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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

mild acidity, depression, lack of confidence . Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hahahaha.. well that is not a complain really. just that i was trying to tell you that my personalty matches that of sulphur.

thats what i think. since you are the doc here obviously i cannot impose my views on you. you can suggest me the remedy you think that might work for me.

and i wish to have a permanent solution for my skin and stress issue, as i plan to get married in the next two years.

thanks :)
sadhnam last decade

'remedy you think that might work for me'

Lack of Confidence.

But, With the help of The God Almighty, the suggested remedy will work.

You must answer all Q's. Your views are greatly appreciated.

Please tell me more about your relationship with your mom in detail?

When she abuse or yell, what do you do at that time and after?

'and i wish to have a permanent solution for my skin and stress issue'

Yes, indeed, this is our target and this effort is all about that!
nawazkhan last decade
One more Q.

How old are you exactly?
nawazkhan last decade
22 Running. 21 complete.

my mom gets offended over small small things. she abuses me loudly, that makes me sad.
i love her but she is annoying. she is a pessimist. she degrades my abilities and keeps saying that nothing good will ever happen to me.
her words used to affect me a lot. now i have stopped caring.
these days i close my eyes for a moment take a few deep breaths in and smile, when i think i m about to lose my temper. and it helps to some extent.
sadhnam last decade

Good Morning!

Hopefully, we will decide on the remedy you will take today.

Did you sleep well last night? Tell me if you remember any of the dreams?

What was the color of sputum this morning?

Is your mood good and relaxed just like yesterday?

Did you hug and kiss your mom this morning? Please always remember, you are here in this world with the help from her as she bore the burden for 9 months, then, your mom worked day and night to raise you.

Ofcourse, you are an intelligent girl with good memory that is expected to deal with all problems by using your wisdom and patience.

Many prayers for your comfort and happiness.

nawazkhan last decade
good morning :)

yes i did sleep well. no dreams.

frothy white spit.

yes i feel relaxed as i m home. i m bunking college.

i m well aware of that hence i tolerate her as much as i can.

thanks :)
sadhnam last decade
i want to ask you a general question.

Is it so that a particular type of person will only benefit from one particular remedy. there cant be a close option?

and how can one know when to stop taking medicines?
sadhnam last decade

That's a great girl now!

I would like you to take Sulphur 200C, 4 pellets nicely dissolved in 1/4 cup of mineral water using a spoon, tomorrow early morning, empty stomach, at least 45 minutes before breakfast.

Your post with a positive attitude is greatly appreciated.

Please keep up the good work.
Report progress in a couple of days, then, we will go from there.

A bundle of more prayers for your healthy life, happiness and a successful career.

nawazkhan last decade
I love your spirit doctor.
God bless you.

Have a nice day.

Although, can you answer my previous query?

i am curious!
sadhnam last decade

'Is it so that a particular type of person will only benefit from one particular remedy. there cant be a close option?

Yes, if the person's state and symptoms match with a particular remedy, then, there is a cure!

What do you really mean by 'there can't be a close option'? Please describe this in detail.

'and how can one know when to stop taking medicines?'

When one is cured from the disease. When you will be sleeping well! When you will be waking up fresh! When you will have no stomach issues, mental problems, acne and other issues! When you will have a healthy skin! When you will have a normal happy mood! When you will kiss and give big hug to your mom daily! When all of your health issues will disappear! Only, then, you will stop taking any remedy soon!

Many prayers for you.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 18 Feb 2011 21:59:48 CST]
nawazkhan last decade
say for example a person is not able to find his RIGHT remedy and picks something which is close to it ( say if my right remedy is suppose sulphur, but i couldnt realise and i pick pulsatilla 30 or thuja 200 and use it for 4-5 months)

what could happen?

just asking out of curiosity.

thanks again.
sadhnam last decade
In this situation, the remedy will have palliative effect meaning the relieving or soothing the symptoms of your disease without effecting a cure.

But, your correct remedy is Sulphur based upon the data you have furnished.

We will also need Thuja, Nux Vomica and Anacardium later depending upon your miasm, state and symptoms changes.
nawazkhan last decade
Thanks. one last question. i would be purchasing sulphur 200c . is it ok if i buy the liquid?

and should i consume it just once tomorrow morning or repeat it in the evening?

4 drops in 1/4th cup of water.

am i right?
sadhnam last decade
You are welcome!

Please try to get in pills form that would be really nice.

If not, then, liquid form is OK?

Only One Dose Please.

For the next dose we will decide after looking at your response.

Please follow the directions and establish a fine line of communication.

Good Night, it is almost 12:33AM where I live.
nawazkhan last decade
sorry for bothering you so much.

sadhnam last decade
sulphur kind of works for me. kind of doesnt.

things that are same are -
lack of will.
unpredictable mood swings.
acne scars.

things that changed -

acne looks a bit settled.

skin has become dry and flaky on back, ears

4 new acne (non painful red in color) on chest and arms

dandruff has reduced a bit.

Can you please suggest me something for scars? i have dark hypertrophic scars

i m thinking of trying silicea. can you please recommend me a dose with proper potency?
sadhnam last decade
sadhnam last decade

Please be patient, Sulphur is working on your variety of problems!

Please take Sulphur 200c daily ONE dose for 5 days.

We will see Silicea after 1 week.

Please keep posting your symptoms on daily basis.

A bundle of more prayers for your good health.

nawazkhan last decade
i have a recent update!

i ate a fried papad after a long long time , i hope you know what that is. and yeah after around 30 minutes my arms started itching. it still is slightly. you think its because of the papad?
sadhnam last decade
May be?
nawazkhan last decade
so i shouldnt eat anything fried? okhay then.


One more thing i have noticed you helping a lot of people. You must be an amazing person! God bless you! Taking out time for others without expecting any monetary benefit whatsoever. thats humane!. i have not consulted any pro doc here as i have noticed they all are so commercial.. they take us for a ride , burn a hole in our pockets and no result whatsoever! i have spent a lot in the year 2009 and NOTHING worked for me .
so hopefully this time i m in the right hands. and i believe i will look pretty like before and be an amazing girl :)
sadhnam last decade
Well, first of all many thanks for your kind and beautiful words. You are indeed blessed, beautiful and an amazing girl. Your words reflect your greatness.

So, the fried food is not the problem, but, the papad with spices etc. may be giving you the problem. That's where the Sulphur comes in and provides immediate relief from itching, burning and other issues. Therefore, please start on Sulphur 200C immediately.

With more prayers.

nawazkhan last decade
Hello Nawaz sir, i feel that i have acidity today and also a bit of a headache. should i take the next dose of sulphur tomorrow?

I m not feeling very irritable as such

there is a lot of itching happening on my back and arms

I m pretty positive that i am a sulphur person, but how do i know which potency suits me the best? 30 or 200 cause i have taken at least 12 doses
of 30c before starting with 200c

face still looks dry and dull.
sadhnam last decade
Please take one more dose and stop. This is the right potency, please let it work. Things need some time to settle down. First it performs on mental issues, then, physical problems.

Sulphur will correct your headache and other physical issues soon!
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Doctor,

My old acnes have dried up. my mental condition is slightly better , although i still find it a problem to concentrate on studies , mind wanders here and there. over thinking leads to headaches.

should i stop taking sulphur 200?
sadhnam last decade
Yes, please stop Sulphur and be generous to give the remedy 3 days to perform its functions.

In the meantine, please take a strong dose of patience with a positive attitude. Please relax.
nawazkhan last decade

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