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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Heart trouble

Hi, I am writing because lately, I have experienced some strange physical symptoms that concern me a little. Basically, I feel like my heart is beating too fast, I'm getting unusually nervous before i do my work, which is in public. i frequently feel what seems like an exaggerated fear response to normal situations; I fear embarrassment or not meeting expectations. I feel debilitated, doubtful, muddled and generally anxious. My main concern is: I notice my general heart rate has increased. I will describe for you my general disposition:

-pre menstrually, I crave sweet and salty things, warm food, without exercise I get panicky and overemotional and a little spaceheaded.

-i feel a lot better after physical activity, particularly dancing.

- i feel most stress and pain in my stomach, right in the centre.

- interested in many things, all at the same time.

-i rarely dream, and when i do, i rarely can remember my dreams coherantly.

-i feel i constantly need to be in motion.

- sometimes when i lie down to sleep, i can feel my heart pounding in my ears.

- i worry too much about what other people will think,if i have disobeyed anyone, hurt anyone's feelings, or broken any rules. i really, really fear being embarrassed.

- i sometimes need sweet food to feel engergized. i prefer small meals regularly, but i love to eat. i love eating late at night.

- if I overeat or eat sweet food in excess, I feel flatulent. Flatulence can be a big issue for me. If nervous, I feel as if digestion is challenged.

-I break out before my period. I have very, very sensitive skin.

- I love red wine.

- I find that, to be the most efficient, I need to recharge alone, with plenty of time to daydream, and dance.

- i work best at night, after 6 o clock.

-lately i feel as if i am speaking too quickly, no one understands me when i communicate.

-i feel as though i am not working hard enough. Sometimes i feel as though i'm decieving myself.

- i'm a bit concerned, obviously, about my nervous response. i feel as though it has totally clouded my brain. exercise is helping, but i am concerned that the treadmill's electricity is affecting my heart.

-i like to write out my feelings, and try to solve them.

- i like to dress well. i love singing.

- i laugh a lot. i use words to express my feelings.

i hope these points are adequately thorough. Thanks ever so much for your help!
  tracy jane on 2009-04-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please take bach flower remedies scleranthus and mimulus thrice a day for 15 days and report here.
kadwa last decade
hi kadwa,

thank you so much for your response. i will start those recommended flower essences right away.

I wondered if you might also have a homeopathic suggestion. i am moving back to the country, and i feel i should get what i need while i'm here.

thank you again!
tracy jane last decade
Hi tracy

i think that the flower remedies suggested above may solve your problems sooner or a bit later.
But as you have asked i would like to suggest a homeopathic remedy to you.
Take three doses of lycopodium 30 on a single day at a gap of 4 hours. No more doses thereafter. It will be better if you dont take flower remedies on the day you take lycopodium. You should take flower remedies regularly after that as suggested earlier.
i would also like to suggest a breathing technique to you. If you could practise this breathing technique (called as anulom vilom pranayam)you will find that the palpitation problem will go away and your confidence level will also rise. Just do it 15 minutes in the morning and evening (atleast after 2 hours from eating anything)on empty stomach.
Please read my posts on the Anulom Vilom Pranayam by following the link given below.
kadwa last decade

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