The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I don't normally post on this website but I needed to let you know about a remedy I used on my daughter aged 8 who is on the autism spectrum. She was born prematurely as a triplet. She was a very quiet baby and didn't really speak until she was 3. All other milestones like walking, teething etc were all delayed. She was not diagnosed with autism because as you all know this is a very wide spectrum and I know that she is on the 'mild' side. Behavioural issues were, biting, lack of eye contact, dislike of children, 'spaced out' in her own world, phobias of things like tissues, newspapers etc. These would come and go and she would switch from loving to the other extreme very quickly. She is extremely intelligent and has shown a particular interest in maths where she is now 2 years ahead of her class. I have used homeopathy on a number of occasions on my children for general ailments and tried a variety of remedies for my daughterÂ’s behaviour, ranging from Nat Mur, Sulphur, Medorrhinum and Placenta with little success. However I was told by a new homeopath to try Carcinocin and gave her 2 doses of 30c within a 24 hour period. I can't describe the change I saw almost immediately and I feel like I have my beautiful little girl back. I am only posting this in case there are other parents who may identify with this and may want to ask their homeopath whether this remedy would work for their child. What I have seen is nothing short of a total transformation. I am a nutritional therapist and I know that there is nothing I could have done nutritionally that I haven't already done but the result from the remedy has totally blown me away. Hope this helps someone out there.devotee on 2010-02-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The autism symptoms ware first seen at what age? Did your child vaccinated? If yes, in which months?
sadeqahmed last decade
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