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Posts about Eczema

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Eczema like rash on breast

Hi, I have recently noticed a patch of eczema like rash (red, thin, rough) on my left breast. It's kind of dry like and I put calendula cream on it now which takes away the kind of tight feeling there. I have no idea how it came about. Can someone recommend me something to take please. It's been about three weeks old; not getting worse but not getting better either. My tongue is also very white and I have noticed my little daughter's tongue is having a whitish coating on it as well. Is there something that she and I both can take for this?
I have also developed a stiffness in muscle after the c-section (epidural) and every morning when I get up, my back feels like lead. I seeked help but to no avail. Is there something someone can recommend?

Thanks for your help.
  isabellesmom on 2005-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Although Picric acid shows up for the back problem it does not cover all the problems .

The remedy that seems closest to this is Baryta Carb 10m.

Suggest you get this remedy in the 10m and take ONE dose on three sucessive nights ,on going to sleep 20 mi after brushing the teeth witha non medicated toothpaste.

Wait 10/14 days and advise .
passkey last decade
I will try to find the remedy; not sure if the local shop carries it in 10M. Will let you know. Thank you.
isabellesmom last decade
This sounds like Thrush.
Jazco last decade
Graphites 30 in liquid form will be helpful;

[moderated - please don't post contact details to the forum.]
kalibrom last decade
I think its thrush too. I recently started a detoxifying regime and whilst I did lose some weight, I have become somewhat'hormonally unbalanced'. My cycle has been delayed and I have been getting vaginal thrust as well. Oral thrush has somewhat reduced although there and my baby daughter seems to have some oral thrush as well. Will graphites 30c help her too?
isabellesmom last decade

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