The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Very high TSH level please Help
I am 25.5 year old female mariied and have 11 month aold baby boywhen I was 22.5 I found out -
Nasopharyngeal Cancer ,
I was treated with External radiation therapy on a neck and face area & Chemotherapy,
It was hard,
one year after I was clean but very Weak , my tsh was 8 then.
I got pregnant when I was almost 24,
During the pregnancy I took eltroxyn 100 - my tsh was 3 then .
Two Months after the baby was born I stopped taking eltroxyn.
Now my tsh is 38 very high
T3 T4 still normal but close to the low limit ,
I weigh 54 kg and 159 height
I do not have sexual desire at all and I am often Not in mood ,
I do not want to take altroxyn because I do not want to kill my thyroid.
I love my son and my hasband,
I love nature trees and sea
My baby still sucks my milk and I'm very happy about it
Sometimes I have a headache
please help dear Drs Thanks
Sharonapi on 2010-05-16
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