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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

atten. dr. kadwa (new post)

Dr kadwa please help me. I am here inform you about my symptoms, , after taking lyco 200 i have developed new symptoms . I think you should have a deep observation in my case
  pocari on 2010-03-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please tell me what kind of information you need
pocari last decade
i mean you should revise my case.
pocari last decade
A homeo remedy is always selected on the basis of totality of symptoms. Please answer the following questions to help us know totality of your symptoms.

*Your age, height, weight and appearance please.

*Please describe your mental state like you are irritable, calm, worried, depressed, frustrated etc. How are your relations with your close relatives and friends?

*What do you think is the causative factor for your problems?

*Please describe your other physical symptoms like headache, backache etc.

*You prefer cold environment and open air or do you prefer warm surroundings.

*At what time of day you as an individual feel better and worse like better in the morning and worse at night.

*How is your sleep?

*How is your sweat? It is less, more or normal? Where do you sweat more like in armpits, head etc.

*How is your thirst for water, cold drinks and hot drinks?

*Whether the complaints aggravate after movements or while taking rest.

*How is your bowel movement? Constipated, loose or normal. How is the digestion?

*Do you think that you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?

*Which is the latest homeo remedy that you have taken and when it was taken.
kadwa last decade
1 Your age, height, weight and appearance please.
I am 29 years old, my height 5 feet 5 inches and my weight is 72kg.
My skin cloour is white and my face is red.

2 Please describe your mental state like you are irritable, calm, worried, depressed, frustrated etc. How are your relations with your close relatives and friends?
My metal condition depend on external environment and situation. My mind reacts to external stimuli (irritable, , worried, depressed, frustrated, anger, hunger etc ) accordingly and it gets calm when situation is over.

3 What do you think is the causative factor for your problems?
I cannot made a decision which factor is actual cause of my symptoms or disease. Stressful family conditions or environment. Or masturbation

4 Please describe your other physical symptoms like headache, backache etc.

5You prefer cold environment and open air or do you prefer warm surroundings.
I can not decide whether I like cold or hot weather, but I can not sustain both these conditions,(mild
temperature like 24 degree )

6 At what time of day you as an individual feel better and worse like better in the morning and worse at night.
My conditions got worse when I get up from bed whether it is evening or morning, under normal circumstances my symptoms are at peak in the morning

7 How is your sleep?
Good, very good, or even excellent, I have a deep sleep. In 24 hours I take 8 hours complete sleep.

8 How is your sweat? It is less, more or normal? Where do you sweat more like in armpits, head etc.

9 How is your thirst for water, cold drinks and hot drinks?

10 Whether the complaints aggravate after movements or while taking rest.
after movement

11 How is your bowel movement? Constipated, loose or normal. How is the digestion?
It depend on my food, but stool is but normal

12 Do you think that you are able to satisfy your sexual desires?
I am not married but I use to masturbate when I was young

13 Which is the latest homeo remedy that you have taken and when it was taken.

I have taken: Phophricum 200
Kali phos 6x
Cilicea 12x
Carbo veg 200
Nux vomica 200
Lycopodium 200
Gelsemium 200
pocari last decade
Please take a single dose of Valeriana 200c and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 45 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
Please note that you should take only one dose. Please don't take it daily. Please take it only once.
kadwa last decade
Dr. Kadwa I know there are rules in homeopathic treatment, one of them is that prescription is given on totality of symptoms and not for “ this for this”.

I am desperate to find valeriana 200 but I can not find it from Dubai, what to do know?
Please help me
pocari last decade
If you have fiery feelings in your mind Lachesis may help you. On the other hand if there are feelings of supressed grief, natrum mur may help you. These two remedies came to my mind as you reported that you had stressful family conditions.

You may take a single dose of the indicated remedy and report back after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
thank for your reply.

Dr. Kadwa I like lyco but there are two problems
one is burden on heart when I take lyco then I feel burden on heart region
and second is its availability, because I am in uae Dubai and potency over 200 c is not available
pocari last decade
Dr. kdwa I want to discuss these things with you.
There is a hidden anger in me I can not bear insult, criticism, touch, anything. I dislike to face then there is anger inside me. Before that point every thing is ok but when I start to control my anger my body start trembling.
I can not sit beside a person I give respect because I start feeling to hit that person or something will drop on that person by my mistake. Same situation is for that person to whom I hate. Same is feelings are for that person who touches my body.
I have a lot of sex feelings. I do not have sexual intercourse with any one in my entire life but I used to masturbate from the age of 13 , because before marriage it is thought very bad in our religion and society to have sex with any one . I have the feeling of se but when I start to control it I start shivering
I also used to masturbate unconsciously during sleep if I saw any thing showing sex.

Normally I am calm but when I start to concentrate I can not concentrate on one point. Fr instant my hand is still but when I concentrate then my hand start trembling. Same situation is for all parts of body.

My heart has very strong beats that sometime I can hear it. When I am sitting and my upper body has to and fro movement due contraction of heart. There is pulsation in different parts of my body

I am very sensitive to cold and heat. I cannot bear a touch.
This is the only word that describes my mental situation. I am very lazy person very slow to react. The law of inertia is fit on me. If I am sitting I dislike to stand if I am moving then dislike stopping.

I am very coward person, fearful frightful

In tense situation I feel evaluation of heat from my stomach to other parts of my body. After taking homeopathic medicines, I am feeling evaluation of heat from stomach to all parts of my body. Now I am not taking any medicine because I feel that homeopathic medicines are working on me, but I do not know which one is working on me

Kali phos 6x
Cilicea 12x
Carbo veg 200
Nux vomica 200
Lycopodium 200
Staphsgaria 200
Gelsemium 200
pocari last decade
Please read Ambra Grisea and if it seems OK to you, you may take a single dose of Ambra Grisea 200c and see how that affects you in the next 15 days.
kadwa last decade
I have studied on amber grecia it looks good to me
“”“shy or nervous and sensitive person who's mind goes completely blank when others are around. In company or public appearance they are unable to perform even simple things. Their mind is filled with nothingness, confusion and embarrassment. In company they blush and tremble and cannot think anymore. Somehow the mind becomes 'locked up'. Conversation even makes it worse, thoughts disappear in the middle of a sentence, making oneself clear is impossible.””

but before using amber I have taken lycopodium 1M
after taking lyco 1M I have started amber 200c in liquid form at interval 15 days.

Now I fell better, I think I have recovered 60 % of my symptoms.

now I want move a head what should I do now????
pocari last decade
I have studied on amber grecia it looks good to me
“”“shy or nervous and sensitive person who's mind goes completely blank when others are around. In company or public appearance they are unable to perform even simple things. Their mind is filled with nothingness, confusion and embarrassment. In company they blush and tremble and cannot think anymore. Somehow the mind becomes 'locked up'. Conversation even makes it worse, thoughts disappear in the middle of a sentence, making oneself clear is impossible.””

but before using amber I have taken lycopodium 1M
after taking lyco 1M I have started amber 200c in liquid form at interval of 15 days.

Now I feel better, I think I have recovered 60 % of my symptoms.

now I want to move a head what should I do now????
pocari last decade
please doctor give me some time
pocari last decade
You should not take more remedy if the benefit holds. If the effect of the remedy wanes you should take a single dose of Sulphur 200. After Sulphur you should take a single dose of Calc Carb 200 and then come back to lycopodium. There should be a gap of atleast 15 days between any two remedies.
kadwa last decade
First I had taken a single dose of lyco 1M on 15-04-10
and after one month I have taken amber 200 on 14-05-10
and after one month I have taken its 2nd dose one 13-06-10
and fortunately or unfortunately on 13-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M
and after that on 12-07-10 I have taken amber 200c

now I feel my self as matured person and more optimistic
I have controllable anger, less fear, less shyness less trembling and more confident.

Dr. kadaw, I want to know which on is my constitutional remedy amber or lyco
Because fortunately or unfortunately I have mixed both remedies by mistake but they have good effect on my nature.
pocari last decade
First I had taken a single dose of lyco 1M on 15-04-10
and after one month I have taken amber 200 on 14-05-10
and after one month I have taken its 2nd dose on 13-06-10
and fortunately or unfortunately on 15-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M
and after that on 12-07-10 I have taken amber 200c

now I feel my self as matured person and more optimistic
I have controllable anger, less fear, less shyness less trembling and more confident.

Dr. kadaw, I want to know which on is my constitutional remedy amber or lyco
Because fortunately or unfortunately I have mixed both remedies by mistake but they have good effect on my nature.
pocari last decade
1 and fortunately or unfortunately on 13-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M

2 and fortunately or unfortunately on 15-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M

above sentences in last two posts should be read as

and fortunately or unfortunately on 18-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M
pocari last decade
and fortunately or unfortunately on 18-06-10 I have taken lyco 1M
pocari last decade
But one factor remain permanent that is masturbation during sleep
pocari last decade
I had bad experience of my brother’s death due to heart failure that incident had brought my old symptoms back that’s why I am asking you what should I do now?

Whether I should take lyco 10M
Or amber grecia 1M
pocari last decade
Please take a single dose of Ignatia 1M and wait for a week.
If there is no remarkable improvement within a week please take a single dose of Lycopodium 10M. No remedy to be taken thereafter for one month.
kadwa last decade
Dr. kadaw, I want to know which on is my constitutional remedy ambera or lyco
pocari last decade
i don't subscribe to the view that a person responds to only one remedy very well. One should take the indicated remedy. Ambra and Lyc are quite close. In some phases even other remedies may behave like ambra and lyc. It is sometimes disappointing to have miraculous expectations from the remedy. There are many factors in life that govern our state of health, right remedy is just one of the factors.
kadwa last decade
cronic constipation

Hello kadwa,

I am 43 yrs old man and having the constipation problem from last 2-3 yrs.I dont feel any urge of bowel passing wen i wake up in the morning,nor even the whole day.I go once in 2-3 days,which causes tightness in stomach,heaviness in head.It causes uneasyness the whole day, sometimes headache,in morning always heavy head,blister in mouth et

I also tried Nux.Vomica 200 and after that bryonia 30 thirce a day by local doctor bt dont get any relief from the problem.

So,please suggest me the medicine so dat i get regularly bowel passing in the morning,so that i feel fresh whole da day.I will be very grateful to you.
annu1 6 years ago

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