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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Sleep Apnea problem since last 1 year

Patient have been facing sleep apnea problem since last one year.
Sex: Female
Country: India
Climate: Summers ~ 46C, Winters ~ 6C
Age: 27
Weight: 48
Height: 5 ft 2 inch

1. Current Complaint: As soon as I fell asleep, breath stops. It happens 3-4 times in a row.
It happens even in midnight
current medicine you are taking – LACHESIS 30 taken for 2 weeks!! Get relief but not completely
2. Tests:
Thyroid test – Normal
Diabetes – One the boundry
3. qualification of patient – MSc
4. Nature of working – Home maker.
5. desire and aversion of food – controlled diet, pure vegetarian, avoid fried/ fast food... no allergies specific to any food
6. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability – Introvert, tired of this long problem
14. Aggravation & Amelioration – Apnea happens in night. Lost 5-6 kgs in 3 months.
  sachin11 on 2009-11-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A homeo remedy is suggested on the basis of totality of symptoms and it works as a stimulation to vital force. Cure is effected if the remedy is able to stimulate vital force.
If you are ready to provide all your details a remedy that covers all your symptoms may be worked out for you. For doing that you should copy both the questionnaires from the following thread and paste all questions here duly answered. Please note that the effectiveness of remedy selection depends on the quality of details you provide. Please note that mental symptoms are very significant for arriving at a remedy. Please don't think that they are not relevant as your problems are physical.
kadwa last decade
Alongwith your homeopathic treatment I would suggest you to get a sleep study done by your allopathic doctor to find out if you have sleep apnea & how bad is it.

Usually the solution in allopathic medicine is a CPAP machine (you can google in to find more details on the CPAP machine).

If you ignore sleep apnea it can develop into high BP & other cardiovascular problems as the body does not get enough oxygen while sleeping and the brain does not get the deep sleep it needs to process data.

This you are hearing from another person who is also tackling sleep apnea. If you have any further questions you may e-mail me.

RajanTX last decade

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