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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pregnancy help: severe depression, mood swings, irritability

Hello, I am new to the forum and have some questions. I took the questionnaire on ABChomeopathy, and it suggested the remedy, aurum metallicum. I understand the pricinciples of homeopathy to some degree, but I am confused as to what strength to try, as I am pregnant. As an FYI, my OB is unfamiliar with homepathy, as is my psychiatrist. I am unable to see a homeopath, as financial hardship will not allow. I have SEVERE depression, irritability, and anger and I am 7 week pregnants. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate. Thank you, Michelle, RN
  chellebelle on 2011-07-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height ….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.
37. When is the period during the month approx. date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?

nawazkhan last decade
1. ID chellebelle
2. Age 35
3. Sex Female
4. Single/Married Married
5. weight 122
6. Height …. 5'7'
7. country USA
8. climate summer now, live in midwest
9. List of your complaints
SEVERE depression, mood swings, irritability, anger, currently pregnant
10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint depression, irritability, mood swings since teens

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic Non-diabetc
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt depends, but mostly sweets; right now, loss of appetite
13. Thirst very little thirst
14. Tongue and Taste I don't know
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) usually low, 110/60

16. What exactly is happening? symptoms of severe depression, mood swings, irritability, hopelessness

17. How do you feel? hopeless
18. How does this affect you? trouble getting out of bed in morning, completing everyday tasks

19. How does it feel like? frustrating, hopeless
20. What comes to your mind? feel like God has forsaken me, will not hear my prayers; feel hopeless because I have had depression/mood swings for so long
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you? premenstrual mood symptoms, pregnancy

22. How did that feel like? feels like I am losing control of my own mind; feels like mind spinning out of control at times, mixed with depression
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation? loss of control

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)? want to sleep so the feeling will go away; try to feel pleasure in anything, but just cannot

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?
have been on many different medications for depression; most helpful have been seizure medications
26. Family Background history of depression, bipolar disorder, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PMS
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient Registered Nurse

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living? Psychiatric Registered Nurse, part time stay at home mom (have 4 year old son)

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food: Right now, aversion to certain foods some days, some days feel differnt; probably from pregnancy. In general, tend to like sweet foods

30. Name of foods which increase your problem: Wheat/gluten

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections. I feel like I am unable to feel any pleasure in life. I feel awkward in social situations, because I feel like people know something is wrong with me. I feel like people want to help, but they just don't understand. I feel sometimes jealous of others who seem happy and at peace, and I wonder why I cannot seem to be blessed with that also. I am a psychiatric registered nurse, so I should have enough coping skills, but life seems unbearable at times.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases): symptoms worsen in winter, with boredom, seclusion, feeling alone. But yet, when I get out and talk to people, this fuels my anxiety and irritability.

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc. unremarkable for urine, sputum, saliva - all seem normal, but stool is diarrhea-ish and green.
37. When is the period during the month approx. date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges? Last period was May 27, 2011. History of heavy bleeding, clots, endomtriosis, fibroids (3 separate surgeries in past to remove endometriosis and fibroids)
chellebelle last decade
Could you please give more details on the depression? The aim in homoeopathy is to understand the *differences* between you and every other patient with the diagnosis of depression. Try to answer these questions:

1. What exactly does depression feel like for you?

2. When does it tend to happen?

3. When you feel this way, what makes it worse for you, what intensifies the feelings?

4. What offers any kind of relief for you, apart from medication?

5. When did the depression start, what was happening in your life around that time? Did anything appear to trigger it?

6. Were any of these feelings present in your childhood, in a lesser form?

7. What is your family history of disease, either physical or mental?

8. Do you dream, and if so what kind of dreams do you have? Reoccurring dreams or images or symbols are of particular importance.

9. How do you manage or cope with your depression? What is the effect of depression on your life in all levels?

David Kempson
Professional Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear David, thank you for your reponse and for reaching out to help me.

1. What exactly does depression feel like for you? Depression for me, feels like a trap, that I will never escape. It feels like I am living in a place where it's impossible to feel any pleasure. It is a constant struggle everyday to feel like I still have control of my own mind. It is like looking through a window at the world and others, and seeing them function, happy, at peace, and feeling like I can never reach that, like I can never be a part of that. Feels like I have been forgotten by God. Depression for me feels like extreme sadness, despair and hopelessness also mixed with irritability and anger. Feels like my mind is spinning out of control at times, it is really scary. I live in fear most of the time. Fear of losing my mind, fear of losing my family, that they will reject me, fear of losing my ability to function, do even the most simple things like cooking, laundry, taking care of the house, fear of losing my job as a nurse, fear of never getting better.

2. When does it tend to happen? It is unpredictable, when it gets worse. There is always a constant depression, just varies in severity from day to day. Some days I just learn to live with it, other days, it feels like I cannot go on.

3. When you feel this way, what makes it worse for you, what intensifies the feelings? Being alone (but ironically, sometimes when I am around other people and not feeling well, I feel irritable and angry, as it is almost as if my mind cannot take too much conversation, too much stress, too much stimulation. I know that sounds silly, but it is true. Also, what intensifies the feelings, is when I think I have maybe found the answer (maybe a new herbal, vitamin remedy, etc after searching and searching), and then it fails and I realized I have spent money on something that doesn't work, it is very heartbreaking. Also, premenstrual time is very difficult for me; it feels like everything worsens around hormonal events like menstruation and pregnancy. As a side note, I am on a gluten-free diet. I find that if I eat certain foods like gluten, or anything processed with MSG, I worsen greatly.

4. What offers any kind of relief for you, apart from medication? Being around my family, my son, my husband, doing something outside maybe. Sometimes, when I am feeling my worst, it is just sleep that makes me feel better, because it is a way for me to escape the torment in my mind. As a side note, the medications that have been most helpful for me in the past have been the antiseizure medications.

5. When did the depression start, what was happening in your life around that time? Did anything appear to trigger it? Depression for me, seemed to start around puberty. I think female hormones seem to play a great role in my depression. As I stated earlier, premenstrual, menstrual and pregnancy times seem to be the worst for me. When I was pregnant with my son, I was almost borderline psychotic depression, very scary.

6. Were any of these feelings present in your childhood, in a lesser form? Yes, I would have very disturbing thoughts as a child. I would like to see others in pain. That pains me to say that now, as I am a nurse, and I help people as my career. I feel that now, I am a very compassionate person, and to see others in pain, makes me feel their pain in a way. I am a registered psychiatric nurse, and so, I see a lot of painful stories and people's lives falling apart, which of course, does not help my own condition.

7. What is your family history of disease, either physical or mental? Family history on my father's side: bipolar disorder, OCD, anxiety, endometriosis, uterine fibroids. Mother's side: alcoholism, anger, colon CA, heart disease, kidney CA, uterine fibroids.

8. Do you dream, and if so what kind of dreams do you have? Reoccurring dreams or images or symbols are of particular importance. I dream, but sometimes I cannot remember them. That is most often the case. Although, for the past few months, I have been in a half dreaming, half awake state and I keep thinking I am seeing a boy standing next to my bed (and naturally I think it's my 4 year old son, unable to sleep), but when I reach out, the image disappears. I can never see his face. And just last night, I dreamt about going to the 'other side' - meaning to the spirit world. I was in a mini van with my son and some people, and we were travelling to the other side, very strange. And, a friend of mine, who passed away a few months ago (who possibly committed suicide - his family will not reveal cause of death), was in my dream, and it seemed very real. I felt very eery when I woke up. And the odd thing is too, is that he was a train photographer, and I woke up hearing the sound of a train whistle outside our bedroom window, which is right by some train tracks.

9. How do you manage or cope with your depression? What is the effect of depression on your life in all levels?
My depression is easier to manage some days, and very hard on others. I have become very good at masking it on the milder days, but on the really bad days, I cannot. And I feel like when people look at me, they can tell something is wrong with me. I just recently opened up more to my new husband (we have only been married a couple months) about my journey through depression. He does not know though, how serious it has gotten in the past: suicidality, hospitalizations, ECT treatments (electroschock treatments - when most severe), trials and error with many different types of medication, therapy. It is so difficult to look at my past and see where I have been. It is almost like PTSD. I just want so badly to get better, and I just don't know how anymore. Please help. Thank you for your time.
chellebelle last decade
I will look over what you have written, and I will probably have a few more questions for you.

That was helpful though, it helped to understand what you are going through a little better.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
In addition to any other treatment, I recommend you to take Fish Oil, regularly (Seven Seas/ Carlson). Its results are very promising for mood swing and it is very safe to take during pregancy. In fact, it helps to produce a very healthy baby.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Ok the way homoeopathy works is to look at the unique expressions people use to describe their problem. To that end could you describe more on the following for me, expand on it - homoeopathy is as much an art as a science, so be creative :)


Control of my own mind

Forgotten by God

Spinning out of control

Mind cannot take too much


See others in pain (as a child)

Feel other's pain

This is going to be a challenge. Your case is the sort I do see in clinic, but they usually need a lot of management, adjusting potency dosage and remedies.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
sorry to reply in this topic i really wanted to talk to reva v abt this...so plz help....... my prob is different as i m a boy 19 yrs old .....and have prob of frequent nightfall evry 2 a week frm 6 months, i have stopped the habbit of masturbation....and want to get rid of this frequent nightfall to....i m very weak ,my weight has decreased, my hairs have become this and also have back prob...i have ben visiting homeopathy clinic fr abt 2 months bt has no effect ....so plzzz help me in this case....as i m in 12th...so boards r on my head and i cant study due to this.....
zzzzzz last decade
Any further answers for me to help make a prescription?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dear David,
Thank you for your reply. Here are my replies to your additional questions:
Trap - It feels like I am living in a different world than everyone else, like I am trapped in a world where I cannot feel pleasure, only despair

Control of my own mind - I fear losing control of my mind, that my behavior will embarrass me (i.e. cause me to become so depressed or agitated/irritable that I drive others away) or cause me to lose the ability to think clearly enough, that I am able to take care of myself, my child, my family, and my baby-to-be

Forgotten by God - I feel like no matter how much I pray to God to take this away from me, to plead with him, for even the sake of my son, who needs me as a whole person to take care him. I plead with God to take away this illness, and I say that I could do so much more with my life if I didn't have it, so much more to help others as a nurse, but somedays I can barely help myself.

Spinning out of control - My mind sometimes feels like it's spinning out of control, to describe it more clearly, it feels like depression, fear, and jumbled thoughts all together.

Mind cannot take too much - I get overwhelmed very easily, it doesn't take much for me to feel like my mind is overwhelmed and I can't think clearly. It's like I can't handle even the smallest amount of stress, and it sends me spiraling downward.

Torment - I feel sometimes like living like this is torture, my mind tortures myself. For as many coping skills as I have, I feel like none of them work when I feel really badly. I feel like I am living in a nightmare where I cannot wake up. Every day is a struggle for me to get through. I see other people happy, living their lives, doing simple things, spending time with their friends, families, and I just look at them and wonder what I did that was so wrong that I can't have that too, that I can't feel normal too.

See others in pain (as a child) - for some reason, when I was around 11-12, I found pleasure in others' pain, it almost made me excited. This sounds absolutely horrible.

Feel others' pain - I know feel completely different than when I was a child. I can almost see and feel others' pain. I feel like I am a magnet for it. I don't mean this in a psychic kind of way, but it is more like feeling like a sponge and I soak up others' pain. It hurts me to see others hurting. Maybe because I am hurting so much myself.

Thank you for your time. Please give me an answer soon. As I mentioned earlier, I become easily overwhelmed, so I cannot handle a lot of supplements. If you could only recommend one, the best one for me, that would be helpful.

- Michelle
chellebelle last decade
As a classical homoeopath, I will only ever prescribe a single medicine at a time.

I will look over this information today.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The remedy that seems strongly indicated here is Lyssin. Can you get Lyssin 30c and Lyssin 200c?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Brisbanehomoeopath, have you ever taken Lyssin in your life?
nawazkhan last decade
Dear David,

Thank your for your recommendation. Do I need both 30C and 200C? I am not in a good place financially right now, and if I don't need to buy both, then I don't want to. How would I take the remedy? The only site I could find this remedy on here in the US is for pets. Would it still be ok for me to take? Thank you.
chellebelle last decade
The remedy Lyssin is made from the Saliva Of Rabid Dog.

More info.


One must have the right to know what will be going in their body and impacts on the mom and the child?
nawazkhan last decade
Brisbanehomoeopath, have you ever taken Lyssin in your life? Kindly reply.
nawazkhan last decade
There is nothing going into the body, the remedy contains nothing of the original substance as you well know Nawaz. Why are you making a fuss about the original substance?

What does it matter if I have taken it - I prescribe many things that I have never taken - there are too many remedies for me to have taken them all personally. My homoeopath also doesn't tell me what I am taking each time, so perhaps I have.

I have prescribed Lyssin many times in the past though with great success. The symptoms fit this case well enough.

You can buy just 200c if you like, I cannot predict which potency would be best for you. I was simply hoping to save you some time later if we needed to change potency, however 200c would be my preference.

Homoeopathy makes many remedies out of poisons, disease matter, even refuse. The process of manufacturing removes all the original substance, leaving behind a medicine that is untainted by the substance itself.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The only purpose to be here on ABC forum is to help others in pain and suffering with the best of our abilities. There is nothing ever against you and why it should be as you are also helping people here. But, we are humans who make mistakes, if I see something that will create serious problems, then, I must speak up and address my concerns. This effort is only to help the patient and the baby in the womb. So, please listen to me witout any emotions.

'There is nothing going into the body, the remedy contains nothing of the original substance as you well know Nawaz. Why are you making a fuss about the original substance?
The patient is 7 weeks pregnant, a psoric miasm, but, the remedy Lyssin is of Syphilitic miasm that will create huge nerve fluid issues leading to miscarriage. It is very harmful at this stage to the mom and the child, so, there is no fuss, only responsibility.

'What does it matter if I have taken it - I prescribe many things that I have never taken - there are too many remedies for me to have taken them all personally. My homoeopath also doesn't tell me what I am taking each time, so perhaps I have.
So, you are admitting that you have taken Lyssin with some reservation... We may address this later?

'I have prescribed Lyssin many times in the past though with great success. The symptoms fit this case well enough.
Well enough is not good enough, in my opinion. The patient is a nurse, helping others and very nice human being. Her depression symptoms are not that severe and she is pregnant, we must not take any risk to prescribe Lyssin 30c or 200C, at this stage.

Yes, you have prescribed this remedy to Sorrel on this forum. I begged her not to take, but, she did, please refresh your memory by reading her case again at


After taking a dose of Lyssin 30C, she states as following.
'It's been the rage and suicidal despair today. Plus paranoid type stuff and feeling worthless and projecting it out. It tends to happen too fast when I'm PMS'ing to catch it before I act it out.

I'm not having a good time at all today. I'm freezing cold, my womb is pulling me down and I feel so lazy. I'm really whingey.

And I just want 'the world' to go away and leave me alone in peace.
['The world' being work stress stuff around the public consultation re branch closures starting on Monday, worrying news around the world, my flatmates' son being 4 - his age, but being 4... - right now he's making a screeching noise right outside my door, people on the street leaving me with no space, Christmas stuff being 'in my face' and 'Christmas can just [swears] right off as far as I'm concerned' - p'd off teenaged state..]

I can feel the rage and paranoid angst like oozing and flowing upwards from my womb.
And mild cramps.

I feel tearful.

I just want to shut it all out.
Unfortunately my body-psyche goes into my birth trauma stuff around the time before my period. It's been like this for so long. It just happens. Therapy over the years helps me be more conscious of it and more able to bear with it, I guess the Lyssin could magnify it, hold the mirror up even more. I feel a scream coming from my womb. Wanting to reach for the world but also wanting to be insulated from it.

I must just trust that this will pass. There will be safe edges surrounding me again.

I read some of a book online about archetypes in homeopathy the other day, and it talked about Lyssin in the context of Cerberus, the dog who guards the gates of hell.
Thankfully I am no stranger to my internal hells. I just... it's hard. And it's the weekend.

I know there's not really anything anyone can do. I'm just putting this out here in the hope of feeling less alone with it.
Sorrel ran away from this forum after taking Lyssin, but, she mentioned Womb 3 times in this post 'I feel a scream coming from my womb. Wanting to reach for the world but also wanting to be insulated from it.

Please go thru the whole case and see what will happen to this pregnant nurse, if aggravated?

Sorrel did come back after 3 month approx. then, she was suggested to repeat Lyssin, but she refused.


I hope and pray that the above will produce positive results.

[message edited by nawazkhan on Fri, 29 Jul 2011 05:48:23 BST]
nawazkhan last decade
Lyssin is the acute miasm actually, and if you read other authors you will see it put in different miasms. Again, why does that matter? Pregnant women can possess any miasm. The symptoms always need to be matched up, regardless of your own personal theory about miasm. Lyssin is a well known remedy for extreme mental states, as Michelle has described.

Nawaz your understanding of miasms is nothing like mine, nothing like what I was taught in college, what I have taught to students or have since learned from modern masters of homoeopathy. Remedies will do none of the things you mention if they are curative. Pregnancy is not a miasm - that is ridiculous. Pregnancy is not a disease, it is not part of any chronic disease pattern. It is a perfectly natural healthy state for a women, although her chronic weaknesses can certainly become evident during this time.

What is your problem with this remedy? It seems very irrational and strange. Why are you afraid of it? Are you afraid of Arsenic, Gonnorheal discharge, Mercury, Snake poisons? Or just this one remedy. Hahnemann warns against this kind of irrational attitude towards remedies (avoiding medicines because of previous bad effects, or playing favorites with particular remedies). Free yourself from that kind of restriction and see the patient in a purely unprejudiced way. Being unprejudiced means many things to the genuine homoeopath - it applies to medicines as well as patients.

I just cannot understand your prejudice towards this remedy. It makes no sense to me.

Why did I choose Lyssin, what are the symptoms of that remedy that match this case? Obviously I will have to spell out my working.

There are several important aspects of Lyssin that fit this case.

Fear of losing their reason, FEAR OF GOING MAD

FEELS TORMENTED, TORTURED (main feeling of Lyssin, shared with China but to a lesser intensity)

Persistent terrifying thoughts

Constant feelings of fear

Fear of being alone


Strong feelings of being FORSAKEN and ABANDONED

Lyssin is also listed in the rubric 'Ailments in pregnancy'

In terms of the previous case, Sorrel aggravated on her remedy, then felt better, and then managed well for a number of months. During that time she dosed herself with other remedies, and was convinced to move on to a new remedy that I did not prescribe (I cannot see that she tried it though). Her treatment was sabotaged by people all speaking against the remedy that had probably helped her and she did not continue treatment as should have been done. Her reasons for not coming back to the forum are not really known - many people do the same thing here, especially those suffering from mental health issues. It is likely that the potency was wrong for her - in clinic with a similar case I would have given 1M. Giving low potencies in strong mental health cases usually creates aggravation, as it only superficially affects the state, which is much deeper.

Whatever happened there, it has nothing to do with this case here, and comparing them is not appropriate in any way.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Fri, 29 Jul 2011 07:07:50 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Pre-judging, assuming, lecturing, accusing and ego as usual rather than looking at the risk of taking this remedy during the first 2 months of pregnancy. I hope that one believes in homoeopathic remedy aggravations and proving as in the case of Sorrel in front of us right now.
nawazkhan last decade
Well Nawaz you are welcome to your opinion.

By the way what is your training and clinical experience with Lyssin, with pregnancy, and with mental health patients?

Michelle might be interested to know who is giving what advice.
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Fri, 29 Jul 2011 19:36:53 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
'Well Nawaz you are welcome to your opinion. '

Thanks and you are also more than welcome to your opinions.

'By the way what is your training and clinical experience with Lyssin, with pregnancy, and with mental health patients?
A lot more than your mind could comprehend, thanks to my creator. We even know the proving from Lyssin that one is displaying all over the internet. We can prove the whole case here with the statements already made on record. Again, thanks to my God the Almighty, we are a team and run free homoeopathic clinic for the poor and needy in a rural area and all of the remedies are free. One of the professional homoeopathic doctor is also a professor with 2 other masters degrees and over 45 years of clinical experience. The other doctor with 15 years of clinical experience holds homoeopathic degree. You see we are a team and respect all of our cases from the bottom of our heart only to please our creator. Not for any worldly gain. Both of the doctors get their salaries paid on time from me, thanks again to my creator. So, do you still need to know my experience and qualifications? You are reading my posts on daily basis on this forum.

'Michelle might be interested to know who is giving what advice.
Michelle is a nurse, very intelligent and victim of circumstances just like Sorrel (Anticipated Loss), she can not afford to take a risk for her child. We have laws over here in the US, I don't know about your country. Our children have rights even a mom can not knowingly put her child to any harm in the United States.

So, please help, if you can, to suggest a different remedy that is safe during pregnancy. I would like to kindly request you please, do not go to extreme lengths in expressing or pursuing a feeling, interest, opinion, hunting and taking away the cases of people already being treated. It will create a more distaste if I were to copy and paste your unprofessional statements over here? At some posts you have called yourself stupid, furor and many other things. This is not really good, please control your rage and help people sleep nicely.
nawazkhan last decade
Really Nawaz. What is the name of this clinic? What is your name? So you work with doctors but aren't one yourself? Are you trained at all? Are you a nurse then?

You are quoting other people's qualifications. What are yours? Are you a homoeopathic assitant then? In most countries even this needs some kind of training.

I wouldn't mind knowing who it is that feels themselves to be able to offer such critical peer review on my skills. You are the person that makes sure their wages are paid - am I understanding that correctly? So are you the practice manager, the office clerk?

There is nothing wrong with helping homoeopaths - but you do realise you are representing yourself here AS a homoeopath. Most of your patients will believe that you are an actual practitioner. Until now I was even unsure.

Do they aid you in making prescriptions at least? Do they even know that you frequent a forum giving out prescriptions the way you do?

I am not anonymous on this site. I give my full name, qualifications, and professional membership registration. People are able to confirm that I am both trained and registered, and feasibly could complain to my professional organization if they wished. I am in full view of everyone here, representing myself honestly.

Can you say the same?
[message edited by brisbanehomoeopath on Sat, 30 Jul 2011 00:23:23 BST]
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
The above post is the evidence of proving of Lyssin. How much and in what potency have you been taking? This is not your day today as it seems you have been going in front of the mirror again and again today. Please behave and be professional. My name is Nawaz since I was born. Other things you are asking is none of your business.
nawazkhan last decade
Honestly, I have no problem with people who aren't homoeopaths - the world is full of genuine caring people who do many wonderful and meaningful things that are not homoeopathy. A homoeopath is neither better or worse just by virture of what they do. If you are not one, that is fine. If you support homoeopaths so they can do their job - this is a noble thing and you deserve praise for it.

But having a go at me, here on this forum, as if you were a peer. That seems very unfair to me. If the local gardener or baker came to your clinic and started criticizing the doctors and telling them how to prescribe medicines - what effect do you think that would have on them, or on yourself? Would they be happy to sit down and start changing their prescriptions because of it, would they happily allow this person to start handing out nosodes? Would they be fine with him standing outside the clinic warning people not to take their prescriptions?

So maybe for a second you can imagine how I feel being put in this situation?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade

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