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Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2Severe Depression, Extreme Fatigue & Laziness, Severe Depression1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anxiety, depression, pain in the limbs and swelling and itching of various body parts.

My wife (age 36 years) is suffering from the following:
(i)severe anxiety
(ii)moderate depression.
(iii)She is also having pains on both hands (although not at the same time). The pain gets aggravated with lifting of even small weight and sometimes due to pressure on the particular hand.
(iv) soreness of the feet- sometimes she finds it difficult to walk even small distance due to it.
(v) Various parts of her body gets red and swells up and gets itchy if moderate pressure is applied over the area. These occurs mainly on the soft tissue area. These get cured naturally within a day or two. These type swelling sometimes occurs even without any reason. She says that these appears when anxiety increases due to some reason.

Local homeopaths are giving her Hypericum 200, Ruta 30, Ledum 30 for the pains and Puls 30 for the anxiety etc.

I need your suggestions regarding the course of her treatment.
  arup68 on 2010-04-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
She is also suffering from dry, rough and scaly skin which gets increased during summer.
arup68 last decade
Bringing the post up.
arup68 last decade
Please ask your dr. to see the proposition of Arsenicum Album rather than these medicines.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Shall I give arsenic alb to her? Which strength and how frequently?
arup68 last decade
subject to the permission of your consultant from which you are already taking medicine. Ars. Alb-200 one dose at night for a week.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I have stopped all other medicines and gave my wife Ars. Alb 200 as suggested by Dr. Mahfooz. She is much much better now. Almost all her complaints are gone now. The anxiety is still there (a bit of improvement).

Pls. suggest next course of action.

Thank you Dr. Mahfooz for helping.
arup68 last decade
Dr. Mahfooz pls suggest next course of action.
arup68 last decade
Bringing up my post.
arup68 last decade
Shall I continue the medicine?
arup68 last decade
Dr. Mahfooz pls update this thread with your suggestion.
arup68 last decade
Can anybody help me?
arup68 last decade
Give her one dose of Ars. Alb. 1M....2moro morning on empty stomach.

She should eat, drink, brush teeth on 45 minutes after taking the dose.

That is all...no more med.

Residual (any left over ) impact of the disease would go away.

The single dose will continue to work for atleast a week internally.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

She should eat, drink, brush teeth .... only.... 45 minutes after taking the dose.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thank you Dr. Pankaj. I will give the medicine as you suggested and report back here after one week.
arup68 last decade
Hi Dr. Pankaj,
As suggested, I gave one dose of Ars Alb 1M 7 days ago.

Her symptoms are better (as earlier after taking the 200 potency).

What is the next course of action please?
arup68 last decade
Any guide for future course of action?
arup68 last decade
please report the relief in percentage that she got in her various symptoms after taking Arsenic Alb.
kadwa last decade
Except anxiety all her symptoms are better to the extent of about 80%.

Anxiety and depression is still there and there is not much improvement.
arup68 last decade
Please wait for few days and report back in the same manner. Let the earlier dose continue to act. Please don't give her any remedy for the time being.
kadwa last decade
Thanks for the input.
arup68 last decade

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