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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne trouble

I am a 24 year old male. Since 5 years I am suffering from acne on my shoulders, back, hips. Is there any medicine to get rid of this thing. The acne also creates stains(blemish) on my back and hips... they look really bad... Please suggest some good medicine.
  Parimal_N on 2009-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I would like to treat acne with homoeopathy and other natural modalities; however, here many people do not respond regularly the medicines effect and many of them do not reply after when they got their medicines. One cannot know that if they get benefits or not and it also makes my effort to go vanish so if you are determined to go through homoeopathic treatment and really want to cure/manage your acne (as it is a chronic problem) then go through my profile and see my acne cases advised by me and try to answer the questions asked there and also to know some facts about acne.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar B.H.M.S., N.H.M.C., Lko
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Can you suggest me some medicine. I didn't find any questions in your profile...
Parimal_N last decade
Problem isÂ… there are multiple acne solution treatments on The market this dangerous right now.

for saving your money and want to get a clear skin i recommend this product, because it is just using nature.
i have found it with google last month


*sorry for my bad english
neodong last decade

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