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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

HELP!! Sulphur: severe reaction. Page 4 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Well, I would risk it to try small dosages of Sulphur 30C because, after all, it did cure my scabies until today’s subway incident! Can I try small dosages and see what happens? What would be safe dosages?
I can’t afford visiting a homeopath in my area. The prices start from $375 with no confidence if the doc is actually good…
MisterX last decade
I don't have time to follow this case, but you can try Sulph 30c one pellet, dissolved in 10 oz of water. Can repeat once per week only if the symptoms start getting worse. If there is continuing improvement, don't use any more.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
And drink one sip or whole 10 oz?
MisterX last decade
One tablespoon is fine.
Homeopathy International 1 last decade
To MisterX

How did you cure those rashes you got from using sulfur ointment. I am also having those reactions right now after using sulfur ointment for 3nights. And by the way i think what you had wasnt caused by your oral medication. Its from the ointment. And im having the same problem now! So jow did you cure yours? Did it go away on its own? Help!
[Edited by Cathycathy00 on 2018-02-06 23:26:43]
Cathycathy00 7 years ago
I hope you can still answer even though this post was already 8 years ago
Cathycathy00 7 years ago

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