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Sameer please help : blocked tear duct in 4 year old Page 5 of 6

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
navdeep77 last decade
Please provide detailed symptoms. What you have given above is pathological information only. It is not enough to decide the next course of action.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

As I told you before, he had high fever a couple of weeks back. His behavior has changed since then. I am afraid that it could be because he is sick - thats why he could be behaving differently. I'll write about his original behavior and changed behavior.

1. He used to be quite active - happy and playful most of the time, although he would not play alone for long time and would often want someone to be with him. He would leave the activity and join us in other room, or would force us to join him.

when he is not feeling well, he doesn't want to be alone at all. he prefers to be with his mom -- sometimes he even forces me out of the room and be alone with mom.

2. He doesn't mix up well with people especially adults. he would often not respond to other's greetings. I have noticed that sometimes he doesn't respond to small kids also. however, he would voluntarily start playing with kids of his age even if he happen to meet them for first time.

3. His appetite used to begood, however he used to pass motions 2-3 times a day.

Now, his appetite has reduced drastically - he doesn't feel like eating or drinking much - sometimes even say no to his all time favorite items.

4. His teacher says that he is fussy about eating food. He wasn't so much fussy at home before fever. But now to make him eat is a huge task. Without even tasting the food he starts saying that it is bad.

5. Just like other kids, he loves to eat junk food. his new teacher is instilling habit of eating healthy food, so now sometimes he asks us if the food he is eating is healthy or not. But still sauces, burgers, chocolates, chips, noodles, ice creams, cakes and packaged juices are on top of his list . He likes grapes, oranges, mangoes and bananas but wouldn't even taste most of other fruits. among dry fruits, he only eats cashew nuts.

He doesn't even like to taste anything new - so getting him started on a new food is quite difficult.

6. Earlier he used to co-operate and would often listen to us, and often would do as we want him to (unlike most kids).

Now (after fever), he wants to have things done his way only and starts crying over trivial issues (for example he would start crying if he doesn't get to wear his favorite socks!).

7. He has become a little aggressive after fever. He would hit me and his mom without reason and that too quite forcefully. Yesterday night, I had to make him realize that his behavior his getting bad and not acceptable. He understood that and became quite nice after that.

8. When in an uncomfortable position, he starts crying instead of seeking help. for example in his school if he wants to go to rest room, he would not tell the teacher or maid but start crying!

9. After fever, we have noticed that he gets upset quite easily. he would show us his little finger (expressing katif) at slightest of things.

Just want to add something about status of his lymph nodes - his nodes are looking slightly smaller since yesterday or swelling around the vicinity also seemed reduced.

Please let me know if you find this information to be sufficient. Otherwise we'll spend more time thinking about his habits and let you know.

navdeep77 last decade
There are times when his energy levels are normal to high and he expends it by running around and playing/some physical activity, but sometimes his energy levels become quite low - that time he becomes quite weepy and cranky. This wasn't the case before he had fever - he used to be quite active almost all the time.

He also prefers to stay at home - it is often difficult to get him out of the house when we want to go out. Once outside, sometimes he is reluctant to come back as he enjoys being outside.
psoriasis1977 last decade
What was the last potency of Pulsatilla given to him ?
sameervermani last decade
Sameer, the last Puls dose we gave him was LM1.

He is exhibiting some change in symptoms since i last reported to you.

He is back to his normal self...he is happy and energetic, his appetite is nearly back to normal and he is not displaying crankiness which he was doing last week. He is again less fussy about taking the food. he is showing reduction in aggression too.

Apart from that, as i told you yesterday too - his nodes look smaller and swelling in surrounding area is reduced - overall i can say 15-20 percent better.

however, he has started to have skin eruptions back on his face. its very small sized but number of spots that he gets - the size this time is a little bigger than prickly heat spots.

I think his skin spots and lymph node enlargement could be related - last time he got rid of skin spots, he got lymph nodes enlarged. now lymph nodes seem to be getting smaller but he is getting the spots back.
navdeep77 last decade
Hi Navdeep,

Silicea is still acting, and this is a curative response.

Please wait and watch and do not under any circumstance apply any cream on the skin.

If it gets worse, talk to me.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Thank you so much for for the help :). After seeing the improvement in last couple of days, I was also of opinion that maybe we should wait for a few more days.

I hope it doesn't get worse, but will be touch again if it does so.

Should it be okay to apply some moisturizing cream or lotion like vaseline after the bath?

navdeep77 last decade
Hi Sameer,

His lymph nodes are not going away :(. After I reported to you about the improvement, it seemed to stop after a few days. Then he caught fever, had runny nose and wet cough. His cough is not bothersome, but he did seem to have a lot of mucus and his big bilateral lymph nodes were more visible.
He is still having mild cough and cold.

It seems that the number of small nodes has also increased. He also seem to have nodes enlarged (< 1cm though) at the top back side of his neck.

Please let us know what to do next.

navdeep77 last decade
Hi Navdeep,

Can you describe his mental symptoms as well ?

What makes the cough and related symptoms better or worse ?

Any other general things that make him better or worse ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Please accept my apologies for the delay in posting reply to your queries. He fell severely ill and had to be hospitalized last month.

It has actually been very gloomy weather (overcast and raining almost every day) for past couple of months. We took him to park one day and he was exhausted while playing there. He started to wheeze a little after that.
After a few days, one early morning we noticed that he was having high fever - we gave him medicine and he became ok for some time but after a few hours it started rising again and normal medicines were not effective in getting it back under control.
We took him to doctor and he was put on antibiotics. He got somewhat better but his fever persisted (102+) even after 5 days. Doctor advised us to have him admitted to hospital - he had loss of appetite, would vomit out even at the sight of medicine and was dehydrated.
He was in hospital for a few days and administered IV fluids and antibiotics. doctor said that it seemed to be a respiratory viral infection.

He got better in 3-4 days and discharged on 5th day. But his hands were swollen because of cannula irritating the veins.

I gave him arnica for his swelling and it started to reduce within a few hours. It took a few days though to get rid of swelling completely.

Arnica seemed to have helped him with his appetite - he started having regular intake of meals after arnica dose. His energy levels were also good considering the fact that he was sick for so many days.

He has been doing well ever since. But his lymph nodes keep fluctuating in size. It seems that the size increases whenever he is having some infection or even if minor cough and cold.

I am listing his behavioral traits below:

* Dominates/bullies if allowed to do so. merciless. sometimes even hits when we act pleading not to hit.

* likes role playing.

* assumes the role of his favorite character most of the time (now calls himself F-22 raptor/su-27/mig-27/29 ...these are aircrafts in his favorite video game). sometimes talks about the character in his sleep.

* displays anger when irritated.

* fussy eater

* craving for sweets, curd, okra, maggi noodles, sambar dosa, curry, potatoes, ketchup.

* doesn't like most of pulses and vegetables.

* influenced by strong objects, peers, persons or characters. picks bad habits easily from peers.

* scared of needles/injections - starts crying even at the name of going to doctor or injection.

* becomes highly energetic and aggressive when challenged.

* generally happy when healthy but irritated when sick.

* hates to take bath.

* asks series of questions when in a curious or scared state of mind.

Please let me know if you require further information.

navdeep77 last decade
Hi Navdeep,

Give him a single dose of Hepar Sulph 200c, and report after 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Single dose would mean that one drop of Hepar Sulph 200c in 150-200 ml of water and one tsp from there?

Also, his polio vaccination is due. I am afraid it might interfere with the remedies and/or immune system - how many days should we wait after the dose to let him have that? Are there any other restrictions w.r.t vaccinations in homeopathy?

Thank you so much for your help Sameer - you are really an angel we found on abchomeopathy :).

navdeep77 last decade
Hi Sameer,

Recent update:
He is having fever (100.3), along with cold and cough for which we gave him paracetamol. He was having running nose and was sneezing a lot in the morning and in the evening his nose is dry and having fever.

* His cough worses further if he exerts or runs around in the house.

navdeep77 last decade
Go ahead with Hepar dose. Your understanding is correct about the dosage.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

We gave him hepar sulphur 200 dose on 09/09. Immediately after the dose, he got hoarse voice and had difficulty speaking. This resolved by itself in a day or two. He had runny nose before the dose and got better only 2-3 days back. He again got slight hoarse voice 2 days back but he is doing fine now.

He had some swelling around his neck just below the ears. That has subsided to a large extent. His nodes also seem to have reduced just a little in size but the pace of improvement seem to be very very slow. They are visible and palpable on both sides of neck.

He sweats a lot near to where his chin and neck meets, and he feels itchy on his neck. he got a few rashes/pimples/eruptions on his neck. eruptions are okay now and itchiness is also a little better.

His eyes seem to be a little itchy too (it has been itchy before the dose and we use artificial tears when he rubs his eyes too much).

He also seem to be less aggressive in his behavior after the dose. He is not getting too physical in fighting and tendency to hit us has also reduced. Although he still rejoices in hitting us and especially if we pretend to moan when he hits.

He is not resisting when we bathe him in the morning.
He is more co-operative in his behavior. Got rewarded for his good behavior in his class.

He likes to play and run but doesn't like to walk. He wants to be carried or driven to the destination even if it is near to home. If I refuse, then he would return home mid way.

No major change in his eating habits - loves curd - which we observed aggravates his cough.
He has been a little jerky with his exhalation while sleeping. sometimes pulls in his neck {difficulty breathing}. Although hasn't had a wheezing attack since August when he was really sick.

I can't think of anything more to add right now. I would add if something comes to my mind. please let us know the next course of action.

Thank you so much!
navdeep77 last decade
These are some very encouraging improvements. Let us wait a bit longer then.

Update in another 10 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

NODES: I am not noticing any further improvement in his nodes, in fact this morning I observed the swelling on the nodes is coming back again. I could also feel few small nodes near the bigger node on the left side, and on the right side of his neck too.

WHEEZING: He has been a little jerky with his exhalation while sleeping. sometimes pulls in his neck {difficulty breathing}. His wheezing was getting worse and so I have to give him derihaler as his father is also not here with us to judge the situation and I was worried. He is still having mild wheeze and pulls in his neck. He gets breathless if he does some running or other such activity and coughs in between.

BEHAVIOR: His behavior is very good, in fact he is alone with me at home and has become very co operative. He is not resisting during bathe time, he is eating properly. he is not fighting and hitting like he use to do earlier. He gets upset on scolding him. He has wet nose.

Please suggest what I can do for his wheezing, I am very worried.

Thank you very much,
navdeep77 last decade
Please procure Hepar Sulph LM1 and LM2 in 30 ml teat dropper bottles from Helios UK.
sameervermani last decade
Did all this start last year with a blocked tear duct? I notice he had asthma even then, is the asthma worse now than it was last year when you started with the Pulsatilla?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi Sameer,

My husband has been transfered to bangalore. We are expecting some uncertainty about the transition process for next 3-4 weeks. So there might be some delay in procuring LM1. I do have Hepar sulphur 1M at home. Can I give him one dose of 1M?


His trouble started with small puss filled boils on his face. Those got resolved by themselves, but then he got blocked tear duct. Pulsatilla helped in resolving that problem but after few days He got infection in his submandibullar lymph node. He was treated with antibiotics and he had to undergo I&D. He was well for 6-7 months until he developed cervical lymph nodes in April. needle biopsy was performed on him which did not give any concrete results.

No his asthma is not worse.

Thank you so much.
navdeep77 last decade
Hi Ruchika,

You can give him a dose of Hepar 1M, dissolve 1 drop in 250 ml spring water, stir and give a spoon.

Report after 2 weeks please.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you so much Sameer!
navdeep77 last decade
Hi Sameer,

His asthma is a little worse after the hepar dose. Infact, he has been wheezy for a couple of weeks but it got aggravated after she gave him hepar sulphur 1M.

There are other changes too, but I understand that it would be premature to administer him any further remedy right now.

We are giving him blue inhaler on sos basis when we feel that he is having much difficulty in respiration. But this episode has gone on for too long and I am not too comfortable using inhalers on a regular basis. Can you please suggest some way to manage this episode?

navdeep77 last decade
Wait for a few days, it should get better. How is his mental state ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Regarding his health:

NODES: his nodes are not getting better in fact there is swelling around his nodes especially the one on the left side. He complains pain when touched (sometimes). The swelling is more when he gets up in the morning and reduces to some extent during day time. We noticed some improvements after giving him Hepar Sulphur 1M dose(on 7th evening), but it seem to have increased in size again. It may be a coincidence but the weather is also cold and moist for last 2-3 days. There has been a sudden change in the weather. It was hot earlier.

Wheezing: wheezing and nodes were getting better, there was some improvement but for past 3-4 days there is no improvement as such. I had to give him inhaler twice a day, then after 12 hours, then gap increased to 24 hours, then I gave him inhaler after 43 hours. He still has some difficulty in breathing. His asthma is worst during morning hours. Sometimes he would get up in the morning feeling restless and suffocated and asks us to give him inhaler.

Behaviour: No major change in behaviour. When he is in good mood he is happy but if provoked he gets angry and aggressive also. When he feels helpless and powerless he tends to bite. When he is alone with me his behariour is very good. He behaves more responsible, takes care of me and co-operates with me on everything. Very sweet in general. He is possessive about his name. If we call him with any other name he gets angry. He is obsessed with fighter planes and talks about them all day. He is more attached with me. He doesn't sleep without me. Even when he gets up in the morning if I am not there he gets irritated.

Please let me know if there is anything else you want to know.

navdeep77 last decade

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