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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Adrenal fatigue,autonomic dysfunction-POTS(postural ortostathic tachycardia

Hello my name is Barbora 23 years old female.
Problems started after prolonged stressfull job,moving to different country.
My biggest issues is adrenal fatigue and POTS, HPA axis dysfunction, intolerance to sstress. Ruminating intrusive thoughts, nervousness, hypervigilance, fast heart rate 70-80 BMP in after stand can go 140 BPM
Adrenaline rushes from low blood pressure, dizziness, dry mouth, cold feet, heat intolerance- temperature regulation problems. -(autonomic problem)digestive issues-bloating, slow digesting.
Hormonal issues-PMS, hair loss, lower cortisol in morning, high evenings and night, thyroid ok, progesteron almost non existing- stress

Mood and mental problems- all the time restless feeling, can't exhale deeply,can't be calm
Anxiety-rumanation, intrusiv thoughts, problems with concentration, jealousy, insanity, envy other that can work and live normally.
Anhedonia of love, happiness,joy.

I care about what others think and say about me- I am nervous and stress from this a lot.
I am hard on myself, perfectionist
A lot of fears of my own thoughts that will return.

Because of POTS and anxiety Insomnia, if I am sleeping just with melatonin and walking a lot with vivid dreams.

I am having a lot of fears.

I will be really grateful if someone has experience with healings pots
  Caleidoscopioo on 2021-06-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I saw your other post of 2019
What was the effect of Nat Mur 1 M which you had taken
How long does it take for you to get the homeopathic medicines
Don’t bother what people think and even talk about you
Life is to be lived and not thought about
Nobody is perfect so take it easy
Start wit Nux Vomica 200 02 -30 /drops in water / 03 pills thrice a day half an hour before meals for three days
Day four take a single dose of Cactus G 200 05 pills / 05 drops in water
Revert on day five morning
[Edited by Kaps on 2021-06-02 01:49:25]
Kaps 3 years ago

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