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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Is there a cure for dandruff ?

I have dandruff and using Head and Shoulders twice weekly. But it still comes. When approached a dermatologist he says that there is no cure. It will automatically settle after 40 years. But I am 30 now and need some treatment. It is not very bad and no dry flakes falling etc., It is general dandruff.
  homeop1975 on 2005-04-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dandruff is often confused with dry skin/flaking.
over-shampooing can make it worse if it is from dryness. Try and avoid anti-dandruff shampoo, particularly if it is not helping!
sometimes the problem can be caused by shampoos, i.e. sensitivity to ingredients, so seek out a more naturally based shampoo (less chemical, not just fruity natural that all adverts claim is best!!).
Make sure you drink enough water and have a good healthy diet.
Is the rest of your skin dry?
erika last decade
I had dandruff as a teen...tried a lot of ways to get rid of it. Someone suggested that I should rub in Listerine after each shower. What the heck, it couldn't hurt. I tried it. While your hair is still damp, take a handful of Listerine and give yourself a good scalp massage. After a few days....no more flaking! It did work. I do this each morning. I'm 73 and still no itching or dandruff! Good luck.
Skipp last decade
I think dandruff is the result of dryness in your body. I did everything, cleaned my hair with Aritha, Shikakai, and Amla powder (available in stores), but no dice. The only consistent thing I did was drink Olive oil regularly. Now no more dandruff. Hope this helps :)
Dr. Who last decade

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