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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



I am suffering from severe acne outbreak especially on my face and also on forehead, body etc. There is swelling surrounding the acne along with pain. Warm compress indeed help to bring out the fluid but sometimes leave scar marks. Moreover it is also difficult to shave. My skin is very oily and I apply soap on my face. Kindly help me with a homeopathy remedy.

[message edited by raja007 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:42:31 BST]
[message edited by raja007 on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:45:17 BST]
  raja007 on 2011-07-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The remedy I prescribe which has helped many is Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily and also applied directly on the face.

The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:

Order the remedy in a 5ml Alcohol pack aka Liquid Dilution in a bottle with a dropper arrangement.
If this is not available the Dry dose in pellets may be use but this is not as effective as the remedy in the original Ethanol pack
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle or 5 Pellets and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is taken as directed.

Please post your response to the Arnica therapy in a week.
Joe De Livera last decade
Hi Joe,

I hope it is ok if I ask a question here about Arnica.

I too have acne (severe since 3 months) and hair loss (since many years) and I am thinking about trying Arnica in the wet dose, like you suggested to many patients, Joe.

However I can get either Arnica 12C or Arnica 30C. Would this still be OK or do I need to order Arnica 6C online? Thanks for your reply
Finchen last decade
To Finchen

You may use the Arnica 12c instead. The 30c is not of any use.
Joe De Livera last decade
Thank you for your reply, Joe. I will buy Arnica 12C.

I have read a few times that you did also prescribe Arnica 30C for acne. Why do you say now that it is not of any use?
Finchen last decade
Because subsequent reports from patients have proved that Arnica 6c is by far more effective than the 30c which I used to prescribe about 10 years ago.

It is essential that you use the Liquid Dilution to activate the bottle of spring water as the pellets are of no use.
Joe De Livera last decade

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