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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi my son just turned 18 years old and his acne is getting worse. He started getting pimples on his chin when he was 15 and it be worse at times and sometimes look almost clear. But now it is really bad. both cheeks, chin and forhead. He is really good about keeping his face clean but it is not helping. He is on an antibiotic for the acne but that is not working either. Please help if you can. We live in the US in the northeast.
thanks bellz
  bellz on 2009-06-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Berberis Aquifolium 10 drops in a little water twice daily for 30 days and then inform.
sajjadakram635 last decade
OK thanks, I will try this and report in a month.
thanks Bellz
bellz last decade
what dosage should I be getting, and should it be liquid or mother tincture? please let me know so I can order this as soon as possible.
thanks so much, bellz
bellz last decade
take pulsatilla-30C/ 5 pills thrice in a day.

>also take berberis aquafolium-Q/ 5 drops thrice in day with luke warm water,alternatively with pulsatilla for 15 days then inform me.
priyanka sharma last decade

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