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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

acne help me

dear sir.
sex . male single
weight . 69kg
countary .pakitan

dear sir.
i have acne from past 6 to 7 year but now it's bad from 2 years.during this periouds i use many madicine like berbris q ang echnicia. psorinium dr rek r53.and i consult some doc as well but nothing is working.i daily go to health club dont have spice food junk food.i have tiny acne white heads and some pimple on my whole face.there is itching an d irration as well.my skin is very oily and sensitive .now days i am using neotrogena acne face wash and cream recomended by skin doc.healing proces is very slow plaz advice me some good madicine.i am muslim nowdays is ramazan so plz teel me how to take madcine during ramazan and after ramazan.plz sir due to acne i can not go to anywhere.plz help me.tc
  dani123 on 2010-09-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls continue the calc sulph 200 weekly one dose for a month ... and report me..

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Logging in to observe progress.
Joe De Livera last decade

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