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Erectile Dysfunction



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Erectile Dysfunction & Homeopathy

I had had problem with my thyroid for many years and it took me more than a decade to figure it out. Apart from the fatigue,I tend to believe that this also caused me having erectile dysfunctions.

I used calcarea phosphorus 12x for a couple of months, then Yasmine 6x for another two months and now both of them.

The results are encouraging in the sense that my situation has improved and I have many times erections during my night sleep but ti is still far from ideal.

I have also figured out that when I have work stress I feel like having some kind of pain in my penis balls.

Do you think there is any other homeopathic medicine I could try?
  agnostosnous on 2009-05-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
[message deleted by friends55 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:54:02 GMT]
friends55 last decade

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