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Posts about Acne, Depression

Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Long standing depression33Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression217 year old son with pimples and acne6Acute acidity due to mental depression6Teenage acne4Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Teen acne1Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne, Depression, Restlessness, Low Energy, Low Self Esteem, Overeating, Anxiety, Slowness, Poor Sense of Time, Forgetfulness, Unawareness...

The list goes on.... I would really like to cure my acne problem the most, I'm now 18 and I've had it since 12.... It started out mild but it's only gotten worse over the years and now it's the worst it's ever been with me having acne on my face and back, cystic painful ones as well as small ones, along with blackheads and whiteheads. There is a concentration of them on my cheeks(I never really had acne in that area till a few months ago:'() and chin. Starting on my temples now, too....

It really emphasizes the other symptoms that I have... low self image, depression, and restlessness being the worst ones. I've had days where I'd just cry when I see my skin, stayed in even though I wanted to go out because of it, been late to school, events, etc. because I couldn't get myself to look in any sense decent with makeup.... Have been to the doctor and they took 5 tubes of blood from me for various blood tests of hormone levels, glucose levels, vitamin and mineral levels, etc. and it all came out normal.... The only thing that came out, with an earlier blood test was that I was lactose intolerance. I've never gotten better with any advice from doctors or dermatologists and I've basically tried every topical there is with no light on my acne problem. I don't really trust those professionals anymore because they've done nothing but made my condition worse if anything.

Please put some hope back into me:(.

I've filled the list in just in case:

Full Name: Phuong R.
(You can use your alias if you want to be anonymous)
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Weight: 48 kg / 106 Ib
Height: 150 cm / 5’0”
Temperature: normal
Blood Pressure: normal
Color of Tongue: normal
Occupation: student
Optional Information: I’m in a very stressful situation right now in general, I’m very far from my comfort zone, especially with moving recently. I notice that stress worsens my condition.
Name of Disease: Acne

Patient Description:-
Constant depression
Often overly stressed
Low energy
Low self Esteem
Acne (all types on face and back, concentration on cheeks, chin, and center of back. Have had it since 12 but have never been so bad before till some months before summer, noticed it happened at the same time that weather became warmer)
Overeating (have only done so after I’ve moved, it seems to come with the stress)
Slowness (these days I tend to literally be in slow motion…)
Poor sense of time (I keep losing track of time…)
Unawareness... (I used to be very observant of everything but these days I barely notice anything happening around me)
Feelings of uselessness and worthlessness
Feeling like I’m losing my abilities to do things…

Cause of your disease / Problem:
Probably hormones and my lactose intolerance…. I notice that stress and spicy foods make my condition worse too. I’ve been under major stress lately so it somewhat makes sense that this is the worse time for me with my acne now too (why does it have to go in such a cycle, with acne causing me even more stress??:’(().

Period of Disease / Complaints: 2004, around the time when I was 12. 
(Day, Month or Year when it was started)

Results of major Laboratory Tests:
(Investigations / Pathology Reports)
a. Lactose Intolerance

Comfortable Position:- non really… I guess I’ve seen good improvements with baking soda masks, mixing baking soda with water into a paste and applying it on… but they’re just mere improvements on the appearance of my scars and acne….

Worse state of disease:- Extreme stress, spicy foods

Change of Weather:- Hot weather seems to have an impact, as I noticed my acne getting a lot worse at about the same time the heat of summer set in. I think high humidity plays a role too somehow as where I live now it is very high in humidity as opposed to wear I lived before. When the summer came my acne was getting worse, but since the moving my acne has exploded.

Good Time: not really any time of day really… I feel a little better when my skin is not emphasized so much… maybe night.
Worse Time: When my acne is clear and emphasized. I guess morning/forenoon.

Thirst:- I barely get thirsty, I drink rather little. Maybe 3-4 cups a day.
Appetite:- lately I feel as though I’ve been stress eating. The change of foods is very tempting, I feel like food here is better than where I used to live but I feel as though I am overeating due to my stress. I’ve gained about 6 kg in the past 4 months. I often eat till I feel bloated these days, and I feel like I have no sense of control over it….

List of medicines used so for: none… I was prescribed Doxylin, an antibiotic for acne but am refusing to take it after reading reviews that it only gives temporary relief, while you’re on it….

(Explain in detail where necessary)
Are you addict of alcohol? No
Are you a smoker? No
Are you fond of drinking tea? Somewhat, I used to do so a lot more before but not anymore
Do you like salty/spicy items or sweet stuff? Sweets – chocolate, cakes, cookies. I guess I’ve been consuming them a lot more when summer came and friends and I were going out almost everyday for a month before I moved. Since I moved I’ve been eating a lot of cakes and so on.
Are you vegetarian or carnivore? Carnivore? I love vegetables and fruits too.
How is your bowel movement? Constipation now and then but normal in general.
(Loose motion or constipation etc)
Are you slim smart or obese etc? Average weight (but with my weight gain lately I’m getting somewhat anxious… fat concentrating around my belly)
Do you have craving for any food / drink etc? Creamy cakes, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate
Do you have any wart or mole on your body? I have a wart on my right thumb, no idea how it got there. Have tried removing it with sea salt before and worked but it came back. Have not had the chance to try and rid it again.

List of your major past illnesses / diseases:- I had a lot of problems with worms when I was little. Had lice as well. All gone now though.

Detail of your past Vaccination Chart:- I’ve had all childhood vaccinations.
  bloodflow3r on 2010-10-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to add, but I also have a lot of sleep problems and problems with controlling my sleep. I feel like I need a lot of hours. I especially have difficulties waking up. I've had days where I've felt so depressed (acne not being a major reason but one of the contributing factors) that I'd be in bed all day. I notice that when my sleep is even more messed up than usual, like one day sleeping too little, the next sleeping too much, too little again, and so on, that my acne condition gets worse.
bloodflow3r last decade

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