The ABC Homeopathy Forum
9 month old - wheezing, congestion, eczema
Hi,We went to a family gathering towards the end of December, and my son and I fell sick. He had a fever, and cough. I had the flu symptoms.
When we returned, my son started wheezing with a very bad cough, and the doctor said he had developed bronchitis.
She prescribed albuterol. I had given him a few doses. I also started seeing a homeopathic practitioner.
HD first gave a dose of Ant Trt, and asked me to
give Puls 200C 3-4 times a day for 5 days. My son's
wheezing and congestion got better, but his cough stayed.
So, HD asked to give Bryonia 200C 3-4 times for 5 days. And, asked to give Graphites 30C for 3 days after that.
His cough didn't get better, but when I gave him the first dose of Graphites, his itching (eczema) reduced. When I gave
him the next dose, it all came back, and he also
started wheezing again.
So, HD gave a dose of Ant Tart, and asked to give
Ars Alb 200 3-4 times for 5 days. As I was going out
of town, she also asked to give Ant Tart whenever he
wheezed, Puls if he had cough with earache,
Belladonna if he had fever. He had all those, and I
gave him all those too.
When we returned on Sunday, his wheezing got worse, so HD gave Ant Tart, Ars Alb, Blatta - asked to give all three every 3-4 hours for a few days.
I gave him 3 doses of each of the remedies (spaced several minutes apart).
My son was fine Monday morning, but Monday night, he did not sleep. He kept coughing. It was a dry cough. Would last upto a minute, and each coughing attack happened every 10 minutes. And, he was wheezing too.
We took him to the doctor, who said he had a badly congested chest, some
wheezing, and ear infection - left side. Some fluid in
right ear.
They gave him a breathing treatment, and asked to
give him albuterol every 4 hours, oral steroids 2
times a day for 3 days, and antibiotics.
I have given him only the albuterol 2 times each day (only half a vial each time). I have held off on the steroids and antibiotics. His eczema is at its worst on his face.
HD asked to hold off on the homeopathy, but I had
given him 3 doses of Puls 200C since Monday afternoon
to Tuesday morning, and one dose of Ip 30C last
evening, once dose this morning.
His wheezing is more controlled now. His cough is
bad, but worse in the evenings and at night. He can't seem to be able to drink his formula - he keeps
He has lost weight in the last two weeks. His
appetite has gone down. He eats some solids, but has cut down on his formula from 28 - 30 ozs to about 10 ozs in the last 3 days.
As per the HD's recommendations, I have made sure he doesn't eat bananas (phlegm producing), I have taken vacation from work, so he doesn't go out in the cold, doesn't mingle with other children - he goes to
I still have to get allergen free encasing
for all our mattresses. She also suggested we make
some changes in his dinner time, so I make sure he
eats before 6:00 PM.
Is it ok to mix and give multiple remedies? Also, where do I go from here?
I too haven't completely recovered. We are probably giving it to each other in a cycle!
Can someone please help?
I had also emailed Sabra and Pankaj separately, with the same information.
Thank you,
Kameshwari Ganti
kganti on 2005-01-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mixing remedies is an absolute NO NO . From the info given one has to think that this is possibly an outcome of vaccination. In any case asthma & eczema are both sign of a depleted immune system - which both steroids or antibiotics will make worse. It would seem that the December episode was the "trigger" but not the cause of the problem. Please give details of any vaccinations.
passkey 2 decades ago
Thank you for your response and interest.
He got his 2 month, 4 month and 6 month vaccinations. All the regular - Dtap, Hep B, HiB, Polio...
He is now 9 months old.
Last night, we gave him 1/4 tsp of the prescribed steroid, to make sure he at least did not have a problem during the night.
We have kind of slowed off on his albuterol. Instead, we are using water in the nebulizer to help ease his congestion.
His eczema started at 2.5 mos. He also started being congested around that time. He got his first antibiotics in October, before our India trip.
He developed his first bout of wheezing in India - 10 days after we started the antibiotics. We assumed it was the humidity and the pollution. We then gave him one dose of the second line of antibiotics in Dec (6 weeks after the first). He started wheezing and coughing again. We then guessed he probably is allergic to the antibiotics.
Towards the end of December, he started teething. His eczema on his face got real bad. His ears still had fluid in them.
And then, he fell sick on the 1st of January. Ever since then, he wheezes, his face is red and scaled. He scratches, and it bleeds. His forearms and lower limbs have mild eruptions. He has a constant itch, and scratches himself.
He has rashes on his chest, and back, but they are not eruptions.
His wheezing gets worse towards late afternoon and evening. He is a little better at night. It aggravates again towards morning about 6:00 or 7:00.
He has a very bad cough. It started with his wheezing in Dec. Right now, it is neither dry nor loose. I mean, I can hear some rattling, but he doesn't cough up a lot of mucous.
Last evening we gave him another dose of Ip 30, and a dose of Ip 200 this morning (about 12 hours later).
I hope I covered everything.
Thank you,
Thank you for your response and interest.
He got his 2 month, 4 month and 6 month vaccinations. All the regular - Dtap, Hep B, HiB, Polio...
He is now 9 months old.
Last night, we gave him 1/4 tsp of the prescribed steroid, to make sure he at least did not have a problem during the night.
We have kind of slowed off on his albuterol. Instead, we are using water in the nebulizer to help ease his congestion.
His eczema started at 2.5 mos. He also started being congested around that time. He got his first antibiotics in October, before our India trip.
He developed his first bout of wheezing in India - 10 days after we started the antibiotics. We assumed it was the humidity and the pollution. We then gave him one dose of the second line of antibiotics in Dec (6 weeks after the first). He started wheezing and coughing again. We then guessed he probably is allergic to the antibiotics.
Towards the end of December, he started teething. His eczema on his face got real bad. His ears still had fluid in them.
And then, he fell sick on the 1st of January. Ever since then, he wheezes, his face is red and scaled. He scratches, and it bleeds. His forearms and lower limbs have mild eruptions. He has a constant itch, and scratches himself.
He has rashes on his chest, and back, but they are not eruptions.
His wheezing gets worse towards late afternoon and evening. He is a little better at night. It aggravates again towards morning about 6:00 or 7:00.
He has a very bad cough. It started with his wheezing in Dec. Right now, it is neither dry nor loose. I mean, I can hear some rattling, but he doesn't cough up a lot of mucous.
Last evening we gave him another dose of Ip 30, and a dose of Ip 200 this morning (about 12 hours later).
I hope I covered everything.
Thank you,
kganti 2 decades ago
Hello Kamesh,
I know this is a bit late, but for my son's eczema I used Organic Ghee (clarified butter), which cleared up the eczema almost immediately. By applying the ghee after a bath, like lotion, after 1 week the eczema was completely cleared up. His case was so bad, that he looked as if he had 2nd degree burns all over his body. The ghee worked in as severe a case as his.
I hope you don't need this anymore, but if you do, then I hope it helps!
I know this is a bit late, but for my son's eczema I used Organic Ghee (clarified butter), which cleared up the eczema almost immediately. By applying the ghee after a bath, like lotion, after 1 week the eczema was completely cleared up. His case was so bad, that he looked as if he had 2nd degree burns all over his body. The ghee worked in as severe a case as his.
I hope you don't need this anymore, but if you do, then I hope it helps!
narora16 last decade
Thank you for your post.
We have contacted an HD in India, and my son's wheezing/congestion etc. are mostly gone. But, his eczema still fluctuates. Given that he is into eating all kinds now! We massage him with coconut oil before/after bath, and it helps sometimes.
I'll try ghee too, although it does have a very strong smell :)
I get ghee from the Indian store here. Do regular health food stores carry organic ghee?
Thank you,
Thank you for your post.
We have contacted an HD in India, and my son's wheezing/congestion etc. are mostly gone. But, his eczema still fluctuates. Given that he is into eating all kinds now! We massage him with coconut oil before/after bath, and it helps sometimes.
I'll try ghee too, although it does have a very strong smell :)
I get ghee from the Indian store here. Do regular health food stores carry organic ghee?
Thank you,
kganti last decade
The brand that I found to be most useful was Maharishi Yogi's Organic Ghee, Google it to find they're site. I've tried the brands that you find at the Indian grocery stores, and they did not help at all. Again, this was just my experience. They used to sell this organic ghee at health food stores, but i heard there were some issues with the distribution company, so they withdrew the product from the stores and it's now only available at the site.
Good luck to you! I hope it helps!
Good luck to you! I hope it helps!
narora16 last decade
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