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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Chronic Sinus problems

I have sinusitis for the last 3 years. I don't have infection all the time. But I have phlegm in sinuses,constant backdrop, sometimes cough, severe blocked nose, sometimes runny nose and sneezing. The phlegm is in white color and very sticky most of the time. I tried many medicines but the phlegm and nose blocking doesn't go away. Sometimes I cannot breath very well because of blocked nostrils. Sometimes I have red, watery and itchy eyes and swollen eyelids.

I do neti and throat gargling everyday. I exercise well. Please help!
  govinda9 on 2011-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The 3 remedies listed below will help your nasal problems and will also build up your resistance to colds and coughs caused by virus infection.

Take 4 pellets of each remedy sublingually precisely in the order given 2-3 hours apart.

1 Calcarea Carb 30c
2 Phosphorous 30c
3 Lycopodium 30c

Please note that these remedies may not be taken on a regular basis and may only be repeated monthly if necessary.

Report progress in 48 hours after you have completed the course.

Stop all other drugs that you may be taking today as these remedies will be antidoted by them.
Joe De Livera last decade
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mani_jee last decade
thanks for the quick reply. The dosage is 4 pellets of each remedy for day? So I take 4 pellets of each per day at 2-3 hours apart?

govinda9 last decade
Lycopodium and Lycopodium clavatum are the same?
govinda9 last decade
I have already give instructions on how to take the 3 remedies in my post above.

'Please note that these remedies may not be taken on a regular basis and may only be repeated monthly if necessary.'

It is essential that a patient follows the therapy precisely as prescribed as on a forum such as this it is not possible to supervise how a remedy is used.

Lycopodium is Lycopodium Clavatum.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have stopped all other medications including nasal sprays. I took the prescribed medicines exactly. I felt little better but Phlegm is still there. I am afraid that it is going to come back again. The Phlegm is not as much as before but still have it. I got bit of relief from blocked nostrils. Please advise!

Venu Kothuri
govinda9 last decade
Calc Carb 30 in the Wet dose taken thrice daily can help your problem.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in the Liquid pack in Alcohol, also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard at least 6 times before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this enhances the effect of the remedy on the user.

Report progress daily.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello sir,
Is this 30x or 30c?
govinda9 last decade
It is 30c.

Please note that it is normally presumed to be the C or Centesimal potency if there is no letter after the figure to indicate the potency like 3, 6, 30,200 etc.
Joe De Livera last decade
I have started this medicine and felt some improvement. Most importantly, the phlegm is thin now. I know my question sounds silly but I just want to confirm. Do I add 3 drops to the bottle every time I take a dose? or the adding the drops is only one time for the bottle?

Thank you.
govinda9 last decade
Glad to note that you have experienced some improvement in your condition after taking the Calc Carb.

You will only use just 3 drops to activate the water just the ONE TIME.

Remember to shake (succuss) the bottle hard before each dose.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Sir,
I have been using the Calc Carb and feeling lot better. I don't have blocked nostrils anymore, which is a great relief. Phlegm is thinned down a lot. But I am still having the phlegm dripping in my throat,and it is more in the morning. I sneeze more in the morning too. As day goes, it comes down a bit. I will continue this medication but any advice to get rid of phlegm completely?

But overall, I am very happy that I got good relief.

govinda9 last decade
Have you taken the other remedies as prescribed?

1 Calcarea Carb 30c
2 Phosphorous 30c
3 Lycopodium 30c
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir,
I want to give you an update on my progress. Overall, I am feeling lot better than ever before. However, I am not completely cured. I have been taking the liquid form of Calc Carb as you prescribed (three times a day). I have also taken 1) Calc Carb 2) Phosporous 3) Lycopodium three times so far (monthly once).

Just two days ago, I started sneezing in the morning and my nose started dripping non stop. It went on for couple of days. I am not sure if this is because of allergies or weather change. Occasionally, I feel my nostrils blocked a bit. But once I take Calc Carb dosage, I start feeling better. Please let me know if you want me to change anything. Otherwise, I will continue Calc Carb liquid form dosage for a while.

govinda9 last decade
Let us treat your dripping nose with:

Ars Alb 200c in the Wet dose taken twice daily.

Report response.

Continue with the other remedies.
Joe De Livera last decade

Take just ONE DOSE of the Ars Alb 200 daily
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir,
Ars Alb 200c wet dose is available in 1 ounce or 2ounce bottle. What is the dosage and how many days I will need this?

Thanks and Regards
govinda9 last decade
You can get the smaller bottle as you will only need 3 drops in the 500ml bottle of spring water
[message edited by Joe De Livera on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 15:55:54 BST]
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir,
I have been taking the prescribed medicines and feeling lot better for the last few days. I think I am about 75% cured. Phlegm has reduced considerably. I am still continuing the medications.

My Son is 12 years old and suffering something similar. His nostrils smell a lot. He has blocked nostrils sometimes and cannot blow anything out. He is often trying clear is throat because of phlegm. He is also having some cough (recently) and fatigue. It has been more for the last two months. He has been outdoors a lot for the last 4-5 months due to sports activity. Could you please prescribe medicine for him?

govinda9 last decade
Glad to note that my Joepathy has helped you again. You can stop the Ars Alb but you can continue to take the other 3 remedies every 10 days as they will continue to help you.

For your son, you can repeat the same remedies that you are using.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Sir,
Currently, I am using the following:
1) monthly

1 Calcarea Carb 30c
2 Phosphorous 30c
3 Lycopodium 30c

2) daily
Calc Carb 30 in the Wet dose - daily three times

3) Ars Alb 200c - daily once

So I can stop 3) and continue with 1) for every 10 days and 2) daily?

govinda9 last decade
I had lost sight of having prescrbed the 3 remedies for you to be used monthly.

As you have already seen it has helped you when taken monthly.

You can continue to use it in the future too monthly.

Calc Carb can be continued daily in the Wet dose.

Stop the Ars Alb 200 which was prescribed for your sneezing and coryza.
Joe De Livera last decade
Dear Joe, i am from tamilnadu, having sinustics in both nasal ENT Dr.advised for operation not able to smell anything presently using nasal sprays for temperory relief, no problem on summer days but winter days nasal sprays needed. suffering from last 10 years kindly advice. Also having piles( i dnt know it is piles , fistula or fissure) three ground nut size near anus weekly two or three days it broken and pus discharge slight swelling is there with itching. last one month i am taking Arnica 30c and Silicea 6x. kindly advice
subbupm16 last decade
You state that you do not have any problem with your Sinusitis in warm weather and since you live in South India this should not present a problem.

You may however use Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30c in the Wet dose thrice daily and report your response. Patients have reported that a blocked nose clears up in under half hour and I would like to know if your nose does clear up.

You must have your anal problem diagnosed by a doctor to enable me to prescribe the remedy. You may use Arnica and Silicea 6x as prescribed in my therapy for Fistula, Fissure and Abscess which I shall copy below. I presume that you have already read it on this forum or on mine.

Joepathy for the treatment of Fistula, Fissure and Abscess of the Anus.

I shall copy the therapy I have pioneered and prescribed to patients who suffer from FISTULA, FISSURE AND ABSCESS of the Anus. The majority of those who have used my therapy aka 'Joepathy' have confirmed that they have benefitted from this therapy and many have confirmed that they have been cured.

I shall note the Remedies prescribed below:

Arnica 30c in the Wet dose a capful of the bottle taken thrice daily to increase the flow of blood in the body which in turn will help to rebuild the tissue.
Silicea 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to expel the pus from the lesion.
Nat Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily after meals to soften the stools.
Ferr Phos 6x Dose 2 tablets taken twice daily to improve the quality of the blood to help heal the lesion.
Antibiotic Ointment like Polyfax or equivalent which is used internally on the tip of a gloved finger inserted into the anus after every bowel movement to keep the bacterial count as low as possible in the lesion.

Do not use toilet paper after a BM. Use a Hand Spray device instead available at Wal Mart which is a DIY fitting.
No Alcohol, Red meat, Coffee and Sausages, Ham and Bacon as they are loaded with Saltpeter. No canned beverages like Coke. Do not eat hot (Chillie hot) food if you live in India.
Drink at least 3 ltrs water daily and exercise moderately.


The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml bottle in the Liquid DIlution in Alcohol.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Leave half hour between remedies.

Report progress weekly or more often as necessary.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you joe sir for your kind reply, if i stopped the nasal spray sinustics will grown and permanently i could not sense the smell for last 10 years, i have taken arnica and silicea from from your postings only can i continue that or come with doctors report
subbupm16 last decade

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