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Long standing depression35Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression214Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression17Depression2Female Low Libido3Great results of lycopodium 200 for erection and libido3Acute acidity due to mental depression6Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

suffering from low libido,depression and anxiety

Hello everyone...i am suffering from low libido,pre mature ejaculation,weak erections and unable to acheive orgasm.....these all problems make me depressed and my memory is badly affected..i have problems in recalling things which has affected my life to a great level.....i have totally loose my self confidence i m having very low self confidence.....and for my sexual part i tried many ayurvedic medicines these help in maintaining erections but when ever i do sex i dont have any pleasure no any feelings....and i ejaculate without reaching to climax my sexual desire is very badly affected........and my sleep is also disturbed i dont know when last time i had a sound and healthy sleep....i tried anti depressants also but none of it is worked....so now i am trying homepathy my doctor has started me on lycopodium 200 one dose weakly and on r41...so i need some suggestions which can help me overcoming this toughest time....thanks a lot
  friendlyguy2010 on 2010-10-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
still waiting for reply
friendlyguy2010 last decade
Lyc. could be appropriate. Do you feel any improvement after using the Lyc?
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
i have taken single dose of lyco 200 cc and i feel little improvement i need advice that lycopodium alone can cover all problems ...i need something which can boost my libido and i can acheive orgasm
friendlyguy2010 last decade
Well, Lyc can cover the problems you described. Lyc is a common medicine to use for those problems, and many homeopaths have seen many cases where Lyc. is the only medicines necessary to cure what you've described.

If you feel a little improvment, that's probably a sign that it's working and you should wait. Correct homeopathic treatment takes time.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
can i take acid phos also bcoz once i had taken it nd it boosted my sex desire or rt 41 is better
friendlyguy2010 last decade
i have taken 3 doses of lyco 200 cc weekly apart i felt little improvement in my self confidence...but still i m having insomnia and problems in reaching orgasm
friendlyguy2010 last decade
please anybody reply i need help
friendlyguy2010 last decade
Dear friendlyguy2010,

Have a look at this self assessment questionaire for Aging Male Symptoms (AMS) Self-Assessment. May gain some advise from the results...


hhealth last decade
I am happy to take on this case if you are still seeking help.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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