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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have been suffrering from Acne since 2004.Initially I had been on allopathic medicines like Azithromycin for 1 week and it got OK.in 2005 end it again flared up severely and I was treated with Iso trenoin for 4 months.It got OK.In 2009 again In 2008 too it re-ocurred a few times.Now in 2009,it had flared up since last six months without stop.I am on homeopathic medicines since last 6 months.Now can someone really help me out!!!I despeartely want to get out of this as now it depresses me.
  sapnajain11 on 2009-06-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Which medicines (homoeopathic)you are using and what are its effect.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
To start with I was prescribed BAQ drops and some two bottles of tablets to be taken thrice a day.Alongwith I was prescribed Aquifolium cream.I had taken medicine for 3-4 months.It was working in a way not completely but 30-40percent reduction.But new lesions never stopped.then I developed a sudden allergy in the form of very tiny n number of cysts on the sidelocks of the chin.Then I had to rush to allopathic doc as it was itchy.who prescribed me Elina,Zumpred & Vitamin A along with Nadibact cream.But the medicines could only stop the itching.The homeopathic doc then increased the potency which again led to sudden abruptions of cysts very painful and horrible.The doc then chnaged the medicine and added Biopasgen 20 alongwith.

Currently I had to change the doc as for 6 months the previous doc medicine didi not show any good response.

Currently,I am onto some two bottles of homeopathic medicine.Early morning I have to take some powder everyday.The week begins with two packet of powders.I am using AcneAid cream at night and Silk & Stay soap two times a day.
sapnajain11 last decade
Ms. Jain please see my previous acne cases and know more about acne and its management. In short, I have no hesitation to say that you have not treated homoeopathcally yet. Constitutional homoeopathic treatment usually helps for acne.

i would also like to say that i am certainly busy, but would try to answer you soon, but there may be delay. Please continue here you would certainly be benefited.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thanks Dr.Rakesh for the hopes!I know you must be very busy but If you can spend a few moments on my case and help me relieve from Acne and the depression due to this.My complexion has also degraded lately and my marriage is around corner.
That really puts me off.

Look forward to your response to my problem.

Thanks in advance.
sapnajain11 last decade
Ms. Jain I am busy in developing a complete and effective questionnaire for acne. While I am busy in doing so please try to answer relevant questions asked in the thread advised to see you earlier so I can proceed with your acne treatment
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Location/Climate: Delhi

History of present illness: Since 2004
Acne: Location
Chin (Present in your case, Right?)
Nose :-Max Cheeks,very less on chin
Presence of whiteheads -Yes
Presence of blackheads -No
Presence of itching -At times very little when they are getting dried
Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling)
Pimples (small swelling)
Pustules (severe swelling)(Present in your case, Right?)
Suppurating (present in your case, Right?)
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation (Present in your case, Right) Tubercular

Mental evaluation continued:
1. Forgetfulness.-No
2. Good long-term memory. -Yes
3. Affectionate -Very Much
4. Indifference -
5. Malicious.
6. Capriciousness -At times(changeability, unpredictably individual with changeable behavior and unpredictable).
7. Censorious (who critics other, faultfinding habit).-At times
8. Cheerful -moderate
9. Mirth (Excessive cheerful with great sparkle)(liveliness, energetic cheerful person).
10. Mischievous (ill-behaved). -No
11. Do you do any particular mistake frequently i.e. mistakes in calculating. No
12. Changeable mood. -Very less
13. Morose (depression). -At times
14. Obstinate (inflexible, fixed). -No
15. Occupied ameliorates (feel good when occupied in sufferings or in general). -No

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started. -13
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night? -Usually Night or morning
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin? -No
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable. -Brown initially and ending.Meanwhile bright red
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky).
6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty), Moderate
7. Regular or irregular. Regular
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days). 5-6 days
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses.

General Evaluation

1. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive? -Normal
2. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive? Normal
3. How is your bowel movement and stool type ( You have Constipation and bloating, anything else ?) At times constipation
4. How sleep, how are your dreams? Sleep is ok.at times dreams
5. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
6 What medicines have been taken earlier?
7. How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin, smart, tall, lean etc)?Smart
sapnajain11 last decade
I have missed to reply to I do not have problem of indifference or being malicious.
sapnajain11 last decade
Please clear these things. There seems some confusion.

I is not clear from your reply the location of acne. I only confirmed that you have acne on cheeks and chin. What about forehead and nose is not clear. It is very important so make these clear.

You said that you have tubercular (cystic acne) . Please make sure me it is right and you have other types of lesions also. Usually there are papules and cystic acne at a time.

Please make clear consistency of your menstrual blood. Please write only that character is applicable to you
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Forehead and nose I haven't got acne till date.
I don't know the medical term but I get a pain before the acne at the place where it is to break out.There is a cyst kind thing which develops then without any fluid.It is a solid cyst.Then the pus comes in.All the while the pain is there till the pus begins to dry.After drying it leaves a mark.

My menstrual flow is usually thin a bit sticky with some clotting also present.
sapnajain11 last decade
Ms. Jain

Do you have chicken pox in the past.

Do your eruptions are present only one side of the face.

Do they appear for some time completely and then recur.

If your answer is yes for all three questions or two then it is most likely that your skin problem is Shingles (a viral infection) not an acne.

Please answer these questions and there is good result for this condition in homeopathy.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Yes I have had chicken pox in the past.

The eruptions are present on both the sides.Infact recently one has developed over lip also.

It is very less that they completely go.Scars are all over.Since two days they are around 8 in number as periods are around.
sapnajain11 last decade
If you want i can send you the pictures also.
sapnajain11 last decade
Dr.Rakesh,I am desperately waiting for an effective remedy from you!I am really so depressed and frustrated seeing my face that you can't even imagine.Please Please do help me!!!!
sapnajain11 last decade
My stomach is also not usually clear nowadays.
sapnajain11 last decade
It is still not decided that you have shingles or acne.

History of chicken pox support Shingles


Presence of eruption on both sides of face do not support Shingles.

Post more detail and you send picture also but should be of great quality otherwise it would be of no help to determine.

You may also consult a local dermatologist to confirm this.

And why you replied so late. Are you using internet from cyber cafe?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Sending the photographs would not be possible as the quality would not be that clear.I have always been treated by dermatologist only.and all of them report it to be acne only.I replied late as I forgot to click on the emal option and hence didnt get your post on my mail and thought you haven't replied as you might be busy.
sapnajain11 last decade
okay it is very strange to have pain at the acne site before they erupt.

Do you have tell them about this symptoms?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Yes,I have told them about all the symptoms.None of them has reported it to be anything else other than pimples or acne.

What does your opinion say?
sapnajain11 last decade
I have checked net for the images of Shingles.My problem is definitely not Shingles.

It is Acne but what form of Acne I am still unaware.As It starts with Pain,small cyst,a little big cyst,redness followed,pus fills in,If I pick then blood comes along with pus,or it dries up leaving red color marks
sapnajain11 last decade
Ms. Jain take Rhus Tox 30c three times a day for three days and then report.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Sorry for being so late As I was involved with too much of work.

I have taken the medicine but there was no effect at all.
sapnajain11 last decade
Take Rhus Tox 200c three times a day.

Describe your salt intake and food items you are fond of eating.

Describe about your heat and cold intolerance.

Do you have any problems with your stomach
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
My salt intake is ok.I am fond of eating salty food only.but at times I have a craving for sweets but this a temporary phase.

Heat and cold intolerance I didnot understand what u wanna ask???In winter I develop chill blanes since childhood.This is inherited from my father.

I have problems of constipation in case my food habits swing from good to bad and if my water intake goes low.I have gastric problem also occasionally.
sapnajain11 last decade
I want to ask when you feel better in hot environment or cold.

What type of gastric problem you usually suffer apart from constipation.

Take Rhus Tox 200c three dose at 10 minute interval for three days.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
I feel better in cold environment.

Gastric problem is like at times I have lot of gas formation in my stomach.
sapnajain11 last decade

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