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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

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liquid dilutions are definitely more effective than pillules.

a dose of liquid form of remedy would be 4 to 5 drops in some 10 ml of water slowly sipped up in empty stomach.

the liquid form gets absorbed better in the mouth linings provided its sipped up very slowly and spread up around inside the mouth every time you take a small sip.
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba,

It has been 9 days since I took one dose of NAT MUR 200c. All of my digestive problems are gone and my stool has returned to normal. This all occurred actually before taking the 200c dose but I have had no recurrences of digestive trouble.

Three days after the 200c dose I had a panic attack. It was the first time in a long time that I had an actual panic attack (maybe in a few years). It lasted quite some time. The following day I had another panic attack that also lasted for a while...maybe 2 hours. The day after that i got a very bad headache that lasted in varying degrees until yesterday and finally today the headache is gone. My anxiety has been virtually gone the past few weeks besides those two panic attacks until this morning. This morning i woke up very anxious with fear in the pit of my stomach. But the anxiety went away after i got up and was replaced with severe anger. A few days ago i had a recurrence of a symptom that i had been getting on and off over the summer and early fall...it is a pain that travels from up from the right side of my abdomen into my shoulder blade, armpit and neck, jaw and ear. It feels like a nerve is being squeezed. This has lasted for several days and today after i got up it was still there and i think this is what caused me to be so angry. i just get so tired of never feeling well. anyway, i guess i will wait and see what happens, i think a lot of symptoms are occurring at once, hopefully it is a sign of cure but i can't tell, at the moment it just feels like i am going back in the wrong direction again. at least the digestive troubles seem to have resolved themselves.

The other problem i am still having on some days is problems with my blood sugar. It drops low sometimes a while after meals, especially if i have any caffeine, but i rarely drink caffeine.
Janey last decade
thanks for the update..

for the present i would suggest you to just wait and watch your symptoms and see if everything is getting cured gradually.

in case, you develop any new symptom on a consistent basis, i would suggest a remedy..

can you tell me the reason of panic attacks?
rishimba last decade
No new symptoms, just old ones.

I'm not sure why I had the panic attacks. It came out of nowhere. The first time, I was at work and it was almost time for me to leave. I was working with some equipment and I had some weird palpitations high up near my throat. And it just sent me into a panic. Then the next day, I was just driving and i had another panic attack for no reason at all.

Thank you again for all of your help, i really do appreciate it!
Janey last decade
can you confirm if these panic attacks have any relation to your periods..

i am thinking of lachesis if these attacks come just a day or two before the flow begins or due to suppression of the flow due to some reason.
rishimba last decade
hmmm.... well i was on my period the days the panic attacks occurred. The panic attacks came a about three days after i began my period. Usually, i will flow for 2-3 days, then skip a day then flow again, but lighter for another day or two. this time i really only flowed the first couple of days maybe 3 and then it was really light to non-existent for the next few days.
Janey last decade
nat mur covers panic attacks during periods and thus, in case it occures again, you can go for a single dose of NAT MUR 1M on one morning.
rishimba last decade
Hello Rishimba,

Well i never took any dose of NAT MUR 1M because i was not experiencing any more symptoms. But over the past week or two many of my symptoms have returned. I go through cycles of extreme nervousness (with no apparent cause) and anxiety and this is accompanied by diarrhea. Then a day or two later I will feel extreme exhaustion, to the point where it takes all my will power just to stand up. I have a lot of stresses in my life currently and i think my nerves are just shot. I cycle between anxiety and depression. Currently i am feeling depressed with occasional bouts of nervousness and nervous energy and extremely exhausted even though i am sleeping more than usual. I have absolutely no energy or desire for anything. I'm not sure if further remedy can help, what is your opinion?

Janey last decade
if you have such symptoms of anxiety with diarrhoea, please take ARS ALB 30C some doses 4 hourly.

this will probably cure the diarrhoea. however, the anxiety is an outcome of yo
rishimba last decade

the anxiety is due of your day to day activities and mental pressures, the remedy will not be able to stop that.
rishimba last decade

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