The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For kadwa: Need Help With Anxiety
Hi kadwaYou helped m a while back with a stomach problem i was having and then i decided to go to a homeopath closer to where i live to deal with my anxiety.
I had heard good things about this man but then it was his daughter that i ended up having the appointment with.
Her techniques were different as we didn't even discuss my current physical or emotional state other than i have avoidant personalty disorder and agoraphobia. She then went immediately to my childhood experiences and emotions, believing everything now stems from the fact that i suffered emotional neglect and abuse as a child. After a week of deciding which remedy she should prescribe,she mailed me cannabis indiga 200ch about 20 pellets to take at once.
i have not taken them though, because i find my self questioning her methods.
Have you seen this method used in homeopathy?
Also is it safe to take 20 pellets all at once in a 200ch potency?
I appreciate any help you can give.
jasminex on 2009-05-28
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