The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anxiety, depression etc
I went through a traumatic experience nearly 2 years ago and since then have been unwell. the symptoms keep repeating ups & downsFemale, age 54 years, happily married with 3 grown up boys, full time working.
- Sudden headaches,sometimes one sided, sometimes whole top of head with neck affected
- Depression, blank feeling, as though darkness is in front of eyes
- Sudden feeling of tension develops when I have to do something apart from routine. Even if I have to travel away from home for a few days
- Sudden attacks of diahorrea
- Then there is improvement ie I have been seeing a homeopathic doctor and taking medication.
He says that this cyclical process will continue and I will get well. But it has been nearly 2 years intensity of these attacks has lessened but no cure
Any input / advice would be welcome
ajafery on 2009-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If your traumatic experience was similar to those resulting from injuries, falls, blows, contusions
please take three doses of arnica 200c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
If your traumatic experience has inflicted insult on you and you were burning with anger
please take three doses of staphysagria 200c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
The above remedies should be taken only for one day. From next day onward please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts 4 times a day at a gap of 4 hours for 14 days.
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
Please report after 15 days.
Please report after 15 days.
please take three doses of arnica 200c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
If your traumatic experience has inflicted insult on you and you were burning with anger
please take three doses of staphysagria 200c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
The above remedies should be taken only for one day. From next day onward please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts 4 times a day at a gap of 4 hours for 14 days.
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
Please report after 15 days.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
Maybe I should have given greater detail- my father had a stroke and I found him in bad condition, as there was noone else I had to move him to hospital and then everything else that foolwed on his death. Then I had a problem with my son, he had to leave college, a few months later my father-in-law who lived with us had mental problems which lasted 4 months until his death early last year.
Further I also have menopause related symptoms ie suddenly palpitations, sudden swinging feeling of teh head, heat flashes, tingling feeling my heart is paining etc. at very extreme levels.
As I had mentioned I have been seeing an homeopathic doctor - he gives his own medicine so I dont know what is being given to me. it provides only temporary help and again everything starts.
Further I also have menopause related symptoms ie suddenly palpitations, sudden swinging feeling of teh head, heat flashes, tingling feeling my heart is paining etc. at very extreme levels.
As I had mentioned I have been seeing an homeopathic doctor - he gives his own medicine so I dont know what is being given to me. it provides only temporary help and again everything starts.
ajafery last decade
In the light of above information the following treatment plan may help you
please take three doses of natrum mur 30c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
From next day onward please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts 4 times a day at a gap of 4 hours for 14 days.
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
If you think that you are not getting relief from the treatment of your homeopath after reasonable period of time, you may try the above plan.
please take three doses of natrum mur 30c on a single day at a gap of 4 hours
From next day onward please take 2 tablets each from the following tissue salts 4 times a day at a gap of 4 hours for 14 days.
kali phos 6x
natrum sulph 6x
If you think that you are not getting relief from the treatment of your homeopath after reasonable period of time, you may try the above plan.
♡ kadwa last decade
Thanks for your help kadwa
I tried your recommendation about a year ago and have been improving and feeling much better.
However since the last 2 weeks I have again been feeling unwell.
BP had risen suddenly to 160/100 and headaches every few days .
I have tried taking natrum mur 6x about 3 times a day with some relief. my BP is now 140/90. Headache again this morning when I woke up
I am a working woman with a full time office job so this has a bad impact on my performance
I would appreciate any advice
I tried your recommendation about a year ago and have been improving and feeling much better.
However since the last 2 weeks I have again been feeling unwell.
BP had risen suddenly to 160/100 and headaches every few days .
I have tried taking natrum mur 6x about 3 times a day with some relief. my BP is now 140/90. Headache again this morning when I woke up
I am a working woman with a full time office job so this has a bad impact on my performance
I would appreciate any advice
ajafery last decade
i don't know why you have taken Natrum Mur 6x instead of 200.
You may respond well to three doses of Natrum Mur 200.
If you are constipated and have other digestive issues Nux Vomica 200 may help you.
arsenic alb 200 is another option.
If you can readily find 30c potency you may use that instead of 200 potency.
One may follow the following dosing with 200 potency..
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
A remedy in 30 potency may be taken thrice a day for 2 days.
Having taken the remedy as above you should give 15 days (7 days atleast) to the remedy to show results. You should go for redosing or explore another remedy only after 7-15 days.
The tissue salt kali phos 6x is good for high bp. It is a nerve tonic. You may take 4 pellets of kp 6 in morning and evening daily. Please don't take kp when you take any homeo remedy like nux, natrum mur or ars.
natrum sulph 6x was suggested for your diarrhoea.
You may respond well to three doses of Natrum Mur 200.
If you are constipated and have other digestive issues Nux Vomica 200 may help you.
arsenic alb 200 is another option.
If you can readily find 30c potency you may use that instead of 200 potency.
One may follow the following dosing with 200 potency..
day 1 morning
1st dose
day 1 evening
2nd dose
day 2 morning
3rd dose
A remedy in 30 potency may be taken thrice a day for 2 days.
Having taken the remedy as above you should give 15 days (7 days atleast) to the remedy to show results. You should go for redosing or explore another remedy only after 7-15 days.
The tissue salt kali phos 6x is good for high bp. It is a nerve tonic. You may take 4 pellets of kp 6 in morning and evening daily. Please don't take kp when you take any homeo remedy like nux, natrum mur or ars.
natrum sulph 6x was suggested for your diarrhoea.
♡ kadwa last decade
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