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bells palsy to kuldeep and ruth-45
Just want to update my situation. I started with causticum 200c 12 hrs ago and I think there is a slight change in that my jaw feels looser. How long should I continue remedy if there is no change in symptoms? Again, I'm not sure that was a change, or maybe wishful thinking.Thankyou for your recommendations again.
hughette on 2005-03-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hughette 2 decades ago
Dear Kuldeep,
Wanting to let you know it is 4 days since I took the causticum 200 twice daily. I have considerably less nerve pain and the bones in my face are less sore. I am less panicked and worried, though still sometimes but feel I have an iota of courage which was lacking. Face still the same, though I can close my eye a fraction of an inch.
One symptom I didn't mention before is the left eye, which is the good eye has white fashes in outside corner. This started about a week before the bells. It has lessened in frequency. Also there are black wiry images in front of both eyes but this has lessened too.
Thanks for your great help. Will continue on.
Wanting to let you know it is 4 days since I took the causticum 200 twice daily. I have considerably less nerve pain and the bones in my face are less sore. I am less panicked and worried, though still sometimes but feel I have an iota of courage which was lacking. Face still the same, though I can close my eye a fraction of an inch.
One symptom I didn't mention before is the left eye, which is the good eye has white fashes in outside corner. This started about a week before the bells. It has lessened in frequency. Also there are black wiry images in front of both eyes but this has lessened too.
Thanks for your great help. Will continue on.
hughette 2 decades ago
hughette 2 decades ago
Dear Kuldeep
Today I can very slightly raise the paralyzed eyebrow. Eye very bloodshot. I am skipping today's dose of causticum.
Out of curiosity, do you consider my condition chronic or acute? Is causticam possibly my constitutional remedy?
Thanks for all your great work. I enjoy reading the other threads.
Today I can very slightly raise the paralyzed eyebrow. Eye very bloodshot. I am skipping today's dose of causticum.
Out of curiosity, do you consider my condition chronic or acute? Is causticam possibly my constitutional remedy?
Thanks for all your great work. I enjoy reading the other threads.
hughette 2 decades ago
You can even skip two days. I don't know if Causticum is your constitunal remedy. Your's is the neurological problem and all neurological problems are considered chronic or I will rather say Symdrome.
I am not discouraging you but if Causticum is working on you, you will be problem free.
I have treated two patients with Cerebral Palsy and both were sports men. Both are cured by Caussticum. It effects nerves.
I am not discouraging you but if Causticum is working on you, you will be problem free.
I have treated two patients with Cerebral Palsy and both were sports men. Both are cured by Caussticum. It effects nerves.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Sorry for the mistake in above post.
I have treated two patients with Bell Palsy and both were sports men. Both are cured by Caussticum. It effects nerves.
I have treated two patients with Bell Palsy and both were sports men. Both are cured by Caussticum. It effects nerves.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep
I have been reading some of your other threads, very enjoyable. Esp the graphites and silica one. About the silica water, if I'm getting it from a river with rapids but I suspect bacteria in it, is it ok to boil it?
As far as my condition. There has been no change in the last 4 days except a set back when I stopped the causticum at first. That night I woke up with the same pains and also some older pains which had been severe in my back prior to the bells palsy. My osteopath who does cranial work saw me the next day and thought that the setback was not a good sign and he "felt" a deeper cause like lyme disease or auto immune behind the bells. I guess he is used to bells going away easily with his treatments. I was tested for lyme and it was negative but he said I need a better test, different lab, different test and that he has 8 patients with lyme who didn't test positive on the first test.
Anyway, the old pains which came back are more in the parotid gland and glands under the ear and jaw, which are now intermittently painfuil but the night of the set back were severe. The pains in my back were severe that night like a cold ball of fire in my back, very intense. I think it stems from a bad car accident I was in 7 years ago where I lost use of my radial nerve for a year, it eventually came back but still gives problems.
This doctor thinks it may be auto immune or lyme or something mysterious. The thing is I don't want to take allopathic meds and the treatment for lyme is antibiotics.
Anyway I did a workup on myself and besides causticum, sulphur came up strongly. I went to a year of homeopathy school so I know a little. not much but am much intrigued.
Would it hurt to try sulphur along with the causticum? Or should I keep sticking to every 3rd day with causticum. I read the article by Dr Mas about how long the action stays in body, but I don't understand how that is calibrated to dosage or strength.
Thanks for your attention and great works with so many of us.
I have been reading some of your other threads, very enjoyable. Esp the graphites and silica one. About the silica water, if I'm getting it from a river with rapids but I suspect bacteria in it, is it ok to boil it?
As far as my condition. There has been no change in the last 4 days except a set back when I stopped the causticum at first. That night I woke up with the same pains and also some older pains which had been severe in my back prior to the bells palsy. My osteopath who does cranial work saw me the next day and thought that the setback was not a good sign and he "felt" a deeper cause like lyme disease or auto immune behind the bells. I guess he is used to bells going away easily with his treatments. I was tested for lyme and it was negative but he said I need a better test, different lab, different test and that he has 8 patients with lyme who didn't test positive on the first test.
Anyway, the old pains which came back are more in the parotid gland and glands under the ear and jaw, which are now intermittently painfuil but the night of the set back were severe. The pains in my back were severe that night like a cold ball of fire in my back, very intense. I think it stems from a bad car accident I was in 7 years ago where I lost use of my radial nerve for a year, it eventually came back but still gives problems.
This doctor thinks it may be auto immune or lyme or something mysterious. The thing is I don't want to take allopathic meds and the treatment for lyme is antibiotics.
Anyway I did a workup on myself and besides causticum, sulphur came up strongly. I went to a year of homeopathy school so I know a little. not much but am much intrigued.
Would it hurt to try sulphur along with the causticum? Or should I keep sticking to every 3rd day with causticum. I read the article by Dr Mas about how long the action stays in body, but I don't understand how that is calibrated to dosage or strength.
Thanks for your attention and great works with so many of us.
hughette last decade
Dear Hughette
It takes very long for Nerves to regenerate. You can keep taking Causicum-30. And if your symptoms are severe with the exposer of cold air you also take Aconite-30 two time a day.
You can use Riveer water and you can boil it put it in a microwave etc. Silica is non soluble and even if you boil it stays Silica.
It takes very long for Nerves to regenerate. You can keep taking Causicum-30. And if your symptoms are severe with the exposer of cold air you also take Aconite-30 two time a day.
You can use Riveer water and you can boil it put it in a microwave etc. Silica is non soluble and even if you boil it stays Silica.
kuldeep last decade
I have been taking causticum 200 once evry 3 days. Do you want me toswitch to causticum 30 more frequently?
Thanks about the aconitte and cold.
Thanks about the aconitte and cold.
hughette last decade
kuldeep last decade
Ok--I really don't understand how to determine frequency. Should I take causticaum 30 4 times a day or once, then switch to causticum 200, or what would you suggest? or if you wish, point me to a thread or resource discussing the theory of dosage and frequency.
hughette last decade
Actually a dose must be adjusted to a patient. I don't know if there is a hit theory but if a certain remdy fits a certain ailment and patient is not comfortable with a potency, other potency (preferabley lower) should be tried instead of giving up on that medicine.
If Causticum-30 works on you we can gradually go upwards.
If Causticum-30 works on you we can gradually go upwards.
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep
I have read many more of your threads and have even more appreciation for the kind of thinker/healer that you are, intuitive,resourceful, creative, to the point. Unfortunately this is rare in humans anymore. Thankyou again for advising me and I have now 7 people taking silica for skin and arthritis. Will report back. I made up a batch with powdered rock and also got some river water near some rocky falls.
I've been taking the causticum 30 for 3 days. No change so far. Except my mind, which was settled, is now impatient. I used to be extremely impatient when I was younger so perhaps it is just the old me coming back.
When I took a year long course in the 80s on homeopathy the instructor said (I looked back in my notes) about bells palsy and MS that often they need platanus, the nymphomania remedy. He stressed, don't overlook this remedy. Should I try it? SOme things match about me, idiosyncratic things like when I was little I often went into visual states where everything looked "small", as a teenager was hysterical and dramatic and rebellious and sensational.
I noticed you're not against more than one thing at a time.
Please let me know what you think.
Many thanks
I have read many more of your threads and have even more appreciation for the kind of thinker/healer that you are, intuitive,resourceful, creative, to the point. Unfortunately this is rare in humans anymore. Thankyou again for advising me and I have now 7 people taking silica for skin and arthritis. Will report back. I made up a batch with powdered rock and also got some river water near some rocky falls.
I've been taking the causticum 30 for 3 days. No change so far. Except my mind, which was settled, is now impatient. I used to be extremely impatient when I was younger so perhaps it is just the old me coming back.
When I took a year long course in the 80s on homeopathy the instructor said (I looked back in my notes) about bells palsy and MS that often they need platanus, the nymphomania remedy. He stressed, don't overlook this remedy. Should I try it? SOme things match about me, idiosyncratic things like when I was little I often went into visual states where everything looked "small", as a teenager was hysterical and dramatic and rebellious and sensational.
I noticed you're not against more than one thing at a time.
Please let me know what you think.
Many thanks
hughette last decade
kuldeep last decade
Dear Kuldeep,
It is the right side. Last night I was dizzy whenever I turned, thought I would faint.
It is the right side. Last night I was dizzy whenever I turned, thought I would faint.
hughette last decade
My symptoms are dizziness, pain in affected eye, right, no sight in affected eye, bones around right of nose, cheekbone, jaw ache, (that got better for awhile), swollen parotid gland, pain down right side neck, losts of shapes in front of eyes, mstly black, white fire in flash in corner of left eye. No movement on right side of face except 2 weeks ago I regained a little bit of eyebrow movement inside right.
Mind, happy superficially, but it's sort of like the New Yorker cartoon, "I'm much happier now that I'm back in denial".
Thanks Kuldeep.
Mind, happy superficially, but it's sort of like the New Yorker cartoon, "I'm much happier now that I'm back in denial".
Thanks Kuldeep.
hughette last decade
4 1/2 weeks from onset. Onset sudden, but felt sense of doom shortly before. was out in cold wind 2 days before.
hughette last decade
I looked into Platanus but it is just for face numbness in general. First is Causticum and Second priority is Kali Chloricum.
You can try kali chloricum, also Graphites is for Bell';s Palsy. Try just to lick pencils a couple of times a day.
Nux Vomica is a must for all neuralogical ailments. I have seen wonderful results. Look into it also. I suggest you take all above medicines. Like Kali Chloricum, Licking Graphites plus Nux Vomica-6X.
We must take care of this problem aggressively. Since you know basics of Homeopathy so by your instincts you will soon know which particular medicine is working upon you.
You can try kali chloricum, also Graphites is for Bell';s Palsy. Try just to lick pencils a couple of times a day.
Nux Vomica is a must for all neuralogical ailments. I have seen wonderful results. Look into it also. I suggest you take all above medicines. Like Kali Chloricum, Licking Graphites plus Nux Vomica-6X.
We must take care of this problem aggressively. Since you know basics of Homeopathy so by your instincts you will soon know which particular medicine is working upon you.
kuldeep last decade
Thankyou Kuldeep. It is so encouraging to have someone like you suggesting things. I'm optimistic to continue the experiments.
hughette last decade
Dear Kuldeep
Just returned from a trip to Britain. While I was in London, went to Nelson pharmacy, bought Kali chlor 30 and aconitum 30. I also have been taking arnica 6x and nux vomica 6 x twice day. Now I am taking all 4 medicines and something is working!! Don't know which one. But soon after taking all 4 I get tingling and twitching in face. Got a terrible headache and massaged my head and around ear. I felt a shift in my ear, and the next morning a slight movement next to my mouth. I can make a tiny dimple. Now I have another headache. I feel the headache when relieved, creates pathway to more nerve feeling returning.
What do you think? I am continuing taking all 4 of these medicines twice a day and massaging my head.
Thanks for everything.
Just returned from a trip to Britain. While I was in London, went to Nelson pharmacy, bought Kali chlor 30 and aconitum 30. I also have been taking arnica 6x and nux vomica 6 x twice day. Now I am taking all 4 medicines and something is working!! Don't know which one. But soon after taking all 4 I get tingling and twitching in face. Got a terrible headache and massaged my head and around ear. I felt a shift in my ear, and the next morning a slight movement next to my mouth. I can make a tiny dimple. Now I have another headache. I feel the headache when relieved, creates pathway to more nerve feeling returning.
What do you think? I am continuing taking all 4 of these medicines twice a day and massaging my head.
Thanks for everything.
hughette last decade
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