The ABC Homeopathy Forum
remedy relationship
I have a confusion regarding the relationship between Nitric Acid and Lachesis bcoz. Nitric acid has been given to be complementry to Lachesis while at the same time it has been mentioned that Lachesis is inimical to Nitric acid!!!!!hpathyisgr8 on 2011-07-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Inimical and complementary are really the same thing. You give a complementary remedy because it is similar to the first remedy, and covers aspects that the original one did not. This is called 'Zig-zagging' between remedies that are close to each other, to get a curative effect. You avoid giving an Inimical because it is similar to the first remedy - same thing but the result is different.
However, a remedy that is very similar to the first one can also act to neutralize the first remedy, if it is 'too close' in effect. This degree of similarity will vary from patient to patient. A particular patient may need Nit-ac but not cure fully, and be given Lachesis to cover those aspects that didn't cure and do well, because the Lachesis only covers the symptoms that didn't cure. If it actually covered the same symptoms that Nit-ac improved, it can instead act to 'cure the cure' and put the patient back where they were.
So you can see, whether a remedy is complementary or inimical is only partly to do with the remedy per se, but is mostly to do with the patient, and the specific symptoms you are using to prescribe the second remedy, alongside the symptoms that were used to prescribe the first remedy. It is more about the overlap.
In this example, if the Lachesis covers the whole case (is the simillimum not just a similar remedy), it will cure regardless, although in the first instance it may cause an aggravation of the symptoms apparently cured by the Nit-ac (they were not cured in reality).
Zig-zagging can be tricky for this reason. I always prefer to find one remedy for the whole case to avoid these kinds of problems.
However, a remedy that is very similar to the first one can also act to neutralize the first remedy, if it is 'too close' in effect. This degree of similarity will vary from patient to patient. A particular patient may need Nit-ac but not cure fully, and be given Lachesis to cover those aspects that didn't cure and do well, because the Lachesis only covers the symptoms that didn't cure. If it actually covered the same symptoms that Nit-ac improved, it can instead act to 'cure the cure' and put the patient back where they were.
So you can see, whether a remedy is complementary or inimical is only partly to do with the remedy per se, but is mostly to do with the patient, and the specific symptoms you are using to prescribe the second remedy, alongside the symptoms that were used to prescribe the first remedy. It is more about the overlap.
In this example, if the Lachesis covers the whole case (is the simillimum not just a similar remedy), it will cure regardless, although in the first instance it may cause an aggravation of the symptoms apparently cured by the Nit-ac (they were not cured in reality).
Zig-zagging can be tricky for this reason. I always prefer to find one remedy for the whole case to avoid these kinds of problems.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I have a very interesting case in which i had to use the so called Zig-Zagging of remedy.After careful examining the case i gave lachesis to the patient but there was no result.
Then i reexamined the case and gave tuberculinum, Calcarea Carb and then lachesis in the given order and the patient responded very well.I gave tuberculinum on the basis of some past mental symptoms of the patient.
Then i reexamined the case and gave tuberculinum, Calcarea Carb and then lachesis in the given order and the patient responded very well.I gave tuberculinum on the basis of some past mental symptoms of the patient.
hpathyisgr8 last decade
You have to give the remedy that the patient needs based on their current state - any other remedy given at that time will be unlikely to work, even if later on that same remedy becomes indicated.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Dr. Mountson agrees with your finding that homeopathy is a creative art. So you may go ahead in your own way and make your patient healthy and happy.
You raised a good point as to how two remedies can be inimical and complementary. If we disregard this obvious contradiction in the Remedy Relationship Table you will agree that otherwise the table is very logical and it helps a lot.
Best Wishes.
Dr. Mountson agrees with your finding that homeopathy is a creative art. So you may go ahead in your own way and make your patient healthy and happy.
You raised a good point as to how two remedies can be inimical and complementary. If we disregard this obvious contradiction in the Remedy Relationship Table you will agree that otherwise the table is very logical and it helps a lot.
Best Wishes.
♡ kadwa last decade
From whatever little experience i have got in homeopathy,i have come to realise that remedy relationship is very important for finding correct remedy required at the moment plus remedy sequence to be required over a period of time.Sometimes what happens is that the patient mostly shows the symptoms of second or third layer remedy because the predisposition to the remedy corresponding to the upper most layer may be weak.Hence u may not get the remedy directly from the patient but from the blood relation of the patient.For eg. in one case i could not find the correct remedy after repeated labour.But luckily i observed the younger sibling of the patient who required the same remedy as the patient.Most of times simillimum is same for brothers i.e. in blood relation.The younger brother showed the symptoms of the uppermost remedy more clearly than the elder brother.Therefore you have to be very smart while prescrbing.Besides,u must be able to ascertain the predominant miasm currently in the patient.For eg.if a child is born with psoric plus syphilitic miasm,then most probably he will be under tubercular miasm during his later life if not cured early.This, i am stating from my personal experience.
hpathyisgr8 last decade
♡ kadwa last decade
That is an interesting observation about blood relations. I have almost never seen that in clinic - every family I have seen have all needed different chronic remedies. I wonder why our experiences are different there?
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I will give you an example from one of my cases.
I was treating a lady for a nose softening(syphilitic-destruction of bones).I tried few remedies but could not succeed.Later on i happen to see her child and Eureka!!! i noticed a peculiar symptom in the child that his uvula was touching the tonsil.From boger's repertory i worked out the remedy to be lac caninum.From further investigation i got to know that the child had suffered from diphtheria while he was 1 years old which looked like lac caninum.Futher upon inquiry i also got to know that the child's elder sister had suffered from mumps few years back.Consequently i realised this was a case of syphilis which children had inherited from their parents.I gave the same remedy to all the family members and all got benefited to my pleasant surprise.The lady's nose improved drastically within a few days and children also got relief from their suffering.The father developed fever after the remedy and recovered within few days.So you see in this case it was quite difficult to give the simillimum to the lady but the trick worked for me in the case.Homeopathy is really very dynamic and deep science.I have made quite a few interesting observations in last two years which i'll share later.
Thanks for ur appreciation Dr. Kadwa
I was treating a lady for a nose softening(syphilitic-destruction of bones).I tried few remedies but could not succeed.Later on i happen to see her child and Eureka!!! i noticed a peculiar symptom in the child that his uvula was touching the tonsil.From boger's repertory i worked out the remedy to be lac caninum.From further investigation i got to know that the child had suffered from diphtheria while he was 1 years old which looked like lac caninum.Futher upon inquiry i also got to know that the child's elder sister had suffered from mumps few years back.Consequently i realised this was a case of syphilis which children had inherited from their parents.I gave the same remedy to all the family members and all got benefited to my pleasant surprise.The lady's nose improved drastically within a few days and children also got relief from their suffering.The father developed fever after the remedy and recovered within few days.So you see in this case it was quite difficult to give the simillimum to the lady but the trick worked for me in the case.Homeopathy is really very dynamic and deep science.I have made quite a few interesting observations in last two years which i'll share later.
Thanks for ur appreciation Dr. Kadwa
hpathyisgr8 last decade
It has been observed that members of one family respond well to the group of remedies that are related to each other as per the relationship table.
But it is also true that all polychrest remedies are related to one another as per the Relationship Table. lol.
i like your approach. Please share your other cases too.
But it is also true that all polychrest remedies are related to one another as per the Relationship Table. lol.
i like your approach. Please share your other cases too.
♡ kadwa last decade
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