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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Comments to Pankaj Varma and John Stanton

Dear Sirs:

I write this because I want to explain my experience on homeopathy.

Till last Friday I had no idea about homeopathy, but it occurs to me that could be good for my palpitations.

I began reading all I found on the internet, I learned a lot. So I got this wonderful website. No doubt it is the best.

I started with the program to find a right medicine. I got so much surprised to see so many healings to so many illnesses, that I thought to expand my search.

So, I bought Nux Vomica 9 CH for my palpitations (and too hard beatings and vibrations like), stress, mucus and stiff knee. I had two pellets twice a day. And it worked immediately, to the heart, it worked perfect, but I could not say if it was the med or it was normal as it should be. The mucus was cut off so soon after having the pellets I was surprised. The knee simply I could not believe the huge relieve. My humour had gone to a happy state, with no other explanation.

I was getting that well Sunday, I started again looking for my problems in my health. If one had to be, clearly was psoriasis. It was Sunday at its worst, might be the cold and dry wind at what I was exposed or no, but it was clear Nux Vomica was doing nothing to it, so I switched to Sulphur 9 CH, because it was supposed to be so appropriated to the other illnesses as Nux Vomica.

I started Sulphur yesterday Monday morning. I had no more Nux Vomica so I had instead two pellets of Sulphur in the morning and two more in the afternoon. For the mucus was right, for the knees I can not say clearly, may be was lasting Nux Vomica or it was a good day for them. My humour not seem so happy at the end of the day, may be calm but no so optimistic, to put it more precisely. But my heart was beating too hard again, with one palpitation, so I added to my dose two more pellets of Sulphur. Ten minutes later it seems to do no work on my heart. I decided to take fifteen minutes later of my first two Sulphur pellets, one single Nux Vomica pellet...(I thought it would be no too much harm because already exist some others mixes). Incredibly, awed as I was, my heart in the three next minutes to take the pellet it got calmer, less bumpy, and almost perfect. Later it was fairly fine. Is it possible to get this improvement with one pellet...?

Ah! This morning of Tuesday psoriasis is better! Not off, but it is less red and the skin seems softerÂ… will see...

My question is: Can I have both meds? And the doses are right them? I mean, is enough one pellet twice a day of each med or twice?

Really thanks to the webmasters and to you all, as I wish you too


Yours sincerely,

Andreu Murva.
Igualada, Barcelona.
Catalonia (Spain).

  Andreu11 on 2003-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

Heay Andreu,

Now I have a fan in Spain also!.

You have experienced correctly. In homeopathy, if the selection of the remedy is correct....just one dose will do wonders.

Now about your case.

Nux Vomica is a wonder drug for the ills of 20th and 21st Century when a man has to undergo so much stress.
It is more suitable to men. Although, it doesn't mean that women cannot take it.

Sulphur is very good for psoriasis provided you have matched the symptoms right.....One very important symptom is that your room at home and your office/work table always appear to be in a mess. absolutely no order!

Second important symptom is that the person is averse to bathing !

The third important symptom is ...all gone sensation in the body and nerves around 11 A.M. in the morning. Also excessive desire to eat at that time.

The fourth symptom ofcourse is ....dry skin eruptions, itching etc !

There are many more....you could be having headaches etc.

It is better to take Sulphur in 200 Ch potency and just one or two doses in a week.....if you haves psoriasis of long standing. Total of 4 to 5 doses will be enough ... let the system do the rest on its own.

Now about the palpitation in the region of your heart. Yes, Sulphur and Nux will do good.

However, depending upon your age...if you are above 35 years ...please get your heart examined. There are many meds in homeopathy which will do a great deal of good to your heart. Just tell us more symptoms about your self...also medical history over the years and hereditry history on both sides i.e. your Mom and Dad's side.

John is always keen to know (and very rightly as it reveals many secrets to a homeopath) if you have any warts on the body.

Pl. also let me know the condition of the nails of hands and feet, teeth, gums and hair.

By the way, there is a homeopathic medicine made from the "SPANISH FLY".......it is called CANTHARIS.

New Delhi, India.

PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
nux-vomica antidotes sulphur

no use remedies as such---you treat self--what you do when aggravation come--panic maybe--maybe think worse--and know this that --no alcohol or sweets when using sulphur--this you may find out hard way--

john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago

Hello John !




RELATIONSHIPS: Nux seeds contain copper, notice the cramp causing proclivities of both. Complementary: SULPHUR, SEPIA.

Inimical: ZINC

Antidotes: COFF.; IGNAT.; COCC.



PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
nux-v antidotes overaction of sulphur and can interrupt sulphurs response---

nux-v follows well sulphur when sulphur does not complete the cure even when indicated

sulpur colateral of nux-v as a broad antidote--especially in alcholics and over eaters

this person say they are new to homoeopathy--you think they think about why to alternate remedies---i say NO---do not give way to bad habits
john stanton 2 decades ago

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