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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne Help


I am a 21 year old male who has been suffering from acne for the last 7 years.

I also suffer from Nephrotic Syndrome and was on steroids for this. I was on plenty of steroids was i was about 11 years old. Then I kept suffering relapses of the condition and was on and off of steroids.

However, my condition is now in control (i think I have gronw out of it). I have had not suffered a relaspe for the last 4 years and that means I have not been on sterioids either for the last 4 years.

I believe steroids were the cause of my acne. I get these white comedomes (or zits) on my cheeks, side of my nose, chin and where your mousctache grows (though i don't have a moustache).

It is really been buggering me. I have had it for a long time. My skin does get oily throughout the day.

To keep my acne under control, I wash my face in the morning and apply 10% benozyl peroxide. This only helps temporarily. If i stop applying that cream, then my skin feels oily and white zits start coming out.

Please Please can someone help me cure this probelm.

  fjklasjfeopw on 2009-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take care while taking homeopathic medicine as this may arouse your old condition as everything which are suppressed by excessive drugging can be reappear on surface.

I would suggest to consult a good local homeopathic physician.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

Thanks for the advice.
fjklasjfeopw last decade

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