium. The homopath would not tell me name of medicine as he is a commercial doctor.
So this is my story. I am stuck with this in my life. I want to exercise and have full build and everything. But my life got stuck especially after i took lycopodium. It feels as if the natural flow of body has stopped and lycopodium is restricting my body to attain its full potential.
I want to add that i have taken every antidote on internet except opium which i have learnt is dangerous.
I gained my life when i took that LB 30 medicine. I pity myself why i repeated the dose.
baniya 6 years ago
yes you have generalized anxiety disorder, keep doing other things as before, also do,

Astrological Colour therapy is to take 2 white transparent bottle (plastic or glass), colour them with GOLDEN YELLOW colour, fill them with water and keep in open sunlight, use that water for drinking.

0antivirus0 6 years ago
I overdosed lycopodium 2 years back and because of that i am still suffering from all this. If i take causticum now will it antidote all lycopodium side effects now also ?
Or it is permanent now.?
Can somebody please answer this.
baniya 6 years ago

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