The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Morning sickness
I would like some suggestions for morning sickness, I am around 7 weeks pregnant and it is gradually getting worse. It’s immediately when I wake up, sometimes in the middle of the night if I wake up to go to the bathroom. Nausea, with migraine headache, last night I felt like my head was in a vice, mainly in the forehead. Somewhat dizzy feeling, with light and sound sensitivity. Worse in the morning, but pretty much lasts all day. Feels a little better when I force myself to eat. I already tried nux vom 30c this morning and it seemed to help by 50%Also want to make sure homeopathy is safe in pregnancy
Gkflowers on 2024-08-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ anuj srivastava 6 months ago
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