The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Kuldeep - Help for warts
HiAs you have mentioned in the posting about your friend who had worts was cleared by Thuja.
I do also have worts or my face and neck area.
I was currently treated for Gastro Intestinal tract.
Aloes MT - Sulphur - Nux Vom.
My stomach problems have just recently settled. shud say 3 weeks ago.
When and how do I take the med as suggested by you or do I take Dulcamara without messing about my stomach problems.
I'm giving below the link. If u could spare some time, it would be better if you could have a deko.
Thx in adv...
Rgds, Mathew
pimathew on 2005-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can take Thuja 30. It is good for your stomach too.
I went throught your case so I don't see any problem with thuja.
I went throught your case so I don't see any problem with thuja.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
I think u have got'skin tag' and not warts. if it so it cannot be cured by homeopathic medicince ie out of my experience
I think u have got'skin tag' and not warts. if it so it cannot be cured by homeopathic medicince ie out of my experience
akbarkp 2 decades ago
Virtually anything , including tags - can be cured by homeopathy.
But Sabra would disagree!.
What the body produces -it can also re-absorb!.
But Sabra would disagree!.
What the body produces -it can also re-absorb!.
passkey 2 decades ago
Passkey - very right (what the body produces - it can also re-absorb)
Kuldeep - Is it OK if I wait for some time for the stomach problems to settle.
I had just taken Gels 200 for eye feeling heavy and head feeling heavy. They also seem OK now.
Now only thing left is my warts, hair falling and most important - my leg pains at the back of the knee every time I sit and get up. Takes a few minutes for the pain to go with a few steps.
Pls check if there is some meds for this also with your long years of experience.
Thx a lot
Kuldeep - Is it OK if I wait for some time for the stomach problems to settle.
I had just taken Gels 200 for eye feeling heavy and head feeling heavy. They also seem OK now.
Now only thing left is my warts, hair falling and most important - my leg pains at the back of the knee every time I sit and get up. Takes a few minutes for the pain to go with a few steps.
Pls check if there is some meds for this also with your long years of experience.
Thx a lot
pimathew 2 decades ago
pimathew 2 decades ago
On some cases warts go away in just one week and in some cases it takes one month and a half.
If you think your medicine won't last that long you can dilute it with water.
Thuja is always first choice where there are skin warts, moles or othere growths alongwith stomach problems.
If you think your medicine won't last that long you can dilute it with water.
Thuja is always first choice where there are skin warts, moles or othere growths alongwith stomach problems.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hi Kuldeep,
Yesterday I happened to notice in a Homeo med store a cream called Thuja. It is from SBL under a brand name called pomode and it is for warts as mentioned on the cover and the leaflet inside.
just wondering while taking Thuja 30C (not yet taken, just waiting for my stomach to settle), can I apply the cream to the warts externally. Will it interrupt with the med taken internally.
Thx a lot.
Yesterday I happened to notice in a Homeo med store a cream called Thuja. It is from SBL under a brand name called pomode and it is for warts as mentioned on the cover and the leaflet inside.
just wondering while taking Thuja 30C (not yet taken, just waiting for my stomach to settle), can I apply the cream to the warts externally. Will it interrupt with the med taken internally.
Thx a lot.
pimathew last decade
Hi Mathew
Homeopathy believes attacking the medicine from the back where it begin.
There are Thuja ointments and they are not so effective, the only effect they serve is that skin will absorve medicine and it may work from back.
Homeopathy believes attacking the medicine from the back where it begin.
There are Thuja ointments and they are not so effective, the only effect they serve is that skin will absorve medicine and it may work from back.
kuldeep last decade
Hi Kuldeep,
How many dose of Thuja 30C to take in a day.
How do u compare Bioforce (Switzerland) meds as with SBL, Schwabe.
How many dose of Thuja 30C to take in a day.
How do u compare Bioforce (Switzerland) meds as with SBL, Schwabe.
pimathew last decade
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