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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Any ideas on remedies for rosacea. I was told (not by the dermatologist) I should try a liver detox?

Anything more specific?
  Electra on 2005-01-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
2 balls Arnica 30c taken thrice daily for the first week should help to resolve your problem and if it does help you the dose can be reduced to twice daily.

You will have to take it for some time till your Rosacea resolves itself and even after you may take 2 balls every night to prevent any recurrence.

All homeopathic remedies should be taken under the tongue and no coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats which contain saltpeter may be used as they neutralize the remedy.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Thanks. Do you also advise use of topical creams with arnica?

Are there any dangers of the arnica conflicting with other medications, like birth control pills?
Electra 2 decades ago
It is possible that the Birth Control Pills may have been the cause of your Rosacea. They will also antidote the Arnica. You may consider other alternatives instead of the pills you are now using.

Topical face creams usually do not clash with the Arnica but I would suggest that you use the Arnica alone for a week and report results.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
So what happened? I have rosacea too, for a year now and it's really bad! None of the creams prescribed work and I don't want to use the antibiotics... I have tried Sulphur 30C from Boiron 5 pills 3 times a day and it didn't work... I'd be interested in trying Arnica 30C if it worked for you. Also I've noticed that most of the time when I have Rosacea flair ups, I have stomach upset and think this could be linked... My rosacea appears with redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead and sometimes chin -looks like Acne too with swelling at the top of my nose which slightly interfers with my breathing... I feel miserable so anything you can suggest would be well appreciated... THANKS A LOT!!!
bluesky01 last decade
I haven't tried the arnica yet. Just went off the BC pill so I'm going to see how that goes for awhile. Food is DEFINIITELY a factor with rosacea. I can tell when I eat something and it makes me sweat under the eyes. So many things trigger me, so many spicy foods, any acidic fruits and veggies, like tomatoes. Basically everything! Also the sun, exercise and stress.
Let me know if you try the arnica and I'll do the same. I know it's miserable and it's pretty common too. Does metrocream work for you? Also I find that sulfacet is okay for pimples.
Electra last decade
Arnica promotes the flow of blood in the capillaries especially those under the skin and I believe that this is how it helps to cure Acne and Rosacea as the increased blood flow carries away the byproducts which cause the infection.

Please post how your problem resolves itself on this forum in a few weeks.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you both for your reply! Well I am going to turn 29 in August and I have been taking the BC since I was 17. My Rosacea started around december 2003. Please explain why you think the BC might be the cause. Others think it could be due to Candidatis (generalised yeast infection in the body) or H pylori infection (I've been tested negative last summer but I'm convinced that my Rosacea is the consequence of digestive problems because each time I have a rash, my stomach is upset.) Lately, I have terrible stomach upset, burning, cramps and bad digestion and my rosacea is terrible. I also have swelling around the nose which is the worst for me. So far only Prednisone (oral cortisone) has cleared my face and removed the swelling completely. But I can't be on prednisone for too long. So I think it has to do with my immune system that's not working right. I've had sulfur creams like Rosac to which I am allergic (it burned my skin) and Metronidazole creams like Metrogel which feels better on my skin as I have very dry skin but doesn;t do anything. I'm now working on cleaning and stimulating my liver and digestive system (maybe the intestinal flora is affected). Tomorrow I see my doctor and I'd like to be tested for H pylori infection again, Lupus and Candidatis. I hope she accepts my request since all the symptoms I have correspond to any of these three. Also is tea OK with homeopathy? I drink coffee and I take the BC but I have no problem stopping drinking coffee for a while and taking alternative contraceptive means while I try Arnica 30C. Do I have to wait a certain period after I stop the pill to try Arnica? I use Sulphur 30C and Urtica Urens 30C now. I take 5 of each 3 times a day as suggested on the label but they don't do anything (I even think they make my rash worse...) So the fact that I drink coffee and take the pill could explain why homeopathy never worked for me??? ANYWAY MANY MANY THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.
bluesky01 last decade
I'll be looking out for "Dr. Joe's" response on those questions.

Bluesky, did the rosacea start after you'd taken a dose of medications? Did the stomach problems correspond with a change in diet? If you have candida maybe consider curbing the refined carbs? All things to consider since this rosacea seemed to come out of the blue for you. Mine has been around since about 21, around the time I started the BC. But I see rosacea in my father too, so it can't be that simple.

I saw some benefits from using an ionized mineral supp with probiotics. It's actually designed for digestive disorders and as a detox/cleanse. I can email you the info if you want it. But I've postponed continuing it for about a month to see what happens going off BC.
Definitely the pill will effect everything! I've heard that tea isn't necessarily bad for rosacea, it's just the heat. (But that's from the dermotologists so take it with a big grain.) It's all a bit of a vicious circle because the zits cause stress, the anticipation of stress causes flair-ups, etc. It's also hard for me cuz I'm a jogger. So I try to jog more slowly and to crunch on ice when I work out. I'm hoping to do a liver detox soon. My naturopath friend highly recommended it and said that's at least part of the problem w/the rosacea.
To soothe your skin, have you ever tried calendula? It's a dry herb. You can mix it like tea and use it as a cleanser of sorts. I wonder about the blood.

I wonder about Joe saying the arnica improves the blood flow. Isn't the trouble that there's too much blood flow at times and not enough at other times? My body is very sensitive to temperature change and is always either too warm or too cold. Does the arnica balance that out?

I haven't studied this enough to really know for sure, but as far as I can tell, this is a brain stem thing, an autonomic response as well. Flushing when I'm embarrassed or even just excited about something. Are you a blusher? So the question, how much is psychological, trained response to stimuli and how much is chemical/hormonal/biological?
Electra last decade
Hi Electra,
How are you doing? I'm better... I've started acupuncture, and I have had 3 treatments so far (1 per week) and I do look better. My acupuncturist also said that putting creams on my face is not going to do anything because it's not a skin problem, but a circulation problem. I feel good about this treatment and I believe this is going to work. I had stopped using creams anyways because my skin is so sensitive that I feel they're damaging it. I'm using also Arnica and Sulfur. Question for you: does the back of your head hurt? At least when you press on it...the part above your neck?
bluesky01 last decade
Sounds great. I've heard about facial acupuncture, is that where you're getting the treatment? No, the back of my head doesn't hurt but I think that area is the brain stem and I understand that the brain stem regulates autonomic responses like flushing and blushing. So do you think the arnica is working too? Yes, the creams and topicals have definitely been harsh on my skin. Keep me posted on your progress
Electra last decade
Dear Electra,

I was a Rosacea patient of stage three. Now I am OK.
D-29, Abdullah Apartment, B-16, Gulistan Johaur, karachi, Pakistan.

Engineer Sohail Khan Kakar
Sohail Kakar last decade
Would you like to share with us the details of your treatment for your Rocacea ?
Joe De Livera last decade
From 1989 to April 2005, I used different treatments for my Rosacea through expert dermologists and Doctors, I studied a lot about Rosacea and Rosacea Treatments but my Rosacea convert to stage one to third, a very serious condition. Now Allah help me and I am completely heal up to Rosacea and I left all antibiotics, homeopathic medicines and all kind of medicines. May and June are very hot seasons and I feel comfortable and face every one without Rosacea. The treatment is very simple, not expensive; not more than two weeks but it require two basic things,
1) Patient History
2) My monitoring of patient for improvement through emails.

Every thing will be free, only for Rosacea Patients because how I spent my life with Rosacea, I know it very well. Please send your email address.

[moderator comment. Why can you not share your information over the forum?]
Sohail Kakar last decade
I am not a patient with Rosacea. I would however like to have first hand information from one like you who has been cured as this information is valuable and can be passed to others who post on this forum.

If you would like to send me the basic information on the remedies used and the methodology you can please click on my name above and my email address will appear under my profile.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Sohail Kakar,

It's great to here positive news for a change regarding rosacea. I've just emailed you in regard to your above post - I hope you can help!
downfall last decade
Hello, I am Anna from Hungary. I have had rosacea for about 13 years... and I would like to get rid of it SOOO MUCH!

I have been to 3 homeopaths so far. One of them is a classical homeopath, one is a clinical (I wonder if you have this distinction or not) and one is an in-between.

Well... the latest is the clinical one... she has prescribed Lachesis C30 and Arnica C30. I have been taking these for about one and a half months now... every day... and no improvement yet.

Can anybody advise when I can hope for an improvement???
annalouise last decade
sorry, arnica is c15 (not c30).
annalouise last decade

I believe you can use the Arnica c15 which we call 15c and I would like you to use it in the following manner:

Get a 500ml bottle of drinking water. Throw out 100ml. If your remedy is in liquid form put 2 drops into the water or if it is in pellet form 3 pellets.

Succuss the bottle by banging on your open palm or a cushion 6 times and watch the water fizz like when you open a bottle of soda. This succussion raises the potency of the remedy every time you use it ad it must be succussed every time you take the dose of just 1 teaspoonful once a day.

You should note some improvement in your skin conditon in about 2 weeks and you should gradually be able to got over your problem in a few months.

Please keep us informed of your progress on this forum.
Joe De Livera last decade

Whilst im waiting for a responce from Sohail Kakar I may as well ask about the Arnica 30c that I bought a month or 2 ago, but haven't really given it a proper go.

I have Arnica 30c from Weleda, and you get 250 tablets. The problem for me not giving it a proper go is under the tongue it takes about an hour for it to dissolve, and as you need to give homeopathic remedies time as well before and after taken a remedy, its sometimes hard to fit in and i dont end up taking one. I'm also unsure of how many to take a day, how many tablets per time, and whats the best times to take them.

You idea about putting a tablet (or pellet, aren't they the same?) how many would i mix with 400ml water? Unless you put a large amount of pellets in there, surely only a teaspoon a day would not be enough. And would this water/arnica mix be used until its all gone, or should fresh ones be made after a while, as one teaspoon a day would last a long time.

Thanks if you could get back to me Joe.

Sohail Kakar, I am still very interested in how you treated your rosacea!
downfall last decade
I have not used Arnica 30 tablets which you state take an hour to dissolve under the tongue. I presume that they are therefore that they are relatively large and compacted to be virtually non soluble.

You can put 2 tablets into the bottle of water and proceed with the potentization as I indicated above.

I know that this technique seems irrational but believe me I too had my reservations on this matter and it was only when I saw the cures especially of Asthma using this techinique, that I had to accept that this was better than the dry dose that I had used for many years.
Joe De Livera last decade

Thanks so much for your answer! I will take the arnica/water mix and get back with (hopefully good) news in about 2 weeks!
annalouise last decade

Should this arnica / water mix be kept in the fridge or just somewhere that isn't exposed to heat?

Sohail Kakar, could you please let us know about how you treated your rosacea? I'm really dying to find out!
downfall last decade
Best kept in the fridge.

There is a slight chance of fungus formation because of the lactose content of the pellets.
Joe De Livera last decade
I figured it may go "off" a bit after a while so I may make a new mix every 3-4 days or so.
downfall last decade
It makes it complicated if you do that as you will have to succuss the new bottle a few times more that the number of times that it has already been succussed.

It is therefore preferable that you use the same bottle and it will not cause any problems if you keep it in the fridge.

The fungus only starts here in the tropics if the bottle is kept at room temperature and this will only be in about 2 weeks.
Joe De Livera last decade

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