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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Im 50 years old male suffering from multiple problems so pl help me
my wife left me two years ago for other man and recently taken divorce but i cannot stop thinking about her and children since, doctor says its depression, i have little high BP and colestrol since then, also i have cramps and joint pain mainly in legs doctor says its Osteoarthritis ,lastly i have anxiety if i go away from home or go in a crowded place only if they close door or in mosque when they start praying or in a train aeroplane or bus only when they shut their doors i feel that some thing will happen to me my heart goes faster my legs start trumblig etc... i hope some one there will help me
thanking you Sharif
  sharif on 2009-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Lycopodium 200c at a gap of four hours on a single day. Please don't the remedy daily but take it only for one day. Please report after 10 days. Please follow homeopathic restrictions.
kadwa last decade
ignatia 200
acid phos 200
argentum nitricum 200

mix all ....take one dose twice daily for 10 days ...report back
zambian last decade

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