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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Depression, hearing loss, weak stomach


I am a 21 year old Caucasian female. I generally do not feel well and I am tired of doctors focusing on one symptom and giving me a prescription for that, and it not working. I have used homeopathic therapy before for a urinary tract infection, for which I used Sepia. I found the treatment very successful and haven't had a UTI since the treatment.

I believe that I am a moderately depressed person. I have noticed over the past few months my desire for sleep has greatly increased. I don't seem to enjoy 'the little things in life'. I do have suicidal thoughts, but they are simply thoughts and not to the point of acting upon them. My sexual drive has also dropped to almost nonexistent, which is hurting my current relationship.

My hearing loss is very random and acute. Suddenly I will hear a ringing sound that will subside after a minute or two. Recently, within the past week, my hearing will suddenly become very muffled, and it too passes after minutes. But this hearing loss comes frequently, at least once every other day.

I have always has a weak stomach but it has become much worse in the past month. After three glasses of wine I am extremely intoxicated and will vomit. I also have vomited twice in the past month and saw blood in my vomit. It was not pure blood, but the equivalent of perhaps two or three drops. My stomach constantly feels uneasy though. I frequently have heartburn. I rarely have actual stomach pain, just nausea and discomfort.

If anyone can suggest a treatment for me it will be greatly appreciated. My depression and loss of sexual desire is the biggest symptom affecting my life.

Thank you very much in advance.
  tawoods89 on 2009-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of phosphorous 30c at a gap of 4 hours on a single day. Please note that the doses are not to be taken daily but only on a single day. Please report after 7 days.
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/galic, no strong perfumes, not to eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Finally found a cure - so I'm sharing with as many people as I can in the hopes it will help someone.

In 2006 I suffered a 60db single-sided sudden sensorineural hearing loss, followed later by vertigo attacks and a diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease. I have since made a *full* recovery after suffering for 3 years. In my case these symptoms were the result a food allergy (which I have also recovered from).

I created a web site to document my own experience since it appears most ENTs have little idea about simple allergies (e.g. food, environmental) as one possible cause of significant & sudden hearing loss. [I can't post the URL on this site directly, but my user profile has it]

It includes scans of my hearing tests & allergy results.

( the House Ear Clinic - is an example of a medical practice that acknowledges the connection between allergies and hearing disorders. )

And being that you are also mildly depressed, keep in mind that stress is a key feature in these auto-immune problems.
I highly recommend 5HTP and L-Tyrosine. 75mg HTP = 10mg Lexipro.

Good Luck & get well soon!
jhorowi1 last decade

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