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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Son with Autism

My son is 4 he has Autism. He had two sets of vacccines one month apart when he was 16- 17 months old.
He had encephalitis, but it went away.
He likes to spin, he covers himself with blankets, he likes deeppressure.
He squesl loudly sometimes, and he laughs sometimes for no reason.
he doesn't smile much, limited eye contact, he likes to move, looks at books, and magazines, and type. He is non verbal. He has limited cognitive function, can not floowo commands, has short attention span.
  taramcmillan on 2010-07-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am very concerned to learn that your 4 year old son is Autistic.

You indicated that he was vaccinated at 16 and 17 months and that he had encephalitis which was cured.

Can you please indicate if he was normal up to the time of his vaccinations at 16 months ?
Joe De Livera last decade
no he wasnt he had global developmental delays and he was always fighiting a croupy cough...which came a week or two weeks after every vaccination that he had...we did not link it to the vaccines though...
he sat up at 10 months and he walked at 20 months...always late...always fighting vaccines...
taramcmillan last decade
the encephalitis was diagnosed as a chirai malformation...but when we got the scans the next year...it showed no chiari...which means it was brain swelling to begin with not chiari malformation
taramcmillan last decade

Can you post more details based on a questionnaire available with this forum?
maheeru last decade
Dear Taramcmillan,

Please follow the link http://www.drhomeo.com/

I believe you can find enough information about Autism and Autism treatment with Homoeopathy; which is more helpful for you and your son. If you want than you can send e-mail in my mailing address also.

Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
Hi there we are having fabulous results with Classical Homeopathy using Pierre Fontaine. The turn around in 5 months in my 5 year old son is amazing. He no longer has hypotonia, his speech is exploding and he has a friend! and yes, they play appropriately! Pierre gets the remedy right 90% of the time with our children which is no easy task. Much love to you on your journey.
emliz71600 last decade
Emliz71600 how it son now? N where u done his tenement plz also help me my 2.7years old daughter have artistic symtom.
Simsarkar6 7 years ago

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