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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

can take allopathic anti-depression with homeopathic remedy?

hi all..
i have anxiety and depression easily when appear in public or in a crown. i think i'm in a serious level of anxiety. but i'm not sure this anxiety come from exhaustion or not. so i think i have to take anti-depression to live as normal person, because now i can't do anything, some say i have mental problem. in early stage (about 3 years ago), i strongly think this is from physical exhaustion, but i've heard that sometimes mental fatigue can lead to physical fatigue also. but if you know me 5-6 years ago, you wont believe i can be like this, because before this, everything is ok, and i also don't believe i can be like this, i am physical and mentally strong person, positive thinking, energetic, no.1 in sports, happy go lucky, high in self confident, high in motivation, positive about the future, and everything you can imagine.

the problem now is, i think i must take allopathic anti-depression while taking homeopathic remedies, because i've tried many remedy, and the problem is:-

1. if i take lower potency, (for example arg nit/gels), i think that is not enough to reduce my anxiety, i need strong and fast effect, like allopathy.

2. if i take higher one, it will give aggravation effect, make me feel worse and uncomfortable.

for your information, my body is extremely weakness, my hand is not strong anymore like before. actually my whole body is weak, hand, leg, back etc. my back is a little bend to left side. i don't know it is nerve or bone weakness, but many doctor say it is nerve problem.

i also very poor in appetite. no thirst. and my body is very very extremely weak and anxiety and palpitation after stool, i can't do anything, talking after stool and its long for 1-2 days. my mood is also apathy.

this all shown after weight loss and many vital elements was decrease in my body such as sugar, sodium, potassium, creatinine etc.

i've take many supplements and health product but not truely change my energy.

my height is 160 and my weight is 47.

so, you think my problem is more on mentally or physically?

if i want to take dr reckweg's 1-79 medicine, what formula should i take? alfalfa tonic? vita-c15?

sorry for my bad english. and thanks for reading my problem.
  kurwa on 2010-03-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
A homeo remedy is always selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. Please answer the following questions to help us know totality of your symptoms.

*Your age.

*Please describe your mental state like you are irritable, calm, worried, depressed, frustrated etc. How are your relations with your close relatives and friends?

*What do you think is the causative factor for your problems?

*Please describe your other physical symptoms like headache, backache etc.

*You prefer cold environment and open air or do you prefer warm surroundings.

*At what time of day you as an individual feel better and worse like better in the morning and worse at night.

*How is your sleep?

*How is sweat? It is less, more or normal? Where do you sweat more like in armpits, head etc.

*How is your thirst for water, cold drinks and hot drinks?

*Whether the complaints aggravate after movements or while taking rest.

*How is your bowel movement? Constipated, loose or normal. How is the digestion?

*Do you think that you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
kadwa last decade
Firstly, thanks a lot for spend your time to reply me.

1. I am 25 years old.

2. Sometimes i can be irritable.
I have worry, depressed and
anxiety when go to public
place. i even fear and shy
to go out from my house.
I think because i'm tired
and not ready to outer
situation. I also
uncomfortable when people
come to my home, even my
relative or friend. My
relationship with them is
And 1 more, i can't
sit beside or near other,
even my family, it make me
hold my breath and so
uncomfortable, suffocate
feeling, this is too
serious to me...

3. I think because i am weak
tired. I think because i'm
not ok. I want to look
normal and ok. I think if i
have enough energy, i will
be much better because i
can do all i suppose to do,
i can study, work etc. I
the key factor is 'missing
or less something' in my
body. Even though i take
more sugar, more salt etc,
it is not the same like

4. My other symptom is:-
squinting to outer side
(other says my right eye
but i'm not sure if i look
in the mirror) make me
see double and i feel weak
to concentrate and focus at
one point constantly.
sometimes i feel dizzy and
other say i look pale, but
i check my haemoglobin last
2 years is ok, and my
symptoms 2 years ago till
now not much different.
My shoulder (near to neck,
right side) is stiff and
hard and little higher than
left side.
I have low backache. Not
really ache but to feel
tired and weak/fatigue.
My hair is going to gray
faster. Also falling out.
Its look like thin and not
strong anymore.

5. I love cold. Drink, air,
application etc. because i
always feel hot inside.

6. I always feel better when
raining, it make me feel
calm and happy. I'm not
sure about time in a day
but i think i've more
anxiety to go out in the

7. My sleep is not refreshing.
I feel hard to open eyes
when wake up. Sometimes
easy to go to sleep and
sometimes not.

8. Sweat is less. Only after
hard exercise, i sweat, but
not much.

9. I completely loss of
thirst. Even after much
exercise, i feel thirst,
but if i not take a drink
at the time, it will

10.I'm not sure about this..
I think whether i'm rest or
move, it not effect me.

11.Since i'm sick, my stool is
soft, but no desire to for
stool. And sometimes i feel
very uncomfortable because
not passing stool, so i
force to it, and even it is
soft, but hard to expel.
My digestion is poor. Loss
of appetite. Tired after
meal. Sometimes if i feel
better in health, it will
worse after eating, even
a few of food.

12.Did you mean ejaculation?
kurwa last decade
Please take three doses of Phosphorus 200c at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
ok thanks doctor.

But its not worsen me? because 200c is quite high with frequent doses... I just want to know because i'm worry it will disturb or interfere my activity..

Anyway i'll give a feedback later.
kurwa last decade
Hi Dr. Kadwa,

Sorry for late reply...

I have take Phosphorus 200c 3 times at a gap of 4 hours on 9 April. Today is 3rd day.

Day 1, i feel good at the first dose. And then the good feeling increase after second dose, and increase again after third dose!
The first day was amazing and i feel more energy from my inside, and my hair feels like 'alive' and not dry anymore, my confident level also boosted! Thank you :)

But the effect slow down after i wake up on the second day. Today the effect decrease.

I feel as if the remedy's effect decrease/diminished if i:-
1. Eat something. It will make my stomach discomfort/flatulent.
2.After sleep. I feel 'slow' and lazy, i need coffee to boost up my mood and movement.
3.Drinking tea/coffee/chocolate/malt (but i think coffee is more suitable to me and i can tolerate it). I think anything go into my stomach make the positive effect of the remedy decrease. On the first day, my energy is good after the first, second and third dose, and you know what, i don't eat anything until half hour after the third dose (about 8 hours) and it's ok!

Lastly, i have 1 question. You say
'Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.'
- It means 'no coffee 30 minutes before or after taking medicine' or 'no coffee at all' ?
kurwa last decade
It means 'no coffee 30 minutes before or after taking medicine' or 'no coffee at all' ?
**It means no coffee at all. coffee antidotes Phos.
kadwa last decade
Ok. Thanks for fast reply :)

I'll inform after 15 days.
kurwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa,

Today is 15th day after 3 doses of Phosphorus and i feel my symptoms is back to worse like before... But 1 thing i noticed that now i can tolerate with milk, but only in cold form.

So, what should i do now?
kurwa last decade
Please take a single dose of Phosphorus 200c for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days. Please observe homeo restrictions.
kadwa last decade
Ok thanks a lot Doctor :)
kurwa last decade
Hello Dr. Kadwa....

Sorry for disturbing you before the time....

It's about a week since the last dose taken, but i feels like no response anymore... Just like before, i only feel good at the first day... And then it's go worse again....

So, another suggestion or should i wait...?

Thank you.
kurwa last decade
Please wait for one week. After one week, please take a single dose of Phosphorus 1M for only one day (not daily) and report back after 1 month.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Sorry for my late reply... I have some problem here....

There is no Phosphorus 1M available in my district. I can order it online but it's quite difficult to me.. So, any other suggestion?

(1) Can i take Phos 200c weekly or 30c daily as an alternative dose?

If my condition is strictly need for Phos 1M, i can try it anyway to get it.

(2) If i make a long gap (**maybe weeks or months) before taking another doses, am i have to start the treatment from the beginning again?

(3) Is the liquid form act different from globules/tablet form? Because i feel worse (dizzy, anxiety, chilly/cold) when i took remedy in a liquid form. Or maybe it's just an accident?
Just want to know...

Thank you :)

** For example, if you say report back after 2 weeks, and i come back after a month
kurwa last decade
Please take Phos 200 every Wednesday for 3 weeks and report back after 4 weeks.
kadwa last decade
Ok, thank you
kurwa last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.