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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



I have for quite sometime suffered with small redish pimples which seem to appear more often on my chin and around my mouth. I find that when I eat sugars i.e a big slice of cake I get small whiteheads on the lips. I also get these pimples on my forehead but I have noticed that they come up only when I stop taking milk thistle. I had dry skin on my cheeks but have cured this taking Sulphur 30C two tablets sucked on the tongue 4 times a day. I find that they appear more during my period.

Now I would like to cure these reoccuring chin pimples.

Questions that I found on this site that I thought might helped if I answered them:

How severe your acne is mild (papules), moderate (whiteheads, blackheads, and pustules), or severe (tubercles and cystic):- My acne is very mild. I get small red raised pimples on my chin sometimes with whiteheads.

Do they suppurates quite much :- no

Do they itch quite much. :- no ithching

Do they are painful. :- No there are not

What are their color reddish, bluish, reddish-bluish, or green. :- Reddish

Do they are affected by menstrual cycles or they have any relation to menses. :-
increases during menses.

Do warmth and heat affect them. :- Yes

1. Age when the first menses started. :- 12

2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night? :- Constantly

3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin? :- No

4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable. :- Dark brownish red

5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky). : The first 2 days is thick and heavy.

6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty), :- Alot at the start and then calms down

7. Regular or irregular. :- Regular

8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late :

9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days). 7 days

10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses. :- I tend to get pain during the first 2 days which is relieved by a hot water bottle and taking mag phos.

General Evaluation

1. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? :- Normal

2. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?:- Often Hungry

3. How sleep, how are your dreams? :- Interrupted sleep, dreams I don't remember

4. What are your other main sufferings. :- Depression, moody, irritable, when down don't talk much, don't liked to be touched, prefer to be alone, low sex drive, shout at my partner and parents, weepy, become house bound when down in the dumps.

5. What about your talking habit and way (i.e. slow, loud, fast). :- Like to get my point across and quickly to prove a point.

6. What about your tolerance to heat and cold. :- I like hot weather but my body doesn't ! I don't like the cold, I prefer dry, warm, slightly breezy clmates.

7. What are your food desires and aversion i.e. salt, sweet, fatty things, eggs, etc :- I like sweet things, and things fatty.

Another thing that I would like to note is that during my menses my tongue is heavily coated in white.

I hope you can help

  christianaholt on 2009-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take Psorinum 200C 2-3 globules at 10 minute interval three dose, only one day.

Report back on 7-10 days.

Please post response and help other
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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