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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

ear blockage due to sinusitis

About a month back i suddenly got up with pain in left ear and ear blockage..the next day i consulted ENT who prescribed antibiotics etc...The hearing in left ear became almost zero and right ear also blocked with partial hearing..The X ray showed severe sinusitis,and hearing tests showed mild to minimal hearing loss...For almost more thn 3 weeks now ,the hearing has improved but kind of blockage remains in both the ears....nose is almost always blocked though nothing actually comes out,and i have to use nasal drops frequently..throat is irritable and voice is also hoarse and i have to use force while speaking sometimes,though there never was any pain in throat......may i also mention that i had severe cold for almost 1 month before the problem initiated.....i am even now on antibiotics and steroids though there is only partial improvement...please help...
  taneja_dwarka on 2010-02-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Phosphorus 200c at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.
Please use Mullein Oil Ear drops externally. One drop in the morning and evening.
kadwa last decade
Thank you doc...I have started the medicine today...I will report to you after 15 days...thanks again and by the way is it safe to put ear drops after such illness...pl advise...
taneja_dwarka last decade
These ear drops are safe.
kadwa last decade
dear doctor kadwa,

sorry to contact you ealy as 15 days are not over yet....the fact is that after taking phosphorus 200 ,3 doses,i felt better initially for 3/4 days and then once again the ears blocked badly ....the left ear ia almost 25% hearing and the right one 50% hearing...the nasal passage from the top of nose onwards is blocked severally. possibly from nose top till ear it is blocked...there is no nasal discharge and i have to use nasal drops very frequently....throat is kind of irritating and i have to keep clearing the throat constantly and i can't raise my voice as it becomes hoarse then....pleasse help as i am getting worse and the ENT keeps giving antibiotics and anti allergics....thanks and best regards
taneja_dwarka last decade
day 1
please take three doses of Phosphorus 200 at a gap of 4 hours.

day 2 to day 10
please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.
ferrum phos 6x
kali mur 6x
natrum sulph 6x

Please report after 10 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear doctor...

Can the three salts be taken together after every 4 hours or there has to be a gap between these also..
taneja_dwarka last decade
These can be taken together.
kadwa last decade
Dr kadwa,
AGRAPHIS NUTANS is also helpful in such type cases.

Dr Riaz
Dr Riaz last decade
dear dr kadwa,

please refer to my ealier mails to you...as advised i had taken the medicines recommended by you....phosphorus helped initially both the times but the ears would become the same after 3/4 days in both instances....as i was very scared of losing hearing i consulted yet another ENT who put me on steroids for about 20 days...the audiogram showed minor improvement.....as i was fed up with the off and on of getting better and worse i visited a renowned homeopath in delhi....the medicines tried on me are as follows..

kali bi 30 for 6 days...it did help initially but effect did not last.....then i was put on pulsatilla 30 for 3 days....not much effect....thirdly he put me on kali sulphuricum 30 ,it helped melt the excess irritation i had but suddenly i started hating noises and in closed rooms the noises became harsher and difficult to bear.....for the last two days he has put me on nux vomica 30....i feel nausea and weekness in legs and vertigo after taking it....pl pl pl help....

my condition now is as follows....
1. hearing is much better say 75%..

2.there is immense blockage in left ear,probably fluid in middle ear and there are popping sounds every time i swallow or yawn etc....

3.there is continuous ringing kind of sound like snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn in the left ear non stop all the times...

4.there is some kind of inflammation or you may call it heat at various times and a lot of itching sometimes which gets better with using cotton bud in both the ears.....

5. the only difference between both ears is that the symptoms are lesser in right ear....

6.throat is kind of bad and i have to keep clearing it many times though nothing comes out actually...

7.the condition is normally bad indoors and better outdoors...

8.nasal pasage is more or less say 75% clear...

do help and sorry to bother you so often...

best regards
taneja_dwarka last decade
A homeo remedy is always selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. Please answer the following questions to help us know totality of your symptoms.

*Your age, height, weight and appearance please.

*Please describe your mental state like you are irritable, calm, worried, depressed, frustrated etc. How are your relations with your close relatives and friends?

*What do you think is the causative factor for your problems?

*Please describe your other physical symptoms like headache, backache etc.

*You prefer cold environment and open air or do you prefer warm surroundings.

*At what time of day you as an individual feel better and worse like better in the morning and worse at night.

*How is your sleep?

*How is your sweat? It is less, more or normal? Where do you sweat more like in armpits, head etc.

*How is your thirst for water, cold drinks and hot drinks?

*Whether the complaints aggravate after movements or while taking rest.

*How is your bowel movement? Constipated, loose or normal. How is the digestion?

*Do you think that you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
kadwa last decade
1...47age,ht 173cms,weight 85,appearance..fair ,normal body ,gud looking...

2...worried most, now a days most irritable too...relations with relatives and friends are average generally speaking.

3...i think this problem occured because of my continuous cold and bad throat for more than a month.

4...i normally have backaches and problems like shoulder pain etc..lately the uric acid level had also increased moderately..pain in right knee frequently..

5..prefer cold environment and open air and dont like dark surroundings and do prefer lots of light around...

6..better in the morning and worsens in the evening onwards...

7..sleep is good and satifactory..

8..sweat is normal to more and i sweat more in head,face and forehead...

9..thirst is normal,cold drinks i like but dont crave for and generally i like hot drinks and prefer these...

10..aggravates normally after movements

11..bowel movement is normal to constipated...digestion is not very good and i have to keep popping pills for gastric and acidity problems...

12...i am not able to fully satisfy my sexual desires and the urge is generally very high..

hope the answers help you in diagnosis...thanks and best regards
taneja_dwarka last decade
day 1
Please take one dose of Phosphorus 1M in the morning and one in the evening. Please ensure that there is a gap of atleast 12 hours between these two doses.

day 2
Please take a single dose of Phosphorus 1M in the morning. Please ensure that there is a gap of atleast 12 hours between day 1 - night dose and day 2- dose.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

day 3 to day 15
Please take 2 pellets each of Kali Sulph 6x and Calc Sulph 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

Please report after 15 days.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
kadwa last decade
thank you dr kadwa....i am starting the medicine today and will keep you updated on the progress....thanks again
taneja_dwarka last decade
i am sorry to say doctor but there is no appreciable change in my condition till date.....
taneja_dwarka last decade
In my opinion Phos should have worked for you. You may give some more days to the remedy to show results. You may take 1 tablet each of sarivadi vadi and chandraprabha vati (ayurvedic medicines) in the morning and evening with water and see whether it gives relief. These tablets should be crushed by tooth before swallowing.
kadwa last decade
dear doctor kadwa,

my ear blockage does not seem to go despite all attempts and your help too....on some local doctor's advice i tried graphites 30 and hydrastis can too but to no avail....should i stop all medicines and take some bio chemic salts etc....pl help..
taneja_dwarka last decade
to add to it doctor there is continuous ringing kind of sound in the left ear and some inflammation and itching also frequently...
taneja_dwarka last decade
You may take 2 pellets each of Kali Sulph 6x and Calc Sulph 6x thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours.

You may also take 1 tablet each of sarivadi vadi and chandraprabha vati (ayurvedic medicines) in the morning and evening with water.
kadwa last decade

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