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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Anxiety, Fear, depression -unable to sleep during day time.

dear sir
i am Post gradute in science and suffering from sleep disorder from the past 3-4 years. arnd. 3 years ago i suffered a panic attack due to over anxiety (may be job worry, household worries etc.) due to which i was unable to sleep for 2-3 nights. every time i used to sleep some kind of 'bodily figure' enters in my body and makes me still, i cant even lift my finger, i used to cry loudy in that state and when that figure moves out of my body , i feel exausted, perspired, feared etc. after that i consulted psychologist and underwent allopathic medicines like lorazepam, clonazepam etc. for at least 6 months, but later on i felt i was addicted to these medicines. then i opt for holistic treatments like changing my lifestyle, ayurvedic way and also opted for homeopathic medicines like passiflora and somcupin Pekana). after some time i felt some improvement and my sleeping improved. now i am married and my sleep is further improved.
but still i am unable to sleep(even 1 minute) during day time whether i feel tired or drowsy. ''some kind of fear, anxiety or depression irritates me all the time''. i think it has been about 10-15 years that i have not slept during the day time(i know that a day nap even 0f half an hour is good for health) please suggest me suitable kind of remedy, because i have not touched any allopathic medicine since i opted for lorazepam salt. as this caused a lot of damage to me. i now hate allopathic medicines all together. i am great admirer of homeopathy and regular visiter of this site for information on differetnt diseases and its power to cure any disease from its root. i have read related forums on my problem but thought to share my problem with you first. so plz suggest and recommend suitable medicine, for which i will be thankful to you.
if you need any firther info on my case i will provide promptly.
i am also suffering from tinnitus since 15 years, which is under control to much extent due to change i brought about in my life style and never the less by homeopathic medicines(kali mur 3x since 6 months)
  onegoodman on 2010-07-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathic constitutional remedy and Bach flower remedies can be helpful in your case.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
dear dr. saravanan
thanks for ur prompt reply.
plz give me some details about homeopathic constitutional remedy and what is bach flower remedies.
thanks a lot
onegoodman last decade
you are welcome.
Constitutional remedy is one, which matches all your symptoms and suits your constitution(physical and mental make-up).A detailed case-taking and analysis need to be done to find your constitutional remedy.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

Please click the above link to read my article about Bach flower remedies.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
thanks dr. saravanan for ur reply and article
should i send you a detailed
case study about my problem for further diagnosis and solution to the problem?

onegoodman last decade
if you wish, you can mail me for further help.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

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