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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

5 yr. old daughter w/ thyroid problem??

My name is Jessica. I am a mother of four little girls, ages 7, 6, and I have 5 year old twin girls. The twins were born premature at 37 weeks.
Both have urinary problems.
Twin A has had 3 urinary tract infections w/ ecoli being the main infection. Twin A has not had an urinary tract infection in one year.. so I think we're in the clear with her.
Twin B, on the other hand, wets the bed every other night, at least. She also has to use the restroom quickly or has accidents. She potty trained easily enough at 2 yrs old. She is in the 90th percentile of her weight ratio. Her eyes look very big. She is very, very emotional. She screams, throws fits, cries at the drop of a dime, gets her feelings hurt very easliy by grown ups.. not so much by her peers. She eats just as much as her sister does, but carries her weight differently. Twin A is very petite and soft. Twin B is the opposite, very bulky and solid.
I, the mother, have had a thyroid problem since I was 7. Started with hyper, then had radio active surgery at age 12.. and am now hypo.
Twin B has no goiter visible. She takes a multi-vitamin, extra vitamin C, and vitamin D3 everyday. She gets into trouble at school, short attention span, very playful, comes by her emotions (good or bad) very honestly/innocently. When she is not being emotional, she is very funny, and joyful. She always smiled as a baby, and even now she has a joyful personality, but seems to wear her emotions on her sleeve. Please advise on measures for emotional outbursts, short attention span, bed wetting, and weight gain.
Thank you.
  jeslorbad on 2009-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her three doses of Calcarea Carb 30c at a gap of 4 hours on one day (not daily) and report back after 10 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 1 drop in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 10 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Thanks kadwa! I will be buying this remedy within the next few days. Just to make sure I understand dosage correctly: 1 day on 30c 3x daily b/t 4hr gap.
Do you think this might help with her bed wetting or should I start a different remedy for that? And if she is deficient in thyroid hormones will the Calcarea Carb help in regulation or should I be supplementing with something like selinium or idodine? I understand her personality... I just want to make sure she is healthy.
jeslorbad last decade
Yes you got it right. Only three doses for one day at a gap of 4 hours.

Do you think this might help with her bed wetting or should I start a different remedy for that?
No need for a different remedy. Calc Carb should help with her bed wetting.

And if she is deficient in thyroid hormones will the Calcarea Carb help in regulation or should I be supplementing with something like selinium or idodine?
calcarea Carb should help here too. You should observe change in her symptoms carefully and report back.

There are some breathing exercises which help a lot in balancing hormones.
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. When you understand fully the methodology of these breathing exercises and when you are able to practise these exercises for 20 minutes every day, you should teach her and she should do them 10 minutes every day.
kadwa last decade

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