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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

28 yr old with acne (need help to find a correct medicine)

I am 28 year old, 5'6' (140lb) male. I am suffering from acne problem for more than 12 years. In general doctors advice me to use acne-soap to wash my face and tell me that it will go away with age... but it didn't. Therefore, I decided to take help from homeopathy but posting in this forum so that some knowable person/doctor can help me. To get a proper help, I am writing about all the health problems I have.. they might be related to each other or might not be. I would appreciate if you take some time going through this and suggest me correct medicine.
(1) Acne:
- I get pimples around my cheeks and on my nose.
- They appear in cluster
- They are there all year round
- Sometime skin breaks (I)a yellowish sticky liquid or (II) yellowish solid stuff or (III) in some cases blood comes out of them.
- When they go dry, they either (I) leave a big visible bump or(2)leave a back marks (which usually go away in 2-3 months if I use acne soap regularly).
- I have no idea if they acne worsen upon heat exposure
- Acne worsen when I eat spicy food (i.e., Indian food or Korean food)
- It appears to me that acne worsen if I masturbate but does not have any effect if I engage in sexual activity with a girl (this observation is dicey and I don’t exactly know)
I am single and I noticed when I was dating my longtime girlfriend (from 2005-2007), I had very few acne related new problems (ofcourse I had those bumps around my nose and cheeks from earlier acne attacks ;)). I cannot think about anything else to point out but if you have any questions, please ask me.

(2) Sex related problems
Sometimes, during the evening/night.. it is difficult for me to maintain my erection for a long time. But I do not have this problem in the morning (just after I get up) and can get maintain erection during sex for a long time. I did not feel any of this problems when I was in a relationship with my girlfriend. I am not sure if It is anxiety related or its physical.. anyways I am planning to see a doctor soon about this problem. I am just giving information here .. if its anyway related to my acne problem.
(3) Hair loss:
I am suffering from hairfall for last 10-12 years. I am not sure if it’s hereditary or not. On my dad side, my father as well as my older brother has more hair than I do (at this point) and my grandfather was dead before I was born. On my mother side, my mother’s dad is bald (but he is like 75 or so). I am not sure if this is also related to anxiety or something. Though I am not worried about the hair loss .. I am just giving this information in case it is related to my acne problem.
(4) Sleeping problem:
Though I am a sound sleeper.. sometimes it difficult for me to go to sleep even after lying down on my bed for several hours. Sometimes I take generic sleeping pills but even after that its difficult to go to sleep.
More about me: My life has been quite hectic for last couple of years (higher studies, competition, family problems, monetary problems, jobs etc.). I was doing PhD for last 7 years and might have developed anxiety/stress.. though I don’t feel any different (but its all subjective). I am not a big fan of hospitals or medicines.. in last 20 years or so.. I have been to a hospital for one or two times only. I don’t usually get sick (i.e., cold, headache etc...)
  lionsfun on 2009-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention that I am a smoker and smokes around a pack (20 ciggs) a day. I don't have any drinking addictions. I drink socially.
lionsfun last decade
How is your hunger

How is your thirst

Do u feel better in cold or warm weather .

How are your sweats .

Any burning sensation anywhere .

Are your feets /hands generally cold .

How would u describe your personality .

Any anxiety /fears .

Any offensive smelling discharge
vikas_grower last decade
How is your hunger:
I have to answer it in two parts. 'Hunger' and 'eating habits'. Hunger: I start to feel hungry after ~5-6 hours of taking my meal. Somehow, even if i have taken a good meal.. i can eat one again if i like it very much. Eating Habits: Most of the time I eat one good meal a day (usually at night). during the day time i normally eat snacks (I usually eat cereals in the morning and in afternoon a doughnut/begal). Also, I drink a lot of coffee (3x20 oz) and smoke several cigarettes. For coffee: I drink black-coffee: no sugur, no milk .

How is your thirst:
I usually drink a lot of water. 1/2 glass x 6-7 times (this is other than water in my coffee)

Do u feel better in cold or warm weather:
I feel better in cold weather (~10 C)

How are your sweats :
If I stay in warm for a long time then I sweat. Sweat is not very smelly. If I stay inside my apartment.. I don’t usually sweat.

Any burning sensation anywhere:
Sometime (once in a week) I feel burning sensation in my penis after pee.

Are your feets /hands generally cold:
My feets are definitely cold but I don't know about my hands. when I go to bed, I usually turn on my portable heater to warm my feet. I can’t sleep if my feet are cold.

How would u describe your personality:
Emotional: sometime if I am watching a stupid emotional seen in a movie, I might start sobbing. I like to be around people and not alone (even if I am not talking to them). Can be distracted very easily. Prefer to do several things simultaneously. Usually focused on big picture rather than details. Have very high energy and always ready to do stuff.. i.e. paying, going out, night outs etc. Usually appear warm and friendly to people. Always debate inside if have two options..

Any anxiety /fears :
Sometimes get irritated if people keep pursuing their agenda. Feel bad when I am not in position to help somebody (especially my family, since I live in USA and my family live in India). Fears: I don’t know any…may be height. Every time I have to do stuff like “jumping on a swimming pool from some height” or “skiing on a slope” or similar situatations… whenever I am standing on the edge, I feel scared (I think my heart start beating faster) but I anyway do it.. mean I will jump on the pool or start skiing on a slope. I am not sure if this is actually fear or this is normal.

Any offensive smelling discharge:
I got circumcised about 5 year ago. Before that a smelly yellow substance used to collect inside the foreskin. But now after being circumcised it doesn’t get collected near penis. My sweat is not very smelly.
lionsfun last decade
Please get homeopathy remedy Graphites 6C in liquid or peelts form and inform , do not take on your own .
vikas_grower last decade
I just ordered Graphites 6C in pellets form from the website. I will reply back when I will receive them.

Thank you for your time and efforts. I really appreciate it.
lionsfun last decade
Please note that while under homeopathic treatment coffee and smoking would need to be avoided .
vikas_grower last decade
I am ready to do whatever it takes. In fact this will be a good initiative to quit smoking and caffeine for good.

I will let you know as soon as receive this med.

Thanks doc for taking interest in my case. Will you be kind enough to explain in layman's term if all my initial symptoms (including hair loss, sleeping problem etc.) related to the same problem?
lionsfun last decade
Dear Friend ,

In homeopathy the attempt is find a remedy that covers all problems .

Graphites seems to be indicated in your case .

You can read about it at ( come back if u find that it does not seem to match yor case )

graph.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.farmaciasantantonio.it/Homeoint/books/boericmm/g/...
vikas_grower last decade
Hello Mr. Vikas,

I received Graphite 6C today. Would you be kind enough to tell em how to take this medicine. I did not smoke or had caffeine for last 12 hours or so.

lionsfun last decade
Dear Friend,

The dosing proceedure is as follows

Graphites is a deep acting remedy , it is to be taken once and its action lasts 30 to 40 days . Hence i repeat it is to be taken once . If this is the medicine then some effect will be noticed in first few days .

In case this does not turn out to be the right remedy no change will be observed but we have to wait at least for a week before we come to a conclusion .

You will have to strictly avoid coffee , perfumes /body sprays at least for initial 20 days after taking the medicine . Even if it is difficult this has to be followed .No flexibilty around this for at least the first 20 days otherwise the action of the medicine will get masked .

Dissolve 2 pellets ( or pour 2 drops of liquid )of Graphites in a 250 ml spring water bottle. Allow the pellets to dissolve on their own which takes some time . You can shake it gently after they have dissolved.

Take a capful from this bottle 3 times in one day, spaced by 45 minutes .

This is to be done for one day ONLY. No repetition of the medicine .


1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 40 minutes prior to, or after taking the remedy.

2/. Do not touch the tablets with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water .

3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate.

4/. Avoid wearing perfume/aftershave, or exposure to anything with a strong smell while under treatment. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.

5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicey foods
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by an MD.

7/. Nothing of a medicinal nature should be applied to the skin

Please also remember as explained that the 3 doses has to be taken once on a single day and not to be repeated until at least 3 weeks until the effect of remedy is assessed.

No homeopathic medicine should be repeated until the reaction to the initial dose is observed.

Well if the remedy selected is ok then the first sign of improvement will noticed in the first few days .

Avoid coffee and any strong smelling cosmetic ,
vikas_grower last decade
Thank you for writing these instructions very clearly and carefully.
I did took the medicine as you described. Caffeine is easy to quit but not cigarette. you did not mention any thing about cigarette ? Is it OK to smoke occasionally or not ???

I would like to clarify one more thing about the dose:
(1) you advised to take two pellets only. I bought the minimum amount I could from the website but still that small bottle has more than 200 pellets (my guess). And looking at just taking two seems awfully small.

Let me know if I made any mistake ?
lionsfun last decade
Yes , only two pellets had to be dissolved .

In homeopathy no matter how small the dose , if the remedy choosen is right it will evoke a reaction from the body and some healing will be experienced .

If the selected remedy is not right nothing will usually happen .

For smoking avoid it for some days so that the impact of remedy can be assessed .
vikas_grower last decade

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