The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Bach Flower Remedies
The system was founded by DR Edward Bach, a London consultant, bacteriologist and homeopath. DR Bach gave up a lucrative practice in 1930 to find remedies in the plant world that would restore vitality to the sick so that they could overcome negative states of mind and heal themselves. The remedies treat mental disorders in a natural way by flooding out negative feelings and emotions. The system uses essences made from flowers.DR Bach discovered 38 flowers that between them cure all known negative states of mind that afflict mankind. He listed these under seven headings:
Anxiety and apprehension
Uncertainty and indecision
Insufficient interest in present circumstances
Over-sensitiveness to ideas and influences
Despondency and despair
Over-care for the welfare of others.
Dispensed in liquid and preserved in brandy, these remedies are benign in action, making them suitable for anyone. They attack problems at the root not by tackling physical complaints, but by changing negative states of the mind, which cause sickness and hinder recovery. A worried fearful mind saps an individuals vitality and makes the body lose its natural resistance. If peace, harmony and contentment return, the body begins its own natural healing process. 0 Topics 0 Posts No posts
neerajsameer on 2010-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have some questions about Bach flower Remedies.
1.Can this medicine be used for physical illness(Chronic or acute)? If so then how as there are no proving symptoms?
2. Upon what criteria Bach Flower remedies are used? is there any provings of it? If not no proving, how these guiding symptoms are obtained?
Pls anybody can clear me?
1.Can this medicine be used for physical illness(Chronic or acute)? If so then how as there are no proving symptoms?
2. Upon what criteria Bach Flower remedies are used? is there any provings of it? If not no proving, how these guiding symptoms are obtained?
Pls anybody can clear me?
♡ kamrul last decade
Yes, these remedies can be used for physical illness (both chronic and acute). Dr. Bach did the provings for all these remedies. Read 'The Medical Discoveries of Edward Bach, Physician' written by Nora Weeks. It is a good read, and will give you the story of how he came to discover flower essences, and how he used them in his practice to help people heal a whole range of illnesses. Since his time, many others have written books that delve more deeply into provings and how to use the essences. Dr. Bach was into the simplicity of these remedies - so I question if it is necessary to (over) analyze his work/the provings further.
I hope this helps you ~ Kerry
I hope this helps you ~ Kerry
actualizeurhealth last decade
bach flower medicine are very good for deperession,fear.anxiety.anger and other emotional disorder. bad habits like smoking .drinking .and also to get rid of masterbation and also habit of thinking on one subject only all the time which patient want to get rid of but cannot leave due to weak will power j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
When i went to purchase walnut and white chestnut, the chemist gave me chestnut 30 and walnut 30, is this potency appropriate??? and the prescribed dosage of 2 drops of each twice a day is applicable to this potency or some other dosage must ne taken???
vivek77 last decade
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