The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Morning sickness
I am in the very early stages of pregnancy and having bouts of nausea (no vomitting). I have taken Nux Vomica and it really helps. I only need to take it once a day.My question is, how long can I take the Nux Vomica on an ongoing daily basis? Will it eventually just quit working or will it make the nausea worse?
At the moment it seems to be the only thing that really helps.
elainegl on 2005-02-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are fine with the one dose per day. You are lucky.
Will not make worse. Nausea should abate about 3rd mo.
The body thinks there is a foreign body in it, this is why there is nausea. Talk to your body and say nice things about how wonderful the body is for helping you form a new life and carrying it for you safely and being your best friend, your helper.
The body is rather like a child and likes nice words and reassurances.
Your baby will like these words too.
Blessings, Sabra
Will not make worse. Nausea should abate about 3rd mo.
The body thinks there is a foreign body in it, this is why there is nausea. Talk to your body and say nice things about how wonderful the body is for helping you form a new life and carrying it for you safely and being your best friend, your helper.
The body is rather like a child and likes nice words and reassurances.
Your baby will like these words too.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks Sabra! I guess technically there is a foreign body in it!
I'm glad I can take one dose a day. I haven't had to for the past few days, but usually my nausea doesn't set in until the sixth week (I'm just starting week 5). Thanks again! I started to think I wasn't going to get an answer. :-)
I'm glad I can take one dose a day. I haven't had to for the past few days, but usually my nausea doesn't set in until the sixth week (I'm just starting week 5). Thanks again! I started to think I wasn't going to get an answer. :-)
elainegl 2 decades ago
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