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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pleas help ... autism

1. What unusual behaviors, interests, obsessions, tastes, aversions, fears - does your child have?
3yrs 9 months
very strong physically.... hard to handle sometimes
easy going
No speech,
not social,
keeps repeating 'adi', 'adi', keeps saying something all the time
attracted to a set of things ( specific toys,swings,DVD player,timer in microwave oven )
no pointing
cries sometimes
not potty trained
doesn't follow instruction (better now with)
loves 'abc', numbers, can write capical letters and small letter and number 1 to 20 with hand held at

loves to hold sticks
wants to hold something in one hand
loves swing (wants to be in infant swing for hours)
doesn't like gritty stuff.. he feels food with hand before he eats
has sinus infection ....
not sure if he smells
less motivated
less frequent -- goes in circles
doesn't understand dirty
not aware
doesn't like to be touch
doesn't like to be touch in head
can't eat anything spicy
mostly likes soft foods,,,,, can't tolerate touch of salt and sugar
sometimes comes and hides behind me when he hears pressure cooker whistles
doesn't like plain yogurt
not afraid of dark.
most things don;t interest him

2. What makes your child upset or stressed and how do they react when upset?
if 'abc' book is taken away from him, something that he likes was snatched. he might cry and

3. What makes them calm, what gives them joy, what are they drawn toward doing, having?
looking at albhabets, numbers, jumping, running, running script on TV, programs with alphabets (wheel

of fortune)

4. What are the main physical complaints of the child, how would you describe them?
always poops lying on the floor on his tummy. He seems to be in pain. (always suspected he has worms,

first thing I told my ped when he was regressing 'I think he has worms'. At 16 months, he has oval

things all over his stomach,

Around 14-15 months, fell in the bathroom and hurt his lower side of the tongue(tear).. nothing was


he is kinda soft, muscle tone a little less, when seated he wants to lay on something

has a cyst in ear

forehead a a pea sized swelling
wrinkles below the eye

a little puffiness under eye

used to get sick all the time

nasal mucous was a lot and thick

hard blink his eyes

5. Try to see life through your child's eyes. How does he/she feel inside? Consider the details --both

good and bad. As a parent, you have a deep connection to your child. Pierre needs the information that

you alone, as a parent, have access to. He will not need to see your child during the session.
He is smart. Has sense of direction, I feel he lacks a sense of energy, mental sharpness. some sought

of pain that prevents him beigh there.
He always wants to come of the apartment, not sure if he wants fresh air. He seems to be in pain.
can't express. may want to play and be like his twin sister,

6. Reflect on the time of your pregnancy. How did you feel during the pregnancy? What was different

during your pregnancy than at other times of your life? Was there any unusual stress, problems,

issues, concerns, fears?

First 8-10 weeks was in a dark room with no sunlight as I was supposed to be bedrest. Not enough

had appendicitis.
Emotions were high and low.
Was tensed about my Green Card and how to carry medication which included (injections) to the US.
Wanted to join my husband in US to carry pregnancy.
some arguements with relatives on some things

Current issues
forced focus
doesn't call mom, dad, sis
no speech (lost)
no social
non verbal communication
inconsistent response to call

partial gfcfsfcf
a/c 12 rounds
supplements(caa, b,c,e,zn, selenium, milk thisle, molybdenum, dmps, ala, xymogen allergy, enhansa
tried l-carnitine 2 times and he as cried both the times.

Current age : 3yrs and 9 months.

grandmother diabetic
grandfather / grandfather's brohter --- gastro cances

currently on mb12 injections every week, 50000 units of d and taken antiboitics for urinary track

infection &
h pylori

1.total 5 miscarriages : 3 ectopic pregnancy, 2 chemical preg
2.Fungal infection before conception on nail (still has it), has vaginal infection (yeast) since

childhood. Can't use a pulic restroom, could get
yeast infection in 5-6 hrs
4.two episodes of sligth bleeding'
on duvadalin --
5. During the earlier 2 preg, ate poemogranate .. coincidently ended in miscarriage.
Even during this preg, ate poemogranate a lot kinda scared, had appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy.
Appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy (of 3rd embryo )surgery between 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.
After the recovery of appendicitis surgery, ate beet, had real bad constipation and gaseous.
Could even sit on the toilet to pee or pass bowel. The gas was really bad. This was going on for days.
Finally had a enema and things settled. Worst phase
6. cerclage surgery at 16 weeks.
7. Urinary tract infection around 16 - 18 weeks. Had antibiotics for 7-10 days
8. tetanus shot at 18-19 weeks
9. Gestational diabetes from beginning
10. fraxiparine(blood thinner) every day till 5 months
11. immunoglobulin IVig every month (missed 1 month due to lack of continuation here in US)
Flew to US at 22 weeks after 5 months in India


Emergency c-section delivery after 36 weeks
Born first
Twin boy
Born almost 5' 13lb.
lots of hair
used to sweat a lot (hair)
Dark in complexion at birth
apgar score 9
was not in icu. No complications after birth
Sent home after 4 days

Breast feed for 7 days only. No milk production

Lipil with iron based milk formula
love to drink lots and lots of formula . Atleast 40 - 50 oz a day

Umbilical cord fell after 2 weeks
Complexion dark at birth, started getting lighter when started bathing
Always a happy baby. smiling all the time. Would even smile in dark.

3 months
Had trush on tongue. No medication given

Between 3-4 had rash all over the body
4 months(appx) : Had blister with white pus on the body. Suspected staph infection
Was given antibiotics

5 months Rolled over
after 6 months : stopped smiling
6-7 months : had rash all over the body for about 2 months. Went away with aveeno moisturizer

had most of the teetch by 6-7 months
8m :
had cold for about 2-3 weeks. no medication given .... became very dull
Had hit himself again the wall. Had a lump on forehead....still (as of today) had a residue of the


Changed ped at 9 months:
doctor put him on antibiotics. started blabbering and was happy again
Had cold again in a month's time. was put on antibiotics(stronger)

after 12 m : had mmr vaccination
3 weeks later had some blisters with pus on the body and vanished.

Watched a lot of DVD's esp 'Abc' and '1..2...3'

Could identify alphabets, number( 1...20) when written on a paper.

Stools often smelly.

Around 14-15 months, fell in the bathroom and hurt his lower side of the tongue(tear).. nothing was


Around 14 months .... would kick a ball, play with sister, laugh , good eye contact, response to name
at 16 months:
1. Had cold , given antibiotics(amoxillin) .... 12-15 loose stools.............no probiotics advised by

Had another attack of cold a weeks later... was given antibiotics ..............no probiotics
Had taken them to kidscare at the gym. very naughty. Were given time out on first day itself. Kids

cried a lot.
My twin daughter took a while to socialize. He didn't socialize after this incident

2. Guests had appreciated my daughter a lot when she was able to identify the alphabets and numbers

written on a magnetic slate.
Twin daughter more dominant than the son. Daughter refused to give him a chance to identify .

pigeon laid eggs in our balcony and the hatched birds were in the balcony for more than 2-3 months.
He would touch them. Lot of bird feaces and fould smell. We would try to take him

17-18m.....was bitten badly by bed bugs. Didn't know we had them in the house. Bitten for a month or

two. Had crept up from neighbours.

was lying around the floor tired and not interested in anything.
Response to name decreased, eye contact went down.
Was visibly regressing in front of my eyes.
(eg : earlier with give a high five in a blink, later he would high5 after a minute or two and

following period .. stopped high5ing.
Checked his ferritin and iron levels. Were too low. Started on iron supplements.
When given turmeric powder .. would do good in terms of name response and eye contact.
Even with Oil of oregano....would do good in terms of name response and eye contact.

Started special education with Early intervention, nj for a very short time.

Started him on iron supplements.

23 m... did OAT .. was high in yeast (report attached)
22- 24 months... we started seeing him get hyper. Moved to India temperorarily.
25m .. had 2nd bout of diarrheao in life ... was doing better in terms of hyperness(reduced), response

to name call was good. good eye contact.

LDH High

Started OT

Had his allergy tested in India... Was allergic moderately to spinach , onion, potato, coffee, chicken

and milding to peanuts

Would do better with the juice of the following items (neem(Azadirachta indica ), oil of oregano,

tulsi(holy basil), betel leaves, garlic, black pepper, cumin seeds,Asafoetida, rock salt)

Started homeopathy. Was doing better.

Had foot, hand and mouth infection. Had ulcers in mouth, and all over the body. Lasted for 4-5 days

At 29m,
had a yagna (prayer with lot of burning wood ), got cold and his response to name, eye contact, etc


It took about 4-6 weeks to improve his name call respose and eye contact.

Had bad infection, stomach virus, fever, cold ... lasted over 10 days.
Was very weak for days after the infection.

Came back to the US from India.
Had bad bad croup and was having breathing and sleeping. Went to ER and was ok in 2-3 days.

Started school in US.
Was sent home atleast 6-7 cause he had bad cold. Mucus was really really thick and lot.

42 months
test name : stool test
Also, we just got a result from a stool test stating he has fungus 'exophiala' and 'few saccharomyces


Reducing substances test that he was not absorbing foods and ph is high.

immunity was low. His NK value is 4 when minimum was 8.

Started b12 injections
seems to be affected by his twin sister, think he has a complexion.

Started on homeopathy
lycopodium 30 ---- more hyper, started visual stim (fingers in front of face)
sulplur 30 --- (better, slightly calmer, few words)
scrophularia 30 ( woke up happy the next day .....no new words)
suplhur 200c ( slightly hyper but few more words here and there, more aware)

what remedy might be good .... if a remedy is good .. how do we proceed with other potency.
Should we try a potency for a month?
  lesliefrank on 2011-06-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Has a homoeopath prescribed for him yet (a trained one)?

Autism is a really difficult and challenging condition to treat. It will take quite a lot of work by a skilled practitioner.

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It could be that the antibiotic treatments have contributed to his autism. What kind of antibiotics was he given at 4 months. Can you name all the antibiotics he was given?

According to Dr. Tinus Smits' CEASE therapy, designed to treat Austism with homoeopathic and isopathic medicines, the drugs and vaccines given to these children have a major impact on the development of their disease.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for responding.

I was trying to get the information about antibiotics from pharmacy.

Following are the antibiotics that were used.

He was given amoxylin at 4 months.

Please let me know what you think.

lesliefrank last decade
Go to a really good homeopathic doctor.

It has been discussed on in an on-line homeopathic journal that autism is a trauma reaction to a number of things by a very sensitive being. Treat for trauma. Trauma (to the whole person, body and mind) can be caused vacinations, thus the observation that autism is 'caused' by vacinations.

Where are you? In US call Todd Rowe, MD, homeopath in Phoenix AZ for a referral.
Bisbee Homeopath last decade

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