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Silent GERD for 6 month old, many remedies alredy tried Page 3 of 4

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17 o'clock it's after midnight, so it's a little bit late. From 7-10, it matches with my baby nap time, when I have to guard him to not wake-up.

But, I can do it in week-end when my husband is here and takes care of Damian.
So what about Saturday?

Until then, my first suggestion would be if it is possible for you to take him to Osteopath/chiropractor- here is an example of site where to find:
But if you have time, would be better to google and find one which completely cured reflux babies, and go there.

I really understand you. Mine is teething 6 at once! So reflux got worse...
HopeMiha last decade
this saturday is good anytime before 3 oclock my time.
Samjas55 last decade
so what time saturday???

I took him to a chirpractor specializing in babies and there was no change unfortunately.
Samjas55 last decade
If youre too busy to talk to me, maybe just continue what you were writing before about solids and medication.
I am convinced its an acid problem but cant understand why acid medications dont help him.
Also, I read a homeopathic book and found a perfect remedy for him : ASO FOERTIDA- i really want to try it but on the internet there is a huge warning for its use in infants so Im scared. Have you ever tried it and heard of it being dangeorus, thank you
Samjas55 last decade
ASA FOETIDA it was one of the remedies that we tried at the beginning at it was a huge improvement concerning his big evening crisis.(he was free of evening crisis after 3 days )
We gave ASA FOETIDA 7ch (in USA is ASA FOETIDA 7c), 3 days, 3 times per days, 3 pellets dissolved in water at a time, away from meals.
I believe that is not more dangerous then any other remedy. You start, and, if after one day you feel he is worse, you can stop. At this low potency I’m sure that the aggravation can not last for too long.
Usually this remedy is given for babies whom had to come earlier then they wanted too. E.g.: planned birth.
HopeMiha last decade
Concerning the acid problem, one of my baby’s doctors had the same question, why is not acid medication helping him? I had the same questions until I read a lot of articles, concerning acid reflux viewed from the other side (not from the BIG PHARMA side). Here is an example of article but you can find many more: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/04/2...
HopeMiha last decade
I told you about chiro, because I believed that during the birth trauma, his spine and head suffered, and it might be one nerve affected like the vagus nerve which controls the movement of the stomach and of the esophagus. Especially because of the backward arching, I put a great hope in this chiro procedure. I’m sorry that it did not work. :-( Usually you should see an improvement after the first meeting. I just hope it was a good chiro, with experience. So now I wonder if in my case it might also not work...
HopeMiha last decade
So now it remained 2 other major paths (and maybe one more):
1. leaky gut (no enough good bacteria to digest completely the food)
2. parasites (e.g giardia or Blastocystis hominis [this one adapts very quickly to the ant parasitic methods] are protozoa that can give lactose intolerance or reflux)

(the 3-rd one heavy metal loading)
Don’t forget that their immune system is still immature so they have a different reaction then adults.
HopeMiha last decade
I'm very tired; last night was awful (the entire week quite bad). But I’ll try 17 o’clock my time, so that’s your 10 o’clock I believe. Pls wait for me 10 minutes or so, after that it means that I could not attend.
HopeMiha last decade
Hi Samjas55,

It looks like my grandmother is sleeping in the room where is the computer, so again, I have to postpone. Sorry.

However I'll try to answer to your other questions by writting.
HopeMiha last decade
its ok, I understand.
WHo gave you the instructions for Asafoetida?
Samjas55 last decade
Also, i got the GAPS book, trying to follow her baby food introduction but it has very limited options. So you never gave grains to your son- even long-cooked oatmeal??I started with squash for a week, then added carrots- the problem is that he always feels bad during day- crying on and off, demanding to be carried, so how would I know if hes not tolerating the foods well since hes always feeling bad? Surprisingly my child always sleeps pretty good at night on his stomach.
What should I try after the squash and carrots, the meat stock?? Im afraid of the yogurt she talks about because he has blood in stool from formula with dairy, so well wait. Just really confused on the solids. How can a child just eat vegetables and meat stock all day??
Samjas55 last decade
The instructions for ASA FOETIDA were given by the best homeopath in town. However, I was not satisfied with him, because he was to busy to listen carefully. The most remedies that he gave were not useful, but the opposite. This is because he is very sensitive, and aggravates for the remedies that are not for him. But this is how homeopathy works. It is a trial and error process. In the end I find another not so well known homeopath, but which helped him the most. The remedies that she gave were better selected for him. I wrote you which were in another mail. If you want I can tell you the exact instruction how to take them, but I think each kid is somehow different, therefore is important to have your own homeopath that you trust and can help you.
HopeMiha last decade
Regarding the GAPS diet, I found the book long time after I started the diversification. I even did not buy it, because it was to late, and the information that I found in the video transcript were enough for me. I understood a lot of things about diet, and about good bacteria that is necessary for us to live and to work properly. We need to provide good bacteria somehow, if not from raw milk derivates then from other sources, like fermented cabbage or other fermented drinks. I’m talking about adults. The baby gets whatever is in mom and a little from dad. That’s why I asked you at the begging if you use to consume fermented foods. Do you? Everything that we buy in the supermarket is highly processed; even most of the veggies and fruits are irradiated, if not from local source, thus they lake enzymes.
Our kids do not have autism, so we don’t need to fallow so strictly the diet. But, up till now I did not gave him cereals with gluten (and he is almost one year and a half) (as I know oat contains gluten), however I’ll introduce them very slowly, but a bit later, after I introduce other foods that I planned. One of the easiest cereals to digest is millet, this was his first cereal. Then there other gluten free cereals like quinoa (very nutritive!!) , tapioca, amaranth etc.
If I were in your place I would introduce some other veggies, meat stock, at some point potatoes, and olive oil (this is the oil easiest to digest). Then I would completely change one milk feeding from the middle of the days with veggies with olive oil (lunch), and after added a little bit of organic turkey or chicken (max 30 grams at the beginning).And continue introducing veggies and fruits, and only after this are working try millet, then follow by other gluten free varieties. Egg yolk I think is very important, maybe even before cereals. When you have at least one cereal you can eliminate another milk feeding with (e.g 10 pm or 18.pm) cereals with milk or cereals and fruits (the second not very nice combination, but currently I don’t know what else to suggest, or maybe just fruits, including nutritive ones like bananas and avocado).
At the end you should have 3 main meals, solid and 2 milk feeds morning and before sleeping. If he is not having dairy then because of proteins he should have meat at one of the meals and egg yolk one of the other 2 (or some peas, beans etc.). This is how my ped recommended. Maybe in USA they recommend differently, I don’t know.
HopeMiha last decade
Oil and other sources of fats are very important for them until they are 2.
So, I always add something, at each meal, olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado, etc.I started with half of tsp and now around 2 tsp.

Samja55, if your son sleeps well at night, I don't know if it is reflux, or maybe a mild one. Usually reflux gets worse at night because of the horizontal position. But also it is possible that your son is refluxing only after the meals? Do you feed him also at night?
HopeMiha last decade
Forgot the most important.
I gave him probiotics they help him with digestion.
But recently after reading about GAPS I found out that this is not enough. Even the best ones.
So now I'll try the fermented foods. I'll start with goat milk youghurt house made 1/4 tsp and tell you how it's working. (my son is also on Neocate)(Maybe you can try the fermented vegetables very small amount...)
HopeMiha last decade
Even though my son sleeps decent at night (which only started after he learned to sleep on his stomach), he is a nightmare during day. After 30 minutes after each meal, he starts to: arch, cry for an hour, swallow and spit up and this goes on all day- we have to carry him upright all day- we cant even change him on his back without screaming- 2 people are usually taking acre of him and take turns carrying- so the case is defintaly not mild.

If Asafoetida helped you so much, why did you stop taking it after 3 days? I am ordering it today- pellets, right?
If you can tell me the other hoeopathic remedies and dosages you used that would be great, thank you.

In terms of the acid issue, I dont agree theres too little acid- I know this because when he wakes up at night and cant go back to sleep or cries bad I give him half a teaspoon of Mylanta (antacid) and he falls asleep in 5 minutes. Did you ever try that at night? I am thinking to do an andoscopy on him soon and see the damage, but nervous.
Samjas55 last decade
Thank you for all the help regarding solid food. The GAPS book is very against starches- how old was he when you introduced? How old was he when you introduced the millet grains?
Samjas55 last decade
What you are describing about your son was the same with mine. Exactly the same, except the spitting-up, very rarely. Most of the time I had to carry him alone and show things, he screamed as you say after 30 minutes after feeding and so on. I cried a lot, I taught I’ll go crazy. I have to remember when things got better.

The biggest change was when I eliminated diary (I tried also to keep my milk until 6 month by pumping because he had aversion, I noticed he is better with it then with hipo-formula,). Then I noticed a huge improvement. The crises were much milder (still continued after every meal), except the big evening crisis. This went away with ASA FOETIDA. I respected the days and the dosage that the homeopath gave me (yes, pellets solved in a little water). After that I had to do a pause several days and then again ASA FOETIDA, but the second time it did not helped anymore. Then my homeopath went in vacation, and when he was worse I gave again ASA FOETIDA, but the result was opposite, I could even see how the milk is coming back in his mouse and he swallows. Actually everything I tried, and it worked wonderfully, after a while did not work anymore, and then if continued the result was exactly the opposite. Another thing that worked well for a while was http://www.coliccalm.com/ .I bought more bottles, but then they weren’t useful.

Another huge improvement in eating and sleeping was with Magnesium Phosphoricum, Schussler salt,D6 the potency (I don’t know if the name is the same in USA) every evening after 18 o’clock , 3 pellets in warm water (I know you don’t have pellets, but tablets instead), for 3 weeks . I have a book, but it is not electronic format, which describes all the symptoms for all the Schussler salts. For Mag Phosp I write you a few of them: stomach colic, pains, irregular heart beat, pain in the eyes, epilepsy, irritability, cough with cramps, muscular spasm, nervousness, regurgitation, constipation, hyperactivity, hyperacidity, hemorrhoids.

Lycopodium was his constitutional type because he was always demanding and bossy, bloated, and very hard to burp. Also he had ravenous hunger, but after a few bytes he didn’t want anymore. You have to look up on the internet the complete description and if many of the symptoms are matching then your son may be also lyco. We tried a ch30, 3 pellets solved in water dose. It was a slight improvement in eating, sleeping and general demanding behavior. Then we started with LM1 potency and went up to LM4. LM1 we gave each day. When you do not notice any further improvement you go to the next e.g LM2, and so on. LM1 you gave more often then the next LM’s. But first try a ch30 and see if you notice changes within 3 days.
Always give only one remedy at once and wait, before trying a new one. But still I suggest a good homeopath.
HopeMiha last decade
No, I did not tried Mylanta. But Omeprazol (Losec) and Ranitidine (I don't remeber the american name of it) day time, and they did not work.

What is the complete name Mylanta? I see several versions of it.
HopeMiha last decade
I did not know that cereals are not ok. I tried rice cereal half of a small spoon when he was 5 month. He was reacting very badly. At 6 month I tried again, a bigger spoon, result gas and bloating and reflux all night.
Then I waited a lot, I don't remember how much. I know that I tried vegetables, olive oil, fruits, and only then, maybe 8 month?! Still he was not very ok with it, but at least was not screaming so badly.
I suggest that as with everything you start with a very small amount and gradually increase, if is not ok stop, try smtg else, then try again. Each time it will be a little bit better.
But now in your place I would delay it.
HopeMiha last decade
About too little acid, here is a copy paste from a site:

'Too little stomach acid (hypochlorhydria) can cause acid reflux because a certain level of acidity is required for the stomach to empty into the intestines. If there is NOT ENOUGH ACID, the valve at the bottom of the stomach called the pyloric valve, does not open, and the contents of the stomach can reenter the esophagus.'

And a copy paste from Mylanta description:

'This medication is used to treat the symptoms of too much stomach acid such as stomach upset, heartburn, and acid indigestion. Aluminum and magnesium antacids work quickly to lower the acid in the stomach.

This medication works only on existing acid in the stomach. It does not prevent acid production,'

That's beeing said, if your baby is ok with Mylanta it means only that the acid bothers him (the reflux of it), and it does not tell anything about the cause.
HopeMiha last decade
One suggestion, to make carrying easier for you and for him, what we did, we bought a walker smtg similar to this one:


but definitely not for walking, but for pushing around in the house. The most important is to elevate the sitting part enough that his legs will not touch the ground, so he will be like in a baby carrier.
From the first moment he loved it! Finally he could stay vertically as much as he wanted.
HopeMiha last decade
HopeMiha last decade
My offer to treat is still there, if you wish.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear HopeMiha and Samjas55,

I've been in your shoes- my son was extremely colicky, and we had to sleep night after night holding him upright. The spitups were horrendous, almost after every feed. The colic can last long, and because it prevented him from sleeping through the night, he never really learnt how to sleep until he was 2 and a half years old!
Had I discovered this forum back then, I can't imagine how much it would have helped me.

David, aka brisbanehomeopath, has helped me TONS with both my little children. I don't know what i would have done without his help.
His questionaires are long, and tedious to answer when time is so precious. But answer them the best way you know how, he might be able to get you more quiet time and more sleeeeeep in the long run.

I'm usually not the interfering type, but couldn't help to put my two cents here. I've been there, and my marriage suffered too because of it. If you can cure the colic now, you'll be way better off.

Goodluck to the both of you and your little ones.

karinamom last decade

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