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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sinusitis in toddlers

I have a 3.5 daughter that has a nose, problem for a very long time. She looks fine during the day time but when she sleeps she has her moth open, slight snoring, sweats at firs then stops. Before, she used to have these devious cough attacks only at night. Sounded very dry and EXTREMELY scary to me. She would cry because I think it hurted her chest. Pediatric kept feeding her with antibiotics then we tried allergy medicine ( no help) then I asked for ETN specialist about 4 months ago and he diagnosed her with sinusitis. He put few drops in her nose, and since that visit she did not have any cough. He also Gave us antibiotics (again) for 20 days this time. We finished it all. No cough, but still sleeping open mouth, slight snorring. Coughing only after running in a park. Nose is not blocked.
She is a full of energy child but her health doesn’t seem strong to me. I would like your suggestions for improving immune system for my child and maybe any other suggestions how should we go about these left symptoms also should I give her something for recovery after antibiotics?
Thank You very much
  Renahmed on 2009-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
giving antibiotics repetedly is not good for her immunity.

please describe in detail all her symptoms with modalities, her mental nature and general symptoms and how is her appearence.

describe how she responds to different circumstances, like, with friends, visitors, parents, animals, insects etc.
rishimba last decade
her mental nature:
She is very attached to me. Since I work (from home), study full time she spends a lot of time with her grandma. She is my helping hand who lives with us. She goes to childcare 4 days a week from 9 to 2pm. She is a very quick learner. Every day she learns something new from there, like a song or a phrase that most of the time amazes me. However, she often got jealous of her baby sister(1.5years). She does not show it but I can see by the way she is trying to act like a baby, sometimes asking for bottle, or wants to eat from sister’s plate. (Different color). She is slow to warm child. She needs few minutes to adjust to guests. Salma (her name), is very sensitive to my conversations with her dad. If one of us, parents, raises a voice she runs right in and tells me or her father 'STOP'. Even sometimes we are not arguing but she might think we are. She gets nervous very easily and cries over little things. Recently, few days ago she stated to put her hand in her mouth, kind of sucking on it, when I am watching... She never did it before. I must tell you that we go to parks regularly and spend a lot of time outside. We do home cooking and try to eat healthy. Her appetite is very bad right now however she ate very well before she turned around 2.5years old. She was breastfed for about 3 weeks.

She is about 35 pounds and 48 inches tall. Her proportions are very well shaped. She has dark blond hair that curls at the ends. She is a mixed baby. I and my husband are from totally different countries. I am not sure if it’s important but when she was born, the doctor said that she is lucky to be alive. The cord was tight and she was miraculously getting food through it. She was born 6.5 pounds, which is normal and 20 inches.
Also I will mention that she does not really like to share with other kids her toys but I think its normal for this age. We tell each other a lot 'I LOVE YOU' and she always comes to me when she is crying or need any kind of support. I would like to mention that Salma also talks in her dreams.

General symptoms:

It started when she was a little girl. She would often cough and catch cold very easily. First pediatrician would tell me is asthma but I knew it is not. She also had skin problems as a baby that disappeared. We used a 1% cream when she was a baby. Another pediatric would prescribe her robitusin and other medicines through majority of her life journey. In summer time she looks very good. Symptoms come and go. The major symptoms now are: After finishing antibiotics she stopped coughing. Lately she told me could times that her tummy hurts but she would not seem like in pain. She would go on playing after 1 minute. She does cough after running in a park or when coming home from outside. Cough looks like wet cough but she would not spit anything. Sound like something bothers her in a through so she tried to cough it out. When she goes to sleep she always sweats first few minutes. Sleeps open mouth, with light snoring. Talks while sleeping. She goes to sleep around 9.30 pm wakes up at 8.00am.

She loves to play with kids. It is usually in a park. She loves her sister and protects her. Would ask me in park “where is my sister?” She loves to ask for kids bikes to ride or play with their toys. It is almost impossible for us to leave a park. She is friendly with stranger as well which of course concerns me. Also very scared of dogs. She loves them on the picture and always talks nice about them. We usually go around when we see them coming. If I see a little dog I try to approach her that it’s a good puppy and try to pet it then she will do the same. However, she is concerned about it when she sees a person with a dog approaching us on the street. We had a Ginny pig. She loved it but when we gave it away (because of the smell and concers of Salma’s breathing) she didnt really show any sign of sadness. We told her it went to see its mommy.
She also like games (based on counting) like board games, or catching fish. She likes to play in a group rather then by herself. Also, I think important to notice that she speaks 3 languages: my native, my husbands and English. Also, is you find it important we switched 3 childcares. Very satisfies with current one. She likes it too.
Her relationship with her sister is pretty good. She likes to tease her and make her upset or scream. Even after I say to stop doing so she would keep doing it. The only way I found to stop bad behaviors is by saying “I will call police” . I am pretty sure its not a great idea but it works very well.


Half of the summer we were digging warms in the backyard, She loved it. She would touch them and find new ones and then would let them go back ‘home’. However, she is terrified of flies or any other bugs. Would scream suddenly and then in few second come down.

Please forgive my poor sentence structure as I am trying to report as much as I can remember. Please ask if you need more info. Thank You for your concern.

Renahmed last decade
Forgot to mention:

Before we took antibiotics she had this very weird cough, only at night. It looked to me like an attack. She would cough that sounded very dry and then would start crying because I guess it hurted her chest. I would pick her up in my arms and it seemed to me that then she would stop. I hope I never will have to experience that again because it was trully scary. Pediatrician would give 7 days pink antibiotic, and alargy medicine. It would not help.
Renahmed last decade
few more questions to zero in;

- how is her thirst. does she take adequate amount of water every day?

- did the asthmatic cough start after the skin problems got suppressed by the cream you used on her?

- whats the colour of the phlegm she spits?

- in general, does she like to stay in a warm environment or a cold one.

- what does she crave.( sweet, salt, juices etc.)

- what are the kinds of food which disorders her stomach.

- is she sensitive to environmental changes, like light, smell, noise, temperature etc.
rishimba last decade
After Cream:
I never thought about that. Yes, she did not have rash when she had attacks. Rash was already gone for a while.

She refuses to spit it now so (wet cough) so I assume she coughs it out. Before it was yellow. When she had attacks, she had a very dry cough with no mucus and I think that’s what caused her pain.

NO COLD. She likes to be warm. She does not like windy weather however, she loves snow and making the snowman.

She likes macaroni and cheese. Would not eat any veggies or salad only sometimes row tomato. Likes bananas and apples but it also may vary depending on her mood I guess. She is absolutely crazy about mango juice (very sweet taste). She also eats well meat: ribs, chicken, I would probably say that its her favorite food. In the morning she always asks for scramble eggs.


Complains about tummy pain came after antibiotics. I am not sure if its a crave for attention of she really has some pain. Also, she doen not go to the bathroom #2 on daily basis. She does not have diarrhea and I really don’t remember when that happened last time. She is toilet trained from long time ago. Does seem to have a little problem with #2. Seems like a difficult procedure for her (could be once in 3 days), sometimes leaving marks on underwear.

Env. Changes:
Never noticed any. She does catch different smells very quickly if something smells bad or good (home and outside). She is not sensitive to noise. She always slept well at night, meaning that we can talk and watch TV in the other room but she would be sleeping tight (rooms are close).
Renahmed last decade
please give her PHOSPHORUS 200C three doses only at 12 hours interval.

morning - evening - morning

one dose would be 4 drops in some 10 ml water sipped up in empty stomach and clean mouth.

no food or water one hour before or after.

please watch her changes for the next 15 days and update after about 3 weeks.
rishimba last decade
Thanks a lot. I will keep you posted.
Renahmed last decade

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