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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Hi there, just writing to see what would clear up my dandruff condition. My hair is always greasy, dry, thick crusts of dandruff on hairline as well as crown of scalp. Symptoms of eczema as well on hairline above neck. Hair sheds irregularly, Like sweet foods, appetite lacking, lot of stress lately with career. I feel tired, lacking focus, very high sex drive. I was taking Kali Sulph and the dandruff on the crown of my head went from yellowish sticky to more flakey, white.

Many thanks to anyone who can help me out here.

  JohnG on 2010-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
take THUJA 30c thrice a day 5drops in some water and reprt back after 7 days.
and kindly provide some more information about your skin condition around the eczema?
dr_tahir last decade

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