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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne cure?

I am a 21 year old male. Last year I got extreamly sick from food poisoning. I lost about 15 pounds, which I never gaind back. I also had my wisdom teeth removed shortly after. Than I got quite sick again.
After all of this my stomach never felt good in the morning and I never felt like eating. Went too meny docters had blood tests and nothing came up. So I went too a homeopath about four months ago. He asked me if I had bad skin or acne break outs. I said that I used too but I use a topical cream and it seems to help. I rearely break out. He said that I must stop the cream. He gave me sulpher and said come back in two months. After about a week or so my skin broke out like crazy. all over my chin and lip. I had never in my life had anything like this. Its now three months later and my hole face has acne all over it. My homeopath has given me meny thing too help but it seems to keep breaking out. He tells me that this is how my body cleans and that it will stop when my imunsystem is ready. My question is, how long can this possably take it has been what seems like forever. Im starting too fear scaring. Is acne curable through homeopathy? Is this normal after using topical creams for meny years? Any info would be helpful.
  scamp2005 on 2005-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Acne has been well covered in this forum --- enter ACNE in the Search Forum alongside this panel and you will find all you need
passkey last decade
Nutrition is the key. Avoid alcoholic beverages, sugar or sweets of any kind except for the nutritious stevia sweetener that has zero calories (the ony healthful alternative to sugar), and eliminate all cheese and cow's milk. You can have goat milk and you'll be surprised how used to goat milk you might become. Goat yogurt can be sweetened with stevia and add cinnamon, ginger or fresh fruit for a dessert. Even try eliminating fruit juice or dried fruit, eat only fresh. Try it and see. It works for me.
JeHoward last decade
Well as we have tried many solutions in Irak to cure our back acne, by the way the heat was over 30 Celcius I dont think that acne develops from nutritions. I dont believe that really at all...
stevenj last decade

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